SK-II # ChangeDestiny World Launch

SK-II's new RNA Power (right) and RNA Power Essence (left)
An amazing event has be held last week on 20 August at the KLCC Centercourt by the leading prestige skincare brand SK-II. The event lasted from 18 August till 23 August from 10 am till 10pm. It is the SK-II #changedestiny which has marked their journey globally. It is also a movement to inspire women all around the world to go beyond their limitations and be in control to their own successful path. Along in the event visitors get to know more about the brand history and scientific breakthrough with its famous and most love Facial Treatment Essence latest technology an innovation.
SK-II scientist Chen Lu shows the benefits of the new RNA Power boutique
Then they introduce to their newest skincare line which is the SK-II R.N.A Power range. Guest are among the first to experience it. Also highlight celebrating the main ingredient Pitera which has made the best seller treatment essence which is the SK-II Facial Treatment Essence most love by many skincare lovers. Inspire and evolve from the Stempower technology that they have before in among of their products to the latest innovations in anti aging technology, the R.N.A Power rage will replace 2 of their core products which is the STEMPOWER and STEMPOWER Essence to the latest technology mention.

Local celebrities such as Soo Wincci and Marsha Londoh join in and performed at the event. Visitors pledged their #changedestiny stories by writing on the padlocks that also join by both of the celebrities to "secure" the gate. On above picture shows, Soo Wincci, Joanne Yew & Marsha Londoh get to feel the texture of Koji rice that holds the secret to SK-II's iconic Pitera. Yuna Malaysia SK-II brand ambassador which are an international singer and songwriter also shared her journey and relate to the message of the event. She showed that with grit and courage, women can take control to theri lives and turn them around. She was teased and bullied for being to skinny since her high school days, she overcome many hurdles and stay true to herself and become to who she is today.

More info check out these links :


  1. Hi Sab, you just got tagged :x

    1. Ok thank you! will do the tag soon in shaa Allah <3

  2. Wahh.. bila la nak merasa pakai SKII ni.. Hehehee
