Anaria Future V9D Collagen Silk Mask Review

Have you ever tried a mask in a bottle? Check my review for today. I have been suffering from skin dryness due to my pregnancy symptom. I have been avoiding a lot of product to help from my skin getting worse. But a mask I think would help out to give my skin an instant relief. So I tried this Anaria Future V9D Collagen Silk Mask. A mask that has been certified by 126 CPRS test and suitable for any skin type. Dry SKin, Oily Skin, Sensitive Skin and Acne Prone Skin.

It is said that this mask uses advance science and technology development to preserved youthfulness to your skin. It has high concentration of vitamins, minerals and beneficial plants extract that helps to make your skin brighter in a gentle way. 
Each box contains 7 bottle of the Collagen Silk Mask. Each mask is store inside the bottle. It helps to penetrates deeply to the mask so when you use it, you can fully utilize the goodness it will deliver. Love how sleek they look in each bottle. Each bottle is also packed inside each individual box. 
These mask are Preservative Free, sterilized, fragrance free and has natural emulsifier. Each bottle preserve 30ml worth or product. Here are some of the power ingredients it has. 

Hexapeptide - It helps replenish moisture and improve skin elasticity. It promotes synthesis of collagen that help to enhance your skin elasticity by deeply hydrate and smooth your skin.

Nanopeptide - Helps to fade pigmentation and helps to make your skin fairer. As you know melanin causes our pigmentation to be darker, by that it helps to block the melanin synthesis at the first stage and cause inverse synthesis that will leave your skin farrier and translucent.

Tripeptide - Helps to reduce wrinkles and stop aging. A good product for your pre mature skincare. This mask also enhance your skin metabolism and anti-oxidation and scarification. 
 In one of the small box has this thing to help you pick out the mask out from the bottle.
 Here are a little demonstration on how the mask looks like and how to use it. Simply tear off the cap and open it out. You can see the mask inside the bottle. Pick it out using the picker. The mask is very soft and has been layers with another layer of protector (blue sheet). Peel it out and use it straight on your face Don't forget to wash and prepare your skin first before using this mask. Your skin must be clean from any skincare and makeup to help it absorb better.
Use this mask for 15-20 minutes. Better if you just relax while using this mask to help your self feel calm and relaxed. After 15-20 minutes, peel off the mask and massage any extra product on to your face.

My overall & thoughts. First and for most about the application. As the mask are stored inside the bottle, there are pretty soaked. It's a bit dripping when I want to get it out. I love how soft the mask it, it fits on to my face nicely and the best thing is, while using it, it leaves my skin with a very cooling sensation. I nearly fell asleep using this mask. It is so relaxing. There is no overpowering scent to it and I don’t feel any heating or tingling feeling to my skin. Which I really like. After 20 minutes, I peel it off and quite surprise as the dripping has not occurred. All of the product basically really absorb to my skin and does not leave my feeling sticky. I gently massage my skin with the little extra product and it leaves my skin super soft, cooling and hydrated. I really love this mask especially during my really bad skin condition due to my pregnancy symptom. I will continue to use this to help reduce my skin pigmentation. In my before and after picture shown that a significant result in just one use. My pores are reduced and my skin looks translucent. 
To Order & More info go to :
WECHAT: +601139421433
LINE: Anaria Future
WHATAPPS: +601139421433
HOTLINE: +601139421433

Also don't forget to join their monthly giveaway if you wanna grab a chance to win one of these : link



  1. The before picture is just wow! And that is what we called amazing! ;)

  2. Comelnye dah preggy...congrats..drink lots of water and don't forget ur supplement. How was ur morning sickness? is it bad?
    love the mask packaging..but somehow i ni susah betul nak merajinkan diri pakai mask.. selalu je terlupa and last-last tak pakai.
    darling,i did a review about ur face luxe brush. jemput baca ye :). looking forward to get ur new brush soon :)

    1. Pretty bad actually... :( I lost around 5kg already.Thank you so much! will read it now <3

  3. Nice review Sabrina, any idea how much is it retailing for per box?
