My favorite top everyday natural blusher

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Salam all! Mood nk blogging tetiba datang nih. Tengah kemas2 bilik , susun2 balik barang makeup nmpak la yang byk jugak lately ni beli blusher. Sab nak try berblogging balik tapi maybe tukar cara penyampaian dalam blog ni dari fully English ke bahasa yang sab pakai setiap hari iaitu rojak campur bahasa and english sikit2 boleh? So for today, Sab would like to recommend you guys some of my top favorite blusher for every day use. Warna2 ni sesuai for you who have light to fair-medium skin tone. So let's!
The first one is the 4U2 Matte Blusher. I think this one a rebrand of the old version matte blusher they have in the heart packaging. 4U2 ni brand dari thailand and mmg popular dgn range blusher dieorg especially yg cream blush tu. i tried that one but tak berapa gemar sebab how terlalu pigmented and susah nak blend to the skin. I think sesuai untuk org yang suka blend cream blush on bare skin and bukan on top of foundation sebab mmg agak pathy bila blend. So this one actually Sab baru beli jugak but suka sgt warna shade ni. Dia cm brown undertone and sangat ssesuai dgn kulit kuning langsat sab ni. Among all 4 ni paling pigmented, so a little goes a long way. Sab jarang suka blusher yang highly pigmented ni tp this one kinda an exeption sebab warna dia sgt la cantik. Sab beli ni di Guardian outlet Kota Damansara. Harga sab beli about RM33+, Harga betul about RM39.90. - Link webite :

Next is the 3CE Mood Recepi Blusher in #MONOPINK. Love the earthy tone shade in this blusher. Finishing matte, no shipper at all. Lepas tu dia tak pigmented sgt so senang nak kawal blending masa apply. Sucha  sweet and on the go blusher tapi has to be apply above liquid foundation sbb dia sgt lah sheer. I got this from Hermo like last year I think (link shop). 3CE pun ada di Shopee - (link). Harga about RM60-70+. Depends pada sale time.
Third, the MAC Glow Play Blush. I was recommend this by Kak Sally the MUA that we selalu hire for our product photoshoot campaign. This blusher sangat la unique. Kalau Korang perasan, macam ada kemek kat tengah tu kan, sebab blusher ni bukan powder, bukan cream but its like a "dough"> mcm playdoh tu. boleh tenyeh2 and selalu rasa sejuk je tak tau kenapa. So this one boleh apply pakai brush for a very very natuarl finish but best apply pakai finger or sponge. Sponge apa? Of course la Breena Beauty Blending Pearl Sponge, hehe. So blusher ni Sab selalu bawak dlm makeup bag nk touch up lepas solat. You can just use your finger and dap around your cheeks for a natural finish blush look. Oh and this ada hint og glowy finish,bukan basah but a light sheer glisten finish on the cheek. Sangat Cantik. Sab beli ni di MAC outlet but also available online- link. Retail for RM131.00 each.
My most used blusher. Yang ni my 2nd repurchase hah gitew. This is from NARS and nama shade ni S** Appeal. Kat Malaysia shade name ni xditayangkan atas sebab2 adult content. So kat packaging shade ni diberi number 4033. Blusher ni kalau korg swatch kat kedai or tgk directly korg mesti cm ee pucatnya colour dia. Tapi masa my visit there, promoter kat situ suruh I try terus kat pipi on top of my foundation. Bila dia pply kat my face, warna dia terus bertukar jadi warna warm pink natural sangat. Cantik giloss! Sejak dari tu mmg fall in love and terus beli pakai smpai habis. So far onine sab xjumpa any shop jual, maybe kene ke outlet juga. NARS is now available online at Zalora if you wanna know. You can check our promos and deals using Zalora Pormo Codes
Above image show the blusher applied using brush on bare skin & skin yang ada foundation. Mmg on top of foundation nampak lg pekat. 4U2 tu patchy sikit but just make sure lightly je brush bila nk pakai. Sab apply blusher using my favorite B103 Tapered Highlight brush & B104 Cheek Definer Brush by Breena Beauty.
So which one yang you alls paling suka and berminat nk try? 



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