August 2015 Favorites

Happy Merdekaaaa! August 2015 has come to it ends. August has been a crazy month for me. I got married, Me and my new life as someone wife. Of course, sharing spaces. If you don't know me, I am a person who has a lot of stuff around. Pretty sums up as a hoarder. Haha. AlrightNow let see what I have been loving for the past month shall weee.

1. Daisy Eau So Fresh - Marc Jacobs Fragrance
I got this from my hantaran gift. If you have been following me since I start my blog you know that I have been wanting this perfume for the longest time. During that time I am a student and I could not afford to buy this. Now I got my hands on it and I just in love with it. It definitely screams me of how it looks and smells. Oh I just love this perfume so much and has been wearing it since I got it. Will do a full feature of this perfume in shaa Allah soon in my Fragrance Friday series.

2. Bifesta Bright Up Cleansing Sheet
Trigger by my lovely blogger friend Mieza for her love towards this makeup remover sheet. You know I can't hold myself with cleansing wipes. I love these type of products. I have been using the Biore Clensing Wipes for about 5 years now, and this came up and I think I should give this a try as a change for something new. Oh God. I love this. Good as the Biore ones but this one has less irritation towards my eyes. The cloth  is bigger and the packaging is very convenient. I really recommend this to anyone who love a water base good effective makeup remover. I wish they will come out with a travel size soon. They are avail bale at any participating pharmacies such as Guardian, AEON Wellness and Watson.

3. Laneige BB Cushion Pore Control
It has a coverage just like a foundation but feels light on my sin. Another thing I like and been obsessing on this product are because it has a very good coverage for my skin! When I am in a hurry I grab this as it has less time to be applied on my skin. This has been rave by many people and I have to agree with them!

4. NeuLa 8 in 1 Tea Tree BB Cream
My skin has been again, buat peragai. I have acne on the side of my face and it is really disturbing. When I have more time, I will use this one instead of the Laneige Cushion. This has a good coverage and i feel more fresh using this BB Cream as for my skin condition for now.

5. Veet Ready to Wear Strip Kit
I love both for the small areas ones and the larger one. This is basally my new discovery. I doubt this product for the longest time and I swear I was blown away when I tried it. It really works! Even on first application, especially on my legs, one snap pull out, all of my hairs were gone. It does not make my skin dry or irritated. Let me know if you want a full in depth review on these strip kit.

For the month of August, I have been obsess on these local home grown girls, DeFam. I freaking love this song! Gives me all of the motivation I need <3


  1. I pon tengah obsessing over #supergirls! I was surprised to learn they were a local group!

  2. I'm obsessed to the song #supergirl as well and so proud that it's from local!


    1. true! first listen it in and could stop listening it till now <3

  3. Daisy by Marc Jacobs ! My Fav too. haha. Well Sabrina, I nominated you for The Beautiful Blogger Award. You can check it here:
    Have a nice day sab ! ;)

  4. Untung la your skin works with that Neula BB cream! Mine doesn't ahaha :v

    Hana Blurbs

    1. yaka... ala.. my skin has less sensitivity to most product. glad it works o me as it serve well during the time i had acne problem.
