Have your own US address with MyUs | How To & My Review

Hi guys! I have been delaying this post for a while. I did not manage to sit down and blog about this. My back pain is getting worse. My pregnancy due is just around the corner. Phew. Ok back to the topic. As you know I am an avid online shopper and always want something online. But when browsing, not all webstore offers delivery to Malaysia right. So there is this mail forwarding service called MyUs. I knew this when Michelle Phan highlight about it regarding on how to purchase her em cosmetics online and ship anywhere where you live. So basically what mail forwarding is, is that it is a service where you get your own US address. It's like have your own "place" in the United States. So you can purchase anything from the US webstore and ship to the address that you get from this service. Your package will arrive at their warehouse and then you pay for the shipping. Then this mail forwarding company will ship to you using shipping company that you choose, as that is what they do. So I am going to show you on how you can have your own US address with MyUS and my thoughts on it at the end of this post.

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So of course, first of all you have to go to MyUs page and Sign Up. I register for BASIC account. which is 10usd per year. You can go for the other package if you want. I just go for the basic for now on. 
After register you will receive and email. They actually need to review your application in 24 hours but mine was a bit delayed for 48 hiurs so I actually email their customer service regarding my application status and then my application was approved. When it is approve, my debit card was charge with the 10USD fees. 
When my application is successfully accepted, I receive my US address! Weee! So this is the address you key in during check out. Most webstore offers free shipping at certain purchase around US right, so that is kinda great!

So then I did a little shopping at drugstore.com . I purchase above 40usd and i got the free shipping. After 2 days, i receive an email from MyUs stating that my parcel has arrive. 
In my MyUs dashboard I can view my package detail. There is a setting page where you can customize on what you want. In my setting, I tick on the "original package" so they will send what they receive from the store I bought the stuff from on its original box and such. I don;t want them to mess with my box, so I opt for the original package part. This may be a bit problem if you order from several stores as they would need to compile each different boxes to you. The shipping may cost higher I think. After I have go through the detail I click "CREATE SHIP REQUEST" as a instruction to them that I want my parcel to be deliver to my Malaysia address.
Then you will view this below page where you can choose which shipping service you want. The faster it will get to you the higher the rates. Of course I have to go for the lowest rate. I don't mind waiting. I was hoping that they have a better shipping rates, I don;t mind wait for 3-4 weeks as long as I pay less. But they don;t have it, the slowest was 4-5days if I am not mistaken and it cost me 37.76 dollars. It was like my whole drugstore purchase! Pretty expensive to my opinion. Was not expecting this but oh well.
Check all the details and confirm! My package arrive as promise. 4 days. They came in the original box and below is my purchase! Still confuse? Here is a short recap on what I bebel up here.

1st - Register MyUs account
2nd - Get approved and receive your US address
3rd - Start shopping and during check out add the US address in the shipping information form. You can shop at more than 1 store, they will send to the address you have filled in.
4th - Wait for MyUs to notify you that your package has arrive at their warehouse
5th - Check your MyUs Account, view the details of your package on the dashboard
6th - Send instruction by clicking "CREATE SHIP REQUEST" on parcel you want them to send to you.
7th - Choose your shipping option and prefered rates. Don;t forget to check on the other details such as insurance or what so ever stuff on the right side bar.
8th - Pay your shipping fee, using PayPal.
9th -Wait for your package to arrive at your home!
10th - Take an snap chat or insta pic and hashtag #iambroke. lol. this step is optional. haha!

I got all the stuff that I have been wanting to try for the longest time!
My final conclusion is that overall it is a great experience. My package arrive safely, as promise and the transaction was super easy. Only that I really hope they have a cheaper shipping rates and I know it will take longer time but I don;t mind. I'm used to that as I always shop at eBay that usually offers free shipping or cheap shipping with longer days to arrive. So far I had no problem with that.

So far as I convert the price I pay (product + shipping) they are still reasonable and pretty much the same price you can get from sellers here in Malaysia. Maybe cheaper if you buy more and save on the shipping.

I am happy that I have an MyUs account now, so I can get stuff that is hard to find here in Malaysia. Maybe I can shop for things that I really want or big sales that they always have. For example have you hear that MAC Cosmetics eyeshadow refill pan is now 6USD? The original price is 10USD. The price is the same as MUG eyeshadow! or maybe I can get the bag I have been wanting for so long which is the Kate Spade bag. Kate Spade always have amazing sale and that would be a good deal for me. If you have any questions, do leave a comment down below and I will get back to you as soon as possible! Hope this helps and have a great day ahead!

**Update : MyUS saw my post and they are offering a
Premium Membership for free (usually $20) and 15% off your first shipment:

Click here to sign up : https://account.myus.com/SignUp/SignUpG4.aspx?aid=1005194 


  1. Sab..nk order kate spade...nak join!

    1. Mmg nak order tp bukan sekarang haha! tp dieorg selalu buat flash sale, so hopefully masa dia buat flash sale gila2 tu duit dh sedia ada hehe.

  2. Personally, and I'm not trying to be rude or anything, I don't think it's worth adding an extra $47.76 just to purchase items that cost $40. The whole package costs $87.76 which is about RM350. I can buy high-end Sephora brand makeup with RM350 and a lot more drugstore makeup with that kind of money. Instashops sell the real techniques sponge and the maybelline age rewind concealer quite cheap so just giving my two cents here :) Btw, you don't have to order Kate Spade online, it's available in Malaysia

    1. It is my first time try and I did not expect the shipping to be that expensive fyi. as stated i was hoping that they have a shipping fee such as around 8dollars or something like what i used to from ebay. but they dont have it. for example, the age rewind are sold rm65-70 here in malaysia by ig sellers. basically the same price i am paying here.

      yes kate spade is available here in malaysia but they dont have much sale and fyi i am living in johor. i am not living in kl. getting it are just the same price as much cost i need to travel to kl and such. :) maybe you get a different impression since you dont know my background, its okay.

  3. Its so sad how expensive the shipping is :( Then again 5-6 days is considered a relevant for that amount. I think next time can have batch order with a few friends to share the shipping cost haha! But a little extra shipping cost is definitely cheaper than going to the US and not being able to find certain products in stores! Thanks for sharing this! Have heard of myus previously when Michelle Phan launched emcosmetics and had partnered with My US for intl' orders! Glad to know how easy it is to use! :)


    1. True, i really wish there were a cheaper shipping option with longer days. I dont mind tho. but the service is really good, just that it is the price you have to pay.

  4. The shipping rate was surprisingly high. Previously wanted to buy thru this website but when I saw that have to pay for member price, it's stop me honestly. I expected since have to pay member fees so the rate will be cheaper but then the rate still kinda painful and the price is exactly the total of goods you buy. :(

    Maybe you can try, https://www.shopandship.com/ since have to pay member fees, although the member fees is kinda painful 45usd (one time membership) but the rate is reasonable. For first 0.5 kg is 55 MYR and 25 MYR for each additional 0.5 kg.

    1. yep, did not expect it actually. tapi brg dah sampai, so no choice. I have to pay in order my package to be send out kan. yep, the member price was a bit unreasonable. but i just have to try it to blog about it so i can help shoppers out there since a lot of people have been asking me about this thing. it is what bloggers do! haha

  5. Assalamualaikum Sabrina, thank you for sharing... I always wondered how to get things from the US. Currently I know Pos Malaysia has that facility too but I haven't tried it yet. Second is through ShopandBox, they have an ig account if you want to check then out. And I'm in an international swap group over in FB, which basically if u don't want to do a swap with them, I can even ask for their help to get it for me... So those are the options including yours right now. But the shipping quite pricey though... If only drugstore was like iherbs kan senang.

    1. most welcome melissa! i have been reading all of these comments and tu lah, i never knew about that service. maybe i can try that and blog about it and give my thoughts on it. yep, iherb punya shipping pun murah, tp not many choices of products.

  6. Maybe u can try guna EZIpoz..it's quite cheap n no registeration fee..dlm RM70 lebih camtu..kalo guna maybank card dpt extra 20% discount :))

    1. will look forward to that! thank you for the suggestion! :D in shaa Allah kalau sab dah try sab blog about it.

  7. I used MyUS twice back then, they have good service but the shipping is quite pricey (expected!). I've already deactivated my account because I don't shop directly anymore from the US since it's costly to buy personally :'D so I'd rather place my orders on some IG shop these days hihi


    1. tu la, with all the suggestion all these bloggers bagi, i might change in the future. ni kira macam try2 la kan haha. Ig sellers are great choice! tp i selalu lepas batch. bila xde duit dieorg buat batch haha, and i selalu kene ig seller yg xmesra. macam boring berurusan dengan dieorg. so tu yg decide beli jelah sendiri.senang nk buat pilihan.

  8. thanks for sharing Sab :) walao the shipping price make me cry but 4-5 days is definitely reasonable/padan dengan mahal dia tu. anyway i have to agree with you, i rather wait sebulan pun takpe asalkan shipping murah sikit sebab makeup ni kemahuan and it's not super duper urgent to get it fast, unless ada work kena buat pakai tu then lain cerita lah. reading all the comments are helpful, baru i tahu ada a few other options boleh cuba :D pasal IG sellers pun kita sama geng, selalu terlepas batch, masa sale takde duit, hahaha high five sikit!

    1. aah, tula, ada yg i pernah baca, bayar lebih kurang price yg i bayar ni, tp 3 weeks smpai. true2! kan! bila ada duit spree semua closed. XD

  9. thanks for sharin. I dah lama cari cara macam mana nak ship barang online from US sebab kadanag2 diaorang tak ship to M'sia. Hoep if you jumpa other service yang cheaper or easy can share with us ya

    1. Welcome dear, also you can check out other service that the other readers recommend in the comment section here. Hope this is helpful!

  10. hi sabrina. was wondering do u hv any problem with jabt farmasi for the clearance?
    i tried buying from bhcosmetics (1st timer) and then i receive a PINK warning letter from the jabt farmasi in the box stating that my parcel is released for this once only & i can get fine. *sobs*

    1. hi dear, no i don't have any problem with the custom for declaration. custom declaration is very random. usually for small package they will release, but for big or so called "suspicious" box from their sight, they will give a warning letter. bit just go there and declare and explain to them that is for personal use.

  11. gunakan viabox yang lebih murah dan efisien.
    percuma box snapshot
    percuma pembungkusan semula
    dan pelanggan boleh melihat gambar barangan mereka sebelum dipos.
    viabox juga membolehkan pelanggan mendapatkan respon seawal 1jam dr customer servis

    1. thank you! will look in to your suggestion! :D

  12. Salam Sis,

    I came across your blog and wondered, have you tried Comgateway instead? You don't need to pay any annual fee and if you're an avid online shopper (like me) they'll upgrade your account to prime and you'll get your upgrade prime shipping at a lesser price than their normal shipping rates. It takes fewer days to reach too. Maybe you can check it out. =)

    1. Wasalam, I have heard of it but never really have info about it. sounds interesting, thanks for your explanation and suggestion. will look into your suggestion for my future purchase! :D

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hye boleh tnye sket..saya da reg for viabox acc..then for exmple sye nak bli things from.oshkosh baby...kita submit letk address us then cmne viabox nak taw pasal ni?

  14. I dont think the shipping price is too high ! Frankly more than half the products are not available here ! N compare to our Singapore and malaysia ... Prices are still lower or about the same ! Positive is we finally get on hands on producta we have always wanted like forver ! M just gonna order nyx ! 😁

  15. cuba tengok viabox. I think its a better option.

  16. Loved this, great post!
    I actually use US Delivered for my packages. They have low shipping costs, minimal membership fee, and great customer support. You may want to look into them! :)


  17. nice share sis,

    mau ikutan share pengalamanku pake viabox, cukup memuaskan selain karna tarifnya paling murang dibanding yang lain, mereka kasi gratis box snapshot, gratis pengiriman gambar dan mau kemas ulang. rekomended deh.
