Michelle Phan Make Up Your Life Book Review

I had this for a while now and I read it a few times. Pretty much more to like flipping and looking though some pictures and read some words in it haha. This retails for RM79.90 and it comes in a hard cover. This is Michelle Phan first book and I heard she is coming out with a 2nd book. I am not sure about that, basically rumors or I misheard it. The full name of this book is Make Up Your Life: Your Guide to Beauty, Style, and Success - Online and off. Basically a book about Michelle Phan journey and along the way she shares her beauty tips. I find that she is an inspiration from where she comes from. So I bought this book as a support and would love to know more about her as an inspiration.
At first I thought this book is going to be filled with pictures and pictorials. On the first & second chapter she mostly talks about her journey and her passion in makeup and art. It was an interesting story. Move along she has a chapter divided into all categories such as Skincare, hair, fashion tips and also about self improvement too. It's a pretty great book but I was expecting more graphic from her. The tips and inspirational stories she shares in her book are really great for everyone especially young girls. My favorite part was the one that she shares about her life journey and tips and "nasihat" she gave to us especially when we are in this whole big digital world. On what not to do to other people and how to be nice. You know hoe many mean people are out there in this internet world right. She even have a topic about how to do job interviews and even how to prepare your resume.
I got mine from Popular Book store, but when I revisit I don't seem to find that they restock it anymore. I find an option for you guys where you can buy it online through MPH here - (click me).