30 days from today


Before you start reading this post. I'm warning you that this post gonna have a lot of cheese. So if you don't like it, come back tomorrow for a new product review. Haha. This post would be something more personal, more about me and what's going on with my life as I don't normally update things like this just because maybe I feel that my private life would be better untold publicly as I don't know who is reading. I am a bit paranoid. Is not that I am not happy, but sometimes, not everything you can tell on the internet. We all have a different life and different judgment. It can be hurtful sometimes and what words coming out of people mouth. Can be a prayer to you. Well, some are nice, some are more too, probably hatred. So what is going on right now? Well, in exactly 30 days from now, I'll be someone wife <3 Haha yay! I thought it would be nice to let you guys know about this as it is one of the day I have been waiting for 9 years.

That is why sometimes my blog is not updated, I have been busy with my day job in the early years, my baby which is my Breena Beauty and of course the preparation for my wedding. Well quick note, don't expect anything much as my father is not a Dato haha. My wedding would be simple and just enough for me. I decided to spend all my saving to my business instead of a one day wedding day. Think about the future than satisfying unknown people. But still, I am very grateful enough this is becoming a reality. I meet my fiance back in 2006. Yep. It has been almost 9 years! We engaged this early year. And to be exact, this 1st August is our 9th year together! We meet back in the high school days. Long story. Haha. We did not go to the same school but pretty much our school is near around and there is a story on how we meet. Maybe one day I'll tell you guys. XD We did not get to book our wedding date on 1st August, as it was fully booked all over Johor. So we got 2nd August instead. Well, better than nothing.

Also, this June-July marks the 4th year of my blogging. What is the relation between him and this blog? Basically, he is the back bone of this blog. During our studies year, we are still broke. Super broke. Coins are our best friends. We barely buy new clothes and I would normally spend my money to upgrade my blog and buy stuff to review. Because I want to really be passionate about what I am doing. Blogging is just not in front of the laptop back then when I stayed in KL. I also was invited to go to events too, you know to expand your social networking. But one problem. I normally don't have nice clothes to wear, fuel money and something to impress. Most bloggers come in purdy clothes and high tech cameras. There were me, sitting in the corner, taking pictures using my phone. My mood will start to ball up when someone starts to light my fire "Amik gambar pakai phone je ke?". Well. Ugh. He has been the supporter and has been the one of the people who send me here and there to events, picking up stuff for blogs and encouragement. He is the one who always reminds me it's ok to wear torn flats/shoes to events. It's ok to not have a canggih manggih camera to the events. He always reminds me that it's ok to wear the same clothes to the event. I am not saying I am already successful but from what I have achieved today, Allah knows how grateful I am to be here for what I have. My life is not as sweet as what people would see. I choose to show happy, so people might think I have a 100% happy life.

I meet him when he has nothing. He does not even have a bike. Now we both have cars. Audi A5 and a Volkswagen GTi Golf. Hahahaha! Nah I'm just kidding. (Serious joking ok, jangan cepat spekulasi, have some joke.) I mean, we both have transportation, a nice decent car to go here and there. Another thing, whats a big deal about having a car? Everyone has it too. Well, in my early years with him. We did not have the luxury as other couples. We would wait on the bus stand for a bus, walk by foot and barely have money to eat. We even celebrate our 1st year anniversary at KFC! Hahahaha! For me, during that time, KFC was the most luxurious place I ever was eaten. XD. Back then when we were studying in Selangor, our dating spot would be in front of the hostel by the road sitting on the divider. Watching people go in and out driving cars comfortably. Then we upgraded, he has a motorbike, but during rainy days, we will be soaking wet and wait at the petrol station shaking a shivery cold. We bought a bun (you know the ikan bilis gardenia bun), spilled into two as our dinner. We would buy one plate of rice, split into two and take the free Nasi Lemak sambal as the lauk. I would buy bread and will pack him sandwiches for the whole week as our meal. Is not that our parent did not help, but the fact that we don't want to keep asking about money and we know how hard our parent work for every cent they had. Stranded in the middle of the highway, because of his tire leak suddenly. It was raining and we have to walk 5 kilometers on the fly over until we saw a tire shop. Then, upgraded again to a car. Alhamdulillah, But the air cond is not working. Haha! At least there is a roof above our heads. Then again we upgraded to a decent car and now we both have jobs and pretty enough to have 3 meals a day. Well, that is the 5% things told about what we been through in this 9 years. Some people think we did not have arguments, Well you are 101% wrong. We do argue in some times, jealousy, misunderstanding and much more. Alhamdulillah we both we patient enough with each other and successfully did not have any break ups since 2006. He would always remind me to recite my prayers when we are arguing. That's the key I think in calming down. Glad we survive those adventure years.

It takes a full patient, faith, and courage to all these 9 years. It was not perfect but it is great. This 2nd August would be the day we both celebrate the years we been through together. I hope that we will still keep our faith, patient, and courage to longer years and hope to grow all with him. We have many plans ahead, one of them is our business together. We hope that Breena Beauty and an upcoming business plan will help to improve our life after years of suffering and an empty stomach. As we are staying together after this, it will be easier to manage together. We really want to have a better life ahead. Well, that'an all I think. 30 days left for me. I am excited and I think the there is an eagle inside my tummy. I am very much nervous but still excited. Hopefully, my preparation goes well. In shaa Allah. See you in my next post! To Mohd Tawfiq, if you are reading this. Thank you for being there during my worst and best. (Here cheese to you guys who is reading, sorry! ha ha hah) 30 days to go!!!! Oh yes, Looking for some tips and guide on Malay Wedding, head over to Kahwin.sg. Ok then, Bye! :)



  1. Sab, I was truly touched with what you wrote here. you have it all now but you're still the same girl who are very down to earth, that is why you deserve what you have now. your story about your life reminds me of my own life, you're rite...it's not that our parents have not money. In my case, they did but I did not want to accept to be given so much, I don't wanna be a spoiled child who only knows how to enjoy money they gave. Everything single things you wrote, I felt it. like guna phone for photos on events & everything...but I'm still grateful to have what I have.

    I know I might have said this numerous of times, but you are truly an inspired woman Sab =)
    Congrats for your 30 days to go! ^_^

    1. Learning not to be spoiled is the sweetest lesson in life. We are ready for any bad situations coming. Pat on your back dear! Thank you so much for your warm wishes. <3 I'm inspire by your kindness.

  2. Congratulation..30days from now you will be a wife.Hope you will get ready to be good wife..don't forget share your wedding day ya.For me simple wedding is awesome :-P
    Like me,i'm also new blogger even 4 years and still snap picture with phone..for me what people know about me.wright?

    1. In syaa Allah, thank you so much! hehe sure will share up! true, just use what you are comfortable with. Don't influence by others, sampia masa nk upgrade, baru upgrade. :)

  3. Congrates kak Sabrina!!!! Hope god ease everything. :)


  4. Congratulation sab. Kadang2 bila selalu tunjukan kebahagian di umum, ada bhagian kesulitan yg kita lalui org tak tahu sebenarnya kan.

    1. Thank you Liyliz, betul. Susah nk terangkan sebab dieorg tak nampak.

  5. Congratulations and all the best for a blissful wedded life!

  6. Alhamdulillah and kita doakan awak sab! mudah-mudahan segala yang dirancang berjalan lancar! amin :) krim salam topek. lama tak jumpa!

    1. thank you nanie for the never ending prayers. in syaa Allah! <3

  7. i love you girl, you deserve everything and anything in this world. Can't wait for your big day, miss you!! xoxo

    1. Thank you so much! i miss you so much only God knows how much! Shooo muchh!!! see youuu!

  8. from day 1 i met you, you're always an inspiration to me and you will always be my number 1 idol ^_^ i'm so happy for you Sab, in everything. i agree with what you said above, that what we showcase to the world is just 1% and being the positive minded person we are, we don't really showcase our hardships because for what? we share happiness, make it spread contagiously so that it can make up someone's day regardless who they are :) people might see "mewahnya dia makan / mahalnya dia shopping / untungnya dia ada kereta" but people never know what shit we went through kan. All the best to you Sab and Topek, I wish you both the best that Allah will give and the best of what you deserve. keep on inspiring okay? Love you!

    1. that is so sweet of you and i am much surprise to be someone inspiration. thank you so much mieza! never regret the first day we meet back in the silkygirl event! hehe, jodoh! everything is possible in this world except satisfying everyone. It is impossible to satisfy everyone and even tho we explain, people still fabricate kan. will do, i am also inspire by your kindness! <3

  9. Baru sempat bace cite Sab...more or less the same with my love story..from nothing to something..Alhamdulillah...from that nothing la we truly know how to appreciate everythingkn...congrats sab...moga Allah permudahkn everything dunia akhirat...BTW, missing you lotss

    1. amin.. thank you so much iqa! i miss you lotssss!!!! <3

  10. Congratulation Sab :) very happy for you n future hubby <3 semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan aminn

  11. 9 tahun? lama tu.. Selamat Pengantin Baru in advance!:)

  12. Finally Sab !!! I am happy for you ! 9 years worth it . Don't feel paranoid , we would love to read about your life !

  13. Alhamdulilah im happy for u as well. semoga berjalan lancar semuanya amin.. :)

  14. 2d August? you will have the same anniversary as I do!! Many many congratulations Sab.. Our hardship will make us stronger and you need that strength to have a great marriage..semoga berkekalan hendaknya..ameen

  15. Hi Sab.. I'm so inspired by your story. I'm feeling a little bit down nowadays and I can't really focus on what I'm doing because I did not get the outcome that I wanted. Based on your story, I know that I have to keep on doing my best and hope for the best. Congratulation Sab. U kahwin masa birthday I.. Hehe

  16. congratulations!! may your new life in the world of marriage always be full of Nur and shared growth 🌟

  17. Congratulation sweetie, Im wishing you the very best in your upcoming project & your weddinh of course, Amin <3

  18. Yay! Tahniah, Sab. Tak sabar nak tengok Sab kahwin nanti. Jangan lupa upload gambar banyak-banyak tau! :)

  19. Congrats on your wed Sab ! Hope everything's going well :)
