Today Baby Expo @ Danga City Mall Haul

Maybe I am just overly excited but oh well. So... I did a lil shopping for something exciting coming up in just a few months. Obviously as you can see from the title and picture above, this would be a different haul from what I used to talk about in this blog. I am stepping up into a whole new journey and I am pretty much excited but scared at the same time. I don't know what it is going to be after this but I am pretty sure it is going to be great and in shaa Allah I can do this! Also as you can see from the color scheme above, we are expecting a boy. haha! No kitchen set or bows and ribbons for now. Maybe in the next 5 years haha! So there were holding a baby expo at Danga City Mall here in JB. Mr and hubby thought of going. So we went yesterday and of course the crowd is crazy. When I went in I was so overwhelm by the crowd and choices of stuff. Luckily my mother in law come along to guide me on what to buy. So here are some of the stuff I got! 
First of all I wanna show you on the most cutest thing I ever picked. Of course its a clothes, it is one of the most exciting things to shop for a baby. It is this cute baby clothes set. It is this 5 pcs set baby clothes and this little cute tiger baby clothes set. The socks has a beads in it which makes a sound when you shake it. Super cute I die. Haha. Also we got a pretty good deal on the Fiffy section where they have these combo set of 3 baby clothes for only RM30-RM30.
Then I got some "kain bedung" I don;t know that I need these, but my mother in law said these are the baby essential. As a first timer, I learn alot about the baby stuff which not only clothes and bottle. There are a lot of other stuff too. So we got a few of the "kain bedung", these days they have in so many patterns where during in our parent days, they just use white cloth. How lucky today kids are! Also so napkin and some cute hooded baby towels. Aaa so cute!
Then I got some washing essential. These are a started pack combo which consist of shampoo, body wash, powder, wipes and more. Is it true about that Johnsons "dangerous chemical" rumors? Ugh, I'm not sure.. :( Also I got some other essential such as bath tub, mats, pampers (we got a pretty good deal for mamy poko!) and more. We still need to get a few things. But maybe we will go to the supermarket or baby shop to bought the others stuff. The expo were too crowded and it was pretty tiring!
Then here is the not so cute stuff but I need it. Haha. It is my post natal stuff. I got this bekung, some socks and these herbs thingy. I don;t know what it is, nevermind. I'll learn later. 
So that's pretty all of it. I has a lot of mix feeling, excited, scared, happy and just don;t know what to expect. I hope my pregnancy journey will continue o be smooth in shaa Allah. Still more to come! The expo was pretty okay to me. There were not so cheap actually, pretty much the same as what you can get in the baby shop. But as a first timer, it helps me to gain knowledge on baby items as they gather everything in one place. There were not so much choices for abby clothes especially for boys. There were a lot of promotions for pampers brand such as Mamy Poko, the new Merrie, Pampers, the milk for baby, educational stuff. So if you are interested, the Today's Baby Expo ends tomorrow (6/3/2016). Located at the Danga City Mall Expo. Make sure to be prepare! It is a full house! :D



  1. I love the tiger set too, so cuteeeeee <3 Baby expo mmg always crowded, x larat nak redah dah T_T Now I prefer buying baby stuff at one stop centre like Manjaku (not sure if JB ada outlet dia) the price is slightly cheaper than other baby shop too!

    1. the sock has beads in it, i cannot tahan! sho cute! XD True, price xde la murah mana. Lepas ni i rather go to baby shop. I rasa macam pernah nampak Manjaku punya shop, will check that shop soon! <3

  2. comel kan brg2 baby ni.. I pun tak terkawal nafsu nk membeli brg baby.. hehe..

    1. kannn! comel sgt aduh.. tp ramai ckp jgn beli byk2 untuk new born. kene beli yg besar sikit tp kene simpan dulu haha

  3. hi sab! i baru perasan entri u yang satu ni.actually my opinion lah kan,better kalau u tak guna losyen/mandian bla bla tu yang mengandungi paraben tau.kalau tanya i,i akan suggest pigeon yang sakura tu. SLS and paraben free. i pun belikan baby i tu..tapi tu pendapat i la..hihihi..semoga semuanya dipermudahkan..

    1. aah tu la, sbb ada dgr rumors tu kan... in shaa Allah aminnn <3
