Glitz Is Becoming The Hottest Lifestyle Blog You Need To Know In Malaysia

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If you’re like us, topics about lifestyle intrigue us. I mean, who else is going to answer our questions about the best places to eat and which upcoming sales to look out for? Thankfully, we’ve got you covered. Introducing: Glitz- your next best friend for all things lifestyle in Malaysia.

Lifestyle blogs are distinct from all other types of blogs. They tend to be more visual in their approach, ensuring that they use high-quality photographs to display their hobbies and interests. A lifestyle blog differs from other types of blogs in that it focuses on personal interests and hobbies.

Launched in the middle of 2021, Glitz by Beauty Insider although quite new, is slowly becoming the destination for everything lifestyle. You’ve got the questions; they’ve got the answers. The site provides insights, pieces of advice and guides to help you navigate through your pressing questions and even some fun quick reads! Let’s take a look at what they have to offer!

What Glitz Has To Offer

The entertainment section of Glitz is all about movies/series recommendations, film reviews, celebrity gossip and more! TV shows, movies, video games, books, music, and anything else involving celebrities are all considered entertainment. What makes Glitz a great source for your entertainment needs is how they’re always giving us the scoop on influencers and the latest pressing celebrity news!

Have a style problem? Maybe you’ve run into the fashion police more than enough times to consider that maybe it’s time to pick up some guides. Glitz has a wide range of topics about fashion from tips on choosing designer bags to breaking down iconic fashion houses.

However, if you want to go back to basics, they offer guides to styling with simplicity and even have news on fashion store sales in Malaysia. So don’t miss out on any of their news or you might find yourself missing out on a bargain! 

Whether it’s spending holidays by the beach, misting in the highlands or cruising under the city lights, Malaysia has it all. That’s why if you’re wondering which hotels to stay at or recommendations on all things travel-wise, Glitz is where you should be at. With that, pack up and read through if you’re wondering where to plan your next staycation at.

We’re Malaysians and if there’s one thing that we’re passionate about, it’s definitely the food. Hence, we’re proud of our delicious flavours and diverse cuisines but with such adoration, there’s always one constant question, “Where to eat?”

That’s where Glitz has all the answers you need. From the best hot pots in town to romantic fine dining with the best view of KL, they’re always dishing (no pun intended) out on amazing recommendations. Now you’ll never have a hard time figuring out where to eat.

The shopping section is every shopaholic’s dream destination. Here they’ve got the scoop of upcoming sales to anticipate and guides to gifting for your loved ones. 

Of course, when it comes to lifestyle, taking care of yourself is just as vital. From advice about personal topics to self-care tips to lead a better mindful lifestyle. Here they provide content that covers a wide range of topics such as mental heal, mindfulness, financial tips and more.

One thing Malaysians are well-known for is being active. Whether it’s participating in sports or making the gym your home away from home- we love working out and staying fit! Here they provide an array of topics such as essentials to bring to the gym to easy yoga guides. Get fit with ease when you follow Glitz.
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The FIRST charitable Cardiac Diagnostic Centre for your Health and cardiac screening

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Salam & hello everyone! Have you ever done a heart screening before? Did you know that heart screenings can be performed even if you don't have any symptoms? It is best that we are able to get the right treatment quickly with regular heart screenings.


But I'm sure we are not aware of that or might have thought that these heart screening packages can be costly. I have good news for you!


MAA Medicare Cardiac Diagnostic Centre established in September 2018 under the auspices of the MAA Medicare Heart Charity Fund is the place for health and heart screenings!

This centre provides affordable screenings to underprivileged Malaysians and facilitates easy and quick access to high quality, state-of-the-art cardiac and vascular treatments at subsidised costs. How amazing is that!

MAA Medicare Cardiac Diagnostic Centre provides quality care and comprehensive cardiac and vascular services and consultation at highly subsidised rates, based on a patient’s socioeconomic background. Their team of 6 consultant cardiologists along with 10 medical and support staff with quality experience, will cater to you. This first heart charity centre is a 12 bedded facility and has the state-of-the-art cardiac and diagnostic equipment. Their location? At Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, Kuala Lumpur, formerly known as Jalan Ipoh.

One of the many services offered is Angiogram. What is Angiogram? It is a diagnostic test that uses x-rays to take pictures of your blood vessels.

An angiogram can show doctors what's wrong with your blood vessels. It can show how many of your coronary arteries are blocked or narrowed by fatty plaques (atherosclerosis) and pinpoint where blockages are located in your blood vessels.

Angiogram procedures are done with CT scans and the service is offered as part of their  VIP Cardiac Care Package.

Now, what is Echocardiogram or ECG procedure? It is a painless, non-invasive way to help check for heart disease. It is a test that records the electrical activity of your ticker through small electrode patches that a technician attaches to the skin of your chest, arms, and legs.


ECG price is included in the Heart Screening package for as low as RM140.00 with consultation, blood test, chests X-Ray and many others. You may

need an ECG if you have any of the following signs and symptoms such as chest pain, dizziness, light-headedness or confusion, heart palpitations, rapid pulse, shortness of breath, weakness, fatigue or a decline in ability to exercise.

Here are some of the packages available that you can check out.




Here are the full list of service they provided :
1. Angiogram 
2. Angioplasty 1x Stent, catheterisation laboratory (Cath Lab) 
3. Angioplasty 2x Stent, catheterisation laboratory (Cath Lab) 
4. Angioplasty 3x Stent, catheterisation laboratory (Cath Lab) 
5. Angiogram and Angioplasty 1 x Stent 
6. Angiogram and Angioplasty 2 x Stent 
7. Angiogram and Angioplasty 3 x Stent 
8. Stress Test 
9. Electrocardiogram (ECG) 
10. Echocardiogram (ECHO) 
11. CT Coronary Angiogram (CTCA) Scan (includes calcium scores) 
12. Computerised Tomography (CT) Scan 
13. Coronary Calcium Scores 
14. X-ray (all except Mammogram) 
15. Miscellaneous such as High Dependency Unit (HDU) beds, cardiologist consultation, medication, blood tests etc.

There are many other health screenings also available at this centre. Why not gift them for yourself and your family today? Good health is paramount!


Check your Blood Pressure; get Glucose & Urine tests done for




MAA Medicare Cardiac Diagnostic Centre Call @ 016 228 1166

WhatsApp @ 016 226 2600

Website : Instagram:



4th-5th Floor, Wisma MAA Medicare.

No.183, Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, 51200 Kuala Lumpur

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Tingkatkan kecantikan kulit & kesihatan badan dengan pemakanan - AFYAA Functional Foods

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Salam & hello everyone. Apa khabar semua? Tahukah anda, kecantikan kulit bukan sahaja dari penjagaan kulit melalui skincare sahaja. Kecantikan kulit banyak juga dipengaruhi oleh apa yang kita makan dan juga cara lifestyle kita. Sab memang setuju sangat dengan fakta ni. Sab do realize that bila Sab banyak makan makanan bergula atau berminyak, kulit akan jadi kusam and jerawat mula tumbuh lebih kerap. Jom ketahui bahan-bahan makanan yang apa terbaik untuk kecantikan kulit kita. Sebelum itu, kita tahu dahulu akibat penjagaan dalaman dalam pemakanan tidak terjaga boleh menyebabkan beberapa masalah kulit seperti berikut :

1. Kulit kusam / tona tidak sekata

Perasan tak muka kita walau pakai makeup, nampak macam... emmm... tak kene je. Walaupun itu lah rutin makeup kita setiap hari yang kita tahu pasti naik seri muka. Kulit kusam ni apabila kulit kita nampak tidak sekata, dan tidak berseri. Selalunya kulit kusam terjadi sebab kulit kita terdedah dibawah cahaya matahari terlalu lama tanpa perlindungan yang betul. Sinaran matahari memang tidak bagus untuk kulit jika berlebihan. Kulit kita memerlukan Zinc & antioxidant untuk mendapatkan seri itu kembali.

2. Jeragat semakin terang / tidak pudar

Apa itu jeragat? Jeragat dalam bahasa lain selalu dipanggil hyperpigmentation. Ia adalah bintik bintik hitam seperti bekas jerawat. Dalam setiap kulit kita memang ada cell melanin. Melanin ni akan jadi lebih terang lagi-lagi bila terkena pancaran sinaran matahari. Dia kan jadi lebih terang dan lebih sukar untuk dipudarkan. Melanin adalah cell yang menyebabkan kulit tampak lebih gelap dari asal juga.

3. Muka nampak lesu dan sakit/ tua dari umur sebenar (aging)

Penuaan kulit boleh terjadi seawal 25 tahun. Oh myYes, antara sebabnya ialah kekurangan kolagen dalam kulit dan juga sinaran UV berbahaya pada kulit. Perasan tak kulit bayi ni gebu licin lembut je! Ini kerana kanak-kanak menghasilkan kolagen lebih banyak dan lebih cepat. Kalau mereka luka, pasti cepat sembuh. As we grew older, kita tak akan produce kolagen sebanyak dan secepat dari kita muda dulu. Antara bahagian yang paling cepat nampak menuaan adalah leher, sebab kira jarang letak skincare di bahagian situ, dan kulit expose to the sunlight more often, walau duduk dalam rumah.

Punca kenapa kulit kita nampak kusam, lesu dan jeragat (hyperpigmentation) tidak pudar.

1. Pencemaran udara

Tidak kita sedar, pencemaran udara especially bila duduk di bandar, boleh menyebabkan kulit kusam dan juga beberapa masalah kulit yang lain. Udara kita mengandungi habuk dan kotor yang halus terperangkap bersama minyak kulit kita. Jika kulit kita tidak kuat untuk melindungi pendedahan ini, akan menyebabakan kulit cepat nampak kusam dan tidak sihat.

2. Diet tidak sihat

Pemakanan tidak sihat memang akan menyebab kan kulit tidak sihat. Kurang makan sayur dan buah is not a good thing! Sayur provide kita fiber untuk bantu buang toksin dalam badan, buah-buahan pula bantu kita mendapat vitamins yang baik untuk kulit kita. Gula, makanan berminyak especially makanan high in sodium akan membuat kulit kita nampak tidak sihat dan bloated.

3. Kurang minum air

Air bantu untuk membersihkan dalaman kita, fikirkan konsep kalau tak mandi pasti kita akan rasa tidak sihat dan kotor. Air putih sangat la membantu badan kita lebih sihat dan pastinya bila badan sihat, kulit pun pasti lebih sihat.

4. Pegang muka bila tangan kotor

Tangan kita sentuh bermacam-macam benda waktu mengurus kan aktiviti seharian, sedar tak sedar kita garu muka kita, pegang muka kita sebelum basuh tangan betul-betul. Ia menyebabkan jangkitan bakteria pada kulit muka yang boleh menyebabkan jerawat.

5. Kulit terdedah dari sinaran UV

Kulit terdedah dengan sinaran UV yang bahaya secara tak sedar. We need at least SPF 30 sunscreen for our skinAt the same time kita perlu memastikan skin barrier kita kuat untuk merendahkan risiko sinaran UV matahari. 

---------- AFYAA RYNDU ----------

Nak tak kalau Sab share ada satu makanan berfungsi (functional food) yang boleh membantu kulit kita cantik dari dalam? AFYAA adalah satu jenama yang menawarkan produk makanan berfungsi yang membantu pengguna mendapatkan gaya hidup yang lebih baik. AFYAA merupakan terbitan perkataan arab iaitu Afiah yang bermaksud bebas daripada penyakit. Mereka mahukan kita hargai kesihatan kita dengan lebih baik. 

Yang paling Sab suka produk AFYAA adalah status HALAL yang disahkan oleh JAKIM dan menggunakan bahan premium yang mempunyai paten dan pengiktirafan. AFYAA was founded by an amazing passionate person and he is Dato' Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, Malaysia's first astronaut! Buat masa ini, mereka menawarkan 2 jenis produk yang boleh dinikmati oleh lelaki dan wanita. Untuk yang suka kan kecantikan kulit, boleh cuba AFYAA Ryndu. 

AFYAA RYNDU merupakan tablet kunyahan yang berperisa madu dan delima. Setiap botol mengandungi 30 biji tablet. Boleh ambil 1 biji satu hari or 2 biji satu hari. Kepada wanita, kalau time period pun boleh ambil sebab dia tidak mengandungi bahan yang boleh mengganggu hormon badan. Lelaki pun boleh makan! If you are a coffee lover like me, boleh juga minum minuman berkafein, tetapi disarankan untuk jarakkan pengambilan AFYAA Ryndu dan minuman berkafein tersebut sekurang-kurangnya 2 jam

AFYAA Ryndu fokus untuk memberi kulit kita nampak lebih sihat dan berseri, lindungi kulit dari cahaya matahari dari dalam (namun anda masih perlu teruskan (penggunakan sunblock pada kulit), kulit lebih menyerlah, dan mengekalkan keanjalan kulit.

Bahan-bahan yang ada dalam AFYAA Ryndu:

1. Ekstrak Yis Torula

Terhasil menerusi penguraian dan pengekstrakan enzim, autolisis atau pengekstrakan air panas. Mengandungi glutathione, asid amino, peptida, nukleotida, sakarida, vitamin dan mineral. Teknologi yang telah dipatenkan oleh Kohjin Life Science, Jepun. 

Mereka adalah syarikat teknologi mikrobologi bagi penapaian yis terkemuka. Extrak Yis Torula dan membantu mencerahkan kulit dan merencat penghasilan eumelanin dan aktiviti tyrosinase iaitu punca kulit kita nampak kusam dan gelap dari asal.

2. Red Orange Comple​​xTM

Ramuan ini terhasil menerusi pigmen oren darah dari tiga jenis buah (moro, tarocco dan sanguinello) eksklusif dari Gunung Berapi Etna di Sicily Italy. Ia membantu kulit kita mendapatkan antioksidan yang cukup untuk membantu kekuatan kulit kita melawan UV sinaran matahari. Dapat meminimumkan sensitiviti kulit, membaiki penampilan kulit serta menghilangkan kemerahan dan hiperpigmentasi kulit.

3. Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)

Ia datang dari ekstrak biji buah anggur. Enzim ada dalam badan kita secara semula jadi dan ia membantu mengawal tindak balas kerosakan radikal bebas yang amat berbahaya dalam badan kita. SOD ni membantu kekuatan badan kita untuk pertahanan antioksidan dalam kulit semula jadi.

Perisa AFYAA Ryndu

1. Madu

Madu merupakan makan sunnah yang memang kaya dengan pelbagai khasiat, ia menjadikan rutin harian anda dengan madu lebih baik. 

2. Buah Delima

Buah delima pula merupakan sejenis buah yang berasal dari Timur Tengah, ia juga disebut dalam Al-Quran sebanyak 3 kali dalam Surah Ar-Rahman & Surah Al-An'am.

Cara makan AFYAA RYNDU :
1 atau 2 kali sehari sebelum makan

(tablet kunyahan)

Perisa: Madu & Buah Delima
Sesuai untuk: 18 tahun keatas

---------- AFYAA HAYYIBA ----------

Produk pertama dari AFYAA merupakan AFYAA Hayyiba. Ia pula datang dalam bentuk sachet, koyak dan terus minum! Kepada penggemar makanan sunnah untuk kesihatan harian, AFYAA Hayyiba merupakan makanan tambahan yang terbaik untuk anda. Lelaki dan perempuan pun boleh ambil produk ni. AFYAA Hayyiba sesuai untuk semua seawal usia 18 tahun ke atas untuk kekal sihat dan cergas.

Tanda-tanda berisiko untuk Diabetis
1. Haus melampau
2. Kehilangan berat badan tanpa sebab
3. Lapar tidak normal
4. Kelesuan
5. Sering buang air

Bahan-bahan yang terdapat dalam AFYAA Hayyiba:

1. Habbatus Sauda

Tidak lain tidak bukan, Habbatus Sauda (jintan hitam) digunakan dalam dunia perubatan dalam sejarah lebih kurang 2000 tahun dahulu. AFYAA Hayyiba mengandungi Habbatus Sauda yang dibawa jauh dari Amerika Syarikat iaitu Thymocid® Ekstrak Habbatus Sauda. Rasa Habbatus Sauda dalam AFYAA Hayyiba tidak begitu kelat dan sedap untuk dinikmati.

2. Peria

Peria diiktiraf sebagai ramuan pemakanan yang ideal dan mempunyai kompaun semirip insulin iaitu polipeptida yang menunjukkan ciri-ciri untuk mengawal diabetes secara semula jadi. AFYAA Hayyiba pula mengandungi Polypeptide-k (PPkTM) Ekstrak Biji Peria dengan 18 asid amino yang menunjukkan taburan semirip insulin manusia (34% homologi). 

Bahan ini membantu mengaktifkan semula insulin dan meningkatkan sensitiviti insulin. Merangsang pembawa glukosa dan menggalakkan penggunaan glukosa sebagai sumber tenaga. Ia juga menyokong kadar gula darah yang sihat.

Selain dari itu AFYAA Hayyiba mengandui bahan lain seperti Extrak Gymnema Sylvestre, Ekstrak Kayu Manis, Ekstrak Mengkudu, Extrak Misai Kucing, B-Compleks dan Kromium. Cara pengambillan AFYAA Hayyiba adalah untuk minum 1 sachet sehari selepas makan. Pastikan habis semua 1 sachet adn jangan simpan. Perisa AFYAA Hayyiba adalah Kelapa Laut & Limau kasturi. Berbeza dengan AFYAA Ryndu, AFYAA Hayyiba boleh diminm seawal 7 tahun. Dapatkan konsultasi doktor dahulu jika anda mengandung atau menyusu. 

Selain dari itu AFYAA Hayyiba mengandungi bahan lain seperti Ekstrak Gymnema Sylvestre, Ekstrak Kayu Manis, Ekstrak Mengkudu, Ekstrak Misai Kucing, B-Kompleks dan Kromium. Cara pengambillan AFYAA Hayyiba pula ama mudah, minum 1 sachet sehari selepas makan. Pastikan habis semua 1 sachet dan jangan simpan! Perisa AFYAA Hayyiba adalah Kelapa Laut & Limau kasturi. 

Cara makan AFYAA HAYYIBA :
1 sachet sehari selepas makan

(Minum terus selepas dibuka)

Perisa: Kelapa Laut & Limau Kasturi
Umur: 7 tahun keatas


Info Lanjut & pembelian boleh la terus ke link di bawah :



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Bantal macam hotel 5 bintang - Quilted Das Abdul

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Salam & hello everyone! Hah! Pernah tak bila korang pergi hotel, lepas tu cakap "Eee best nya kalau bantal ni sama macam bantal hotel ni!" . Banyak bantal claim bantal mereka sama macam hotel tapi trust me, as a housewife, Sab dah beli macam2 jenis bantal, semua tak sama macam hotel sampai la sab try Das Abdul punya bantal.

As you know, produk rangkaian Das Abdul ni mmg terkenal dengan bantalnya, bukan bantal sahaja, ada macam-macam jugak bedding items. Tapi harini sab nk tunjuk salah satu produk bantal Das Abdul sebab memang best sangat bantal dia.

Edisi bantal yang sab dapat ni edition Quilted Pillow. Bantal ni  adalah 2 in 1 pillow sebab diperbaut dengan 2 permukaan Microfiber shell side (sesuai untuk mereka yang sukakan bantal yang rendah) dan Microfiber quilted shell side (untuk mereka yang sukakan bantal yang sederhana tinggi). Paling menarik bantal ni anti bau kepam dan juga mempunyai anti bacteria barrier. Ia mempunyai teknologi fabrik yang boleh serap lembapan dan cepat kering. So korang kalau ada masalah asyik berpeluh semasa tidur, bantal ni sangat sesuai untuk korang.

Bantal Das Abdul Quilted series ni mempunyai isian microfiber, mmg empuk sangat tapi tak lembik/tengelam bila baring. Bila susun atas katil pun nampak kemas je. Bantal ni juga membantu menyesuaikan mengikut keadaan suhu persekitaran. 

Nampak tak kotaknya? Cantikan! Bantal Das Abdul ni didatangi drngan kotak yang exclusive, hah boleh la hadiakan pada mak or kawan yang baru berkahwin ke. Sesuai sangat! Idea hadiah menarik untuk pengantin baru atau hadiah untuk hari jadi ibu!

Terdapat beberapa jenis bantal lagi yang korang boleh check out. Sebab kita mempunyai keselesaan dan bentuk kepala lain-lain kan, so mestila ada beberapa lagi jenis bantal yang boleh menjadi bantal paling sempurna untuk korg! 

Korang kalau nak beli boleh terus tekan link dibawah ni ya!

Korang pun boleh jana pendapatan denagn Das Abdul. Pendaftaran percuma sahaja!

Maklumat lanjut di : 

#dasabdulglobal #bantaldag #bantaldasabdul #bantalqueenDAG
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Sudio T2 Earphone Review

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Salam & hello everyone! Who is up for some new earphone? This is the NEW T2 earphone which is the latest generation of the best-selling Sudio Tolv. As you know, Sudio is one of the best brand out there if you are looking for some good sleek earphones. They have wide range of earphone selections and styles. They certainly amp up their game with a lot of simple yet sleek looking earphone in the market. The price are also reasonable. Now let's look at the main star right here.
As usual, Sudio always send their product in the best presentation ever. It comes in their mailer box, with some notes and branding papers. When I first open the box and reach for the earphone, I felt like I'm holding a soft egg XD. The case has an oval shaped design with a soft matte body finish. The logo Sudio is embossed on the case it self. There is also a string attached onto he side of the case for easy chain on your bag.

When you open it, the earphones are placed nicely and securely on the holds that's also serve as the charge pot (Type C). Which means, every time you place it back, it will charge (when the case is attached on the charging cable). The charging port hole is at the back of the case. There are also a LED indicator for you to see your charging status.
The earphone is pretty small and does not have extra length to it. The buds is changeable, will show you down below on how many options they will provide you.
The earbuds runs on a Bluetooth 5.2 and SPC as their primary audio code. Also you can use them individually where you can use either the left or the right one individually to charge one another. The battery also also about 7.5 hours or more.
One of the best thing about this earphones that they are sweat and splash proof. Great for you who using it outdoors or while doing some sports activities, minus the swimming! hehe Another cool thing about thisearphone is that you can just tap the side to reduce or increase the sound volume.
This is how the box looks like. It comes with the cable charge as well as the Ear tips in different sizes.
So you can customize to your comfort liking.
Round up, here are the full features of this earphone:
Up to 35 hours of battery life, 7.5 hours in a single charge
Beamforming microphones, Active Noise Cancellation (ANC)
Dynamic audio driver with all day comfort
Available in 4 colour : Black, White, Sand, and Jade
3 years international warranty with Sudio SPHERE  

Don't forget to use the discount code to get 15% off! Hope this post will give you a great insight of the earphone and if you want to buy it, click the link below. they ship worldwide!

Get 15% discount code : 
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Best & fast printing media service in Malaysia - Gogoprint (I'm a real loyal customer!)

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Salam & hello everyone! To all business owners or even non business owners out there. Aren't you tired of searching and waiting to be replied when you want to inquiry about printing service? As printing service does not have a specific price out there which they require a specific sizing and material in order for you to get the actual cost right? I have been there. Especially on ad hoc projects which require some stickers, or marketing printing media. Waiting can be really annoying and also as a consumer you don't know the type of material names and such. It can be really frustrating. After 3 years in the business, struggling with printing media that requires manual emailing back and forward, I discover Gogoprint. For real, this have saved me so much money, time and effort. I felt that this recommendation can really help you guys out there as I have been in a very troublesome situations on printing stickers/cards and much more for my business.


From the Gogoprint website it self, its user friendly and it has all the list of printing options you can choose. Sometimes I went and browse to get some inspiration on what printing media I can plan for my next marketing project.
There is even an option to upload your own design, or if you don't have a design, they offer a design service for you. They also provide template if you are not familiar with the exact printing size and artboard for your printing materials. Also, after you upload your printing artwork, they will check and if there is an error, they will notify you. I find this very reasonable and responsible!
Instant quotation and pricing options! This is what I love most. You can adjust your budget according to delivery time. if you want a cheaper options, try to plan ahead your receiving printing materials. My experience with them, they never delayed their shipment, sometimes its earlier than expected! You can also adjust sizing, and materials options to compare the prices which best for you.

Starting something new? You need a business card! Gogoprint offer business card printing at a very low MOQ with reasonably priced point and endless options for your business card needs! From standard card, to recycled paper type card or even cool metal business card
Upgrade your product branding by adding clothes tag and increase sale with a customer loyalty card. They area available in many sizes as you wish!
Create product catalog or your current promotional news with flyers, booklets in different folding types and sizes. They are available in unfold type or ready folded type.
The one of the most popular one, Stickers! You can even choose a custom die cut cutting stickers and even large vinyl stickers.
Round of square, you name it. Different finishing for any sticker printing you need.
As low as 50pcs only can be printed in A4 Size sheet and in different effect such as transparent, kraft or even hologram for warranty stickers. If you are making sticker for your product that requires machine sticking, they also available in sticker rolls forms.
They also can print posters, greeting cards and nice sleek postcard that you can create to give to your customer as a thank you note.
When the season has come, you can also print money packets and wedding cards!
Apart from that they have many many more options, the list is long! You can also check out special merch printing like the tumbler, mugs and even a bookmark. A perfect gift to value your client or customers. 

How to order? Visit Gogoprint official website today!

Visit their sister brand too!

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