The Top 10 Things to Do in Haiti

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Taking some well-deserved time off? Make sure to pick the right place to go!

The world is full of destinations with beautiful defining features to explore - the elegance of Northern Europe, the style & comfort of the Mediterranean and the tropical paradise of the Carribean.
The Carribean will always stay one of the most popular locations, and for a good reason.

But why Haiti?
Haiti tourism is popular right now. Tropical and subtropical climates provide biodiversity of flora and fauna to explore, along with a rich cultural background.
Haiti is a sovereign country, and geographically, it is located on the island called Hispaniola. Haiti does not occupy the island in its entirety, however. It is sharing the island with the Dominican Republic. Haiti is relegated to the Western side of Hispaniola, and it roughly takes up one-third of the entire area. You can find more information about this beautiful place by writing a paper or you can use the help of  safe essay writing service.

Haiti has a turbulent history as well. Before Columbus discovered the New World in 1492, Haiti was a home to indigenous people — the Taino; and later, throughout the centuries, it was a part of French and Spanish colonies, before eventually proclaiming independence in the 19th century.
You mustn't worry if you have already booked plane tickets to Haiti. This short list will help you arrange a plan to get the most out of your trip.

We'll begin our tour with one of the more popular choices — the Labadee Haiti cruise
Labadee (or Labadie) is a privately-owned resort on the Northern coast of Haiti. Sometimes it is described as an island, but it is, in fact, a peninsula, and still a part of the adjacent island of Hispaniola.
The entire area of the resort is fenced-off from the outside and is protected by security teams. This adds to the seclusion and comfort factor of this resort.

It is important to remember that Labadee is a private resort and it can only be reached by a cruise ship. Tourists aren't allowed to leave the resort as well, so if you're committing to Labadee, you may miss out on Haitian culture and cuisine.
There are some great activities to choose from in Labadee, however.
1) Lounging on the beach
The obvious requirement for a good vacation. White sands, gentle waves, and fantastic views -  Labadee offers many opportunities to enjoy yourself.

2) Arawak Aqua Park
Looking for structured water fun? This option has you covered. Choose from many activities: kayaking, snorkeling, waterslides and swimming among other things. A favorite spot for families with kids.

3) Dragon's Breath Zipline
If you're looking for something a bit more extreme and memorable, look no further than this zip line ride.
One of the longest zip line rides in the world, the ride lasts for about a minute and gives a great view of Labadee and the adjacent areas.
Professional staff will make sure you have the best possible time you can.

Labadee isn't the only thing Haiti has on offer, so if you intend to visit the Port-Au-Prince (capital city), Milot or Cap Haitien, there are some more destinations to consider. Many colonial fortifications remain, and some of them are still in great form.

4) The Citadel near the town of Milot
Citadelle Laferriere is one the biggest fortresses built in the entire Western Hemisphere.
This massive structure was completed after Haiti gained its independence from France in 1820.
It stands tall on a mountaintop that is 900 meters high — an incredible asset for a fortress, having the option repel any ground attack.
It was complete with warehouses, dungeons and other defensive attributes like cannons.

UNESCO made it a World Heritage Site in 1982.
The fortification itself can be considered an icon for Haiti, an unwavering reminder of humanity's ability to build amazing things.

5) The Palace of Sans-Souci
Located in a commune of Milot and constructed in 1813 by a king who was formerly a slave, this palace was left in a half-destroyed state after a strong earthquake. It was never rebuilt. The Palace is a part of the Unesco world heritage site along with Citadelle Laferriere and Site Des Ramier; those three locations comprise the National History Park.

6) Bassin-Bleu in Jacmel
A little oasis that is filled with dense vegetation and complete with a beautiful waterfall tourists can jump from. Hardened minerals give the falls a distinctive blue appearance.
Reaching Bassin-Bleu can be challenging and will tax even the biggest cardio fanatics. You'll need to spend some time walking along the winding paths, be ready for 30-minute walks each way. Being hard to reach lends itself to the exclusivity of the place and keeps it preserved.

7) Musee du Pantheon National Haitien in Port-Au-Prince (or MUPANAH)
Learn about the rich history of Haitian people. Discover important historical figures and browse works of art in the national museum in Port-Au-Prince. Museum guides will add more detail to these exhibits, so getting one is advisable. As a side note, cameras aren't allowed inside the museum.

8) Cathedrale Notre Dame de Cap Haitien
If you ever end up on the main square of Cap Haitien, you will see this well-maintained Catholic cathedral. Clean cobbled streets and the church create an authentic picture of an old colonial town.

9) Marche de Fer
Haiti's biggest market is in Port-Au-Prince. Dating back to the end of 19th century, this structure was abandoned and almost entirely destroyed by an earthquake in 2010. Iron Market was since rebuilt and renovated; it now remains a vibrant place of Haiti's economy.
A place of commerce for local and national businesses.
Make sure not to give in to aggressive sale tactics and glue yourself to your guide; you don't want to get lost in the vast space of the market.

10) Barbancourt Rum Distillery
One of the better-known attractions in Port-Au-Prince, one of the oldest distilleries in the Carribean.
The place where Rhum Barbancourt is made, Haiti's most notorious alcoholic export.
Rum has a distinctive taste, and if it is something enjoy, you may want to give this place a visit.



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