Breena Beauty featured in TheSun


Well hello there! *Waving with a shy face on". Yes I know. Where have I been for a week now people! Well basically I just got married if you don't know and had a week for myself and my new room buddy. Lol! Yes, husband to be exact haha. I have been resting for a while. Not really resting actually, still doing lots of things for the past week and today he just got back to work and I have more time alone. So as you can see in the title above, self explanatory! Thank you to Rachel from TheSun for this feature. Apologies once again for any inconvenience causes. Things always clash in between. Like on my previous feature in Hijab Magazine, I was busy with my convocation. And this when I am busy with my wedding preparation. But let's focus on this, Alhamdulilah. How am I not proud of it! God know what journey I have went through. :')
It was featured in TheSun newspaper on 3rd August. Just exactly a day after my wedding day! Haha! We went to a coffee shop and grab "some" lol. Hubby and I was so proud and happy for this feature and it mean world to us. It was just about 3 months since we launch and oh my I hope I could tell you tell whole story of my life about it. It was such a bitter sweet experience and I am ready for more. 

When you are doing something different from what people use to do, some people like to make fun of you. Yes. They tease your product, they make fun of it and they doubted you. They feel forced to support you when you are promoting it up. Where actually you are promoting to the other people or market. They make you feel Focus on the positive side, I am so grateful to have friends and people who supported me from the first. Support with no other reason at all! When I was nothing when I can't see what will happen to me when I quit my job and run this full time. Thank you to everyone and yes, the Face Luxe Brush has sold out! And do follow us in Instagram for the new brush that is coming real soon! *wink* *wink* I am ready for ore adventures! Dragons and Knights! Here I come <3


  1. Congrats Sab dearest! ^_^ Btw, when you said that the Face Luxe Brush has sold out, does it mean you will no longer restock it?

    &&&&&&&&& selamat pengantin baruuuuu! ^_^

    1. it will be restock but may take a while. we give way to our new 3 brush in first. hehe thank you dear!

  2. Breena Beauty's Instagram profile is apparently private huh?
    Congratulations on making The Sun!!! A local beauty blogger with her own line of brushes is something to be proud of!

  3. Tahniah Sab! I am really proud of you and Topek. hehehe Keep Up the good work k :)

  4. Waa. Congrats sab on your wed and your business ! You're such a successful woman, I adore. :)

  5. Congratulations for Breena Beauty and your wedding! Selamat Pengantin Baru. Rezeki Pengantin. Semoga Berjaya dan dipermudahkan! xx

  6. Congrats sab for your marriage and your fabulous product. I'll wait for another product from u.. hehe

    1. in syaa Allah more to come! thank you so much for your support :)

  7. Yayy! Congrats again!

    Btw, I didnt get to purchase the first brush I hope I manage to support the new ones!

    Good luck and have a nice day

    Kamilia xx

    1. its ok darl! your support in words and encouragement are means world to me <3 thank you :D
