How earn money when shopping online


My addiction. ONLINE SHOPPING! Tell me about it! I have this weird habit of more likely to spend online than shopping in a real store. For example. RM30 worth of lipstick at a pharmacy for me is expensive. RM30 in an online store? A deal! Crazy right. Haha. So how do I have an alternative to have maybe... or some saving while shopping? You heard me right, saving while shopping. It's legit I tell you lah! So recently I discover an amazing website. I saw this kinda website from some YouTubers but they are USA based. Gladly, we have one here in Malaysia and it is called ShopBack Malaysia
So what is ShopBack? A basic introduction about ShopBack is where you will get a certain amount of money that you have spent in an online store. Not only that some deals, you can also get discount too. Discount + Cashback. How cool is that. Earn & save while shopping. Best of both world. eeek! So I am going to show you a demo for you to understand more and thank me later.

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First of all of course you have to register. Easy, I just use my Facebook account. Within seconds, I got my verification email and I'm in. So back to the website there is tons of brands such as Zalora, Lazada, Rakuten , Ensogo & many more brands on the front for your easy viewing. You can also search your favorite brand in the search box located on the left side there. In this demo I am going to show you my experience on my transaction on how I got my awesome deal and cashback from shopping at Zalora. I am aiming for a new baju raya. Mihmih. So as I was scrolling I saw this deal as shown in image above. 18% for all Pre Raya clothes & 16% cash back? How awesome is that! So click on the red button "Get Cashback"

Before proceeding there will be a reminded to ensure that you follow the right step to earn that cash back. Which is, some of them are - if you are planning to use another code, this cant be done. Also make sure to complete your transaction in the same window. That means in the same browser. If you happen to click "X"/exit and went back to the page manually. You will not get tracked.
So make sure to start back from the Shopback link and continue shopping.

When you are redirect to the online store, there will be another reminder and a process loading page like above picture. It shows that you are linked to ShopBack Malaysia for the cashback.

Browse as usual. Reminder - Make sure they are in the same tab ok! Find something you like, add to cart like you normally do, and proceed to checkout if you have done shopping.

As mention above in this deal they also offer me a 18% off right? So use the code given in the ShopBack page. As you can see in my total above, the price has been deducted. Free Shipping some more! Awesome lah! Now all I have to wait is my cashback. Will brief about it below.

While waiting, you can still go back to ShopBack and shop more! I literary wanted to cry with joy when I saw they have The Pop Look in their website. It's my favorite clothing store! So apa lagi. Hahaha! 5% cash back ok! So the process is the same. Click on the "Get Cashback" and I will be directed to the website and then I will start shopping.

Cash back usually will be in your account within 2 days. But mine came within 1 day. A few hours from the time I made my purchase, I receive an email about my successful cash back. When I check back my account. Tadaa! Look! I just made some saving! Weee! I think I am going to be addicted to this.

Here is the snippet of my email regarding my cashback :

So.. when I get my cash back. How do I use it back? For Malaysian users, you will get paid every end of the month. Here is what the full description from ShopBack :

"Your cashback earned can be transferred to any Paypal account or most local bank accounts. We aim to transfer your cashback to you as conveniently as possible. Click on the “Cashback Details” button on the left sidebar and navigate to the “REDEEMABLE” section. Check your redeemable balance and request for a cash out of your balance."

but it also depends on the merchant. for example  for Zalora, cashback is redeemable within 50 days or days specified on each offers/merchant page & also return policy. So make sure to read the terms if you are in a hurry. Once it is "Redeemable", you can cash out at the end of the month! 

Let's do some math for the Baju Raya I bought from Zalora that is also by ShopBack.

Actual Price : RM119.00
- 18% Pre Raya Discount : (RM21.42)
- Cash Back from ShopBack 16% : (RM5.74)
MY FEELING RIGHT NOW (psss... more shopping for me!):

When someone says. "Weh! Saving la sikit!" "Well I am saving while shopping! :P"
So remember, after this, go to Shopback first before start shopping.
Did I mention these are available at ShopBack Malaysia:
and many more....
So what are you waiting for! Sign up now! Its free!
Instagram: @shopbacksg
Twitter: @shopbackmyBlog:

*Pictures are credit and obtain from  Shopback/We heart it


  1. Shopping online is my addiction too. Great tips dear and thank you for sharing!
    Have a lovely day

  2. Oh goshh!! thanks for the info Sab! when I saw SaSa is available on the know there's no turning back for me hahaha.. <3

  3. thanks 4 info :)

  4. a million thankss sebab share pasal ni! excited pulak sebab sy memang pembeli tegar online! mueheheh.. btw, nice to meet u dear! sy follow awak, do follow me back ok..! =) happy fasting!

    1. most welcome dear! high five! kita geng sebab suka online shopping! hehe happy fasting to you too :)

  5. This is so cool! Thanks Sab for sharing! I think lepas ni ramai la yg addicted nak shopping after reading your post here.hehe :D

    1. haha *evil laugh* lol! i have been addicted to this!

  6. oMG !! great idea ! now i feel sad shopping before this without getting the cash back !
