Baby Skin Instant Pore Eraser by Maybelline Review

I got a lot of questions about primer. What is primer? When to use it? Which one is the best? There are tons of primers out there and the choice is a real struggle. They look pretty much the same. The best primer I ever tries is the Smash box photo finish primer. I tried a few but not that much. I don;t usually wear primers frankly speaking. These days I'm all about fast makeup application as I don;t have much time for that layer by layer steps of makeup. Primers is an essential item, it is not compulsory to my opinion because most of the foundation I love is pretty much works great on it owns. I have a lot of request to do a review on this since it has been talk about alot and well it is tempting to buy as the packaging is so damn cute. Primer is a makeup product where you se after your skincare and before your foundation/concealer application. Pretty much a base to all of your makeup. If you are into fine art, primers are like the gesso. It helps to set your skin to a more or better surface for your makeup.

This Baby Pore Eraser by Maybelline claims to help erase your pore appearance. So when you apply your foundation instead if it settling into your pores it will help to give your a smoother finish. It has a transparent gel formula that said will not clog your pores. Helps to smoothen your skin and refine skin appearance. It is non-comedogenic and fragrance free.

My thoughts. Love the packaging. The design reminds me of their baby lips line. This primer does not have any weird scent to it. The texture really reminds me of Smash box photo finish but this has a more gel like texture. As I apply this on to my skin, it does help to give my skin that smooth finish. Kinda like a velvet smooth finish. One thing for sure, a little goes a long way. Do not use it too much or rub it on your skin too much. It be too flaky and ending up you will need to wash your face and reapply it again. It does help to give my foundation a smoother finish but the staying power feels the same. Although it claims not to clog your pores, my own belief is that any type of primers you use, make sure to wash your face extra deeply during the night. Any primers does clog your pores. Overall this is a pretty good primer for a start. It helps to smooth out your face pretty good and helps to smoothen our your skin nicely only that to much of blending and rubbing can cause "flakiness".

You can purchase this at any participating pharmacies such as Watson or online here . This retail for RM29.90 each.


  1. omg I've been looking everywhere for this! Naaaakkkk! <3

  2. How is it compared to the Benefit Pore-fessional?

    1. Benefit Pore professional are more "powdery" to the finish. And it has a hint of color too. this is more like gel texture. But both kinda the same, makes your skin smoother for an even application of foundation.

  3. tak rajin jugak nak pakai primer...ada event, ok la to put primer a bit...but to wear daily, memang tak saja dah cukup...hehehe... *lazy to apply banyak2 in the morning...hehe

    1. aah kan, bila rajin or rasa mcm nk that full makeup look je pakai.

  4. Kena pakai moisturizer ke sebelum pakai ni?

    1. yep, ni dikira sebagai makeup, makesure to pakai all skincare dulu sebelum primer.

  5. hallluu kak sabrina. i love ur writing on make up and skincare product reviews. but it will be super great and helpful if you can categorized them by brand name and put it under one column. keep up the good job!


    1. hi dear, thank you so much for stopping by! in shaa Allah good suggestion dear :)
