3 Trending Korean Products | Sapphire 218 Haul


Annyeonghaseyo! Well got to get into the vibe for today topic! I am not a K Pop fan but I can't help my self to be in the craziness of Korean beauty products. They are just amazing and innovative. I will be showing you 3 of Korean trending products. There are more but I will sort it to 3. All of these products I got it from a local online srore that offers variety of Korean & others beauty product and it is from Sapphire 218. Be sure to check them out! So let's get on with the list! Watch my video below!

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1. Jar Mask - Doctorcos Amino Acid Hybrid Sheet Free Mask Advanced (110ml) - link
Of course. Mask. other than sheet mask, the trend is going on with these kinda jelly like mask. Promotes long list of benefits that you could ever ask for. One of the most popular mask is this Doctorcos Amino Acid Hybrid Sheet Free Mask Advanced. Features a unique water droplet texture when you rub into your skin. Also since this has been around for good, I discover there is a fake DoctorCos. I am getting the fake one later and will update you on the comparison soon! Apply this mask generously on to your face and let it set on your face for 15 minutes. Rinse it off with water. Or you can also use this as a moisturizer/ body lotion too! It gives me a tingling sensation when using this especially on areas where I got some zits. After rinsing it off my skin feel fresh and really hydrate.

2. Sherbet Cleansing Cream - Banila Co Clean It Zero (100ml) - link
Sherbet or also we can call sorbet that is fairly knows as a delicious shaved frozen fruit. But this one is not edible. Why it is called sherbet then? Because this cleansing cream have a texture of a creamy and solid cream that looks like a sherbet. It is a oil-based cleanser that starts off solid and then deliciously melts onto your skin and effectively cleanse your skin from makeup, impurities and dirt while hydrating the skin. Most cleansing product for makeup are in the form of water & oil. This one from Banila Co are different with a purpose of cleansing your face from dirt but at the same time keeping your skin hydrated and away from stripping your natural skin moisture. One of the most raved product on this category is this Banila Co Clean It Zero. 

3. Lip Tattoo - Skinaz The Kissable Lip Tattoo 24H - link
Yes. Lip tattoo! Not a permanent one ok. Not that one. Have you seen these review where these people actually peel of these thing like a mask from their lip and they look pretty crazy but the result is amazing. The point of doing this is that it act like a mask. Where within minutes its gonna leave you with the shade that you choose, It would not leave you with a layer of product that is mostly transferable when touched but a thin layer of color that will give you long lasting color to your lip. Skinaz The Kissable Lip Tattoo comes in 6 shades to choose from and mine is in Sexy Red. *whistle~*. It is a gorgeous red with deep pink undertone. It's really fun to use this. As I apply in on my lips, it gives me this cooling sensation that makes me just wanna pout ma lips. *duck face*. Be careful not to taste the liquid as they taste stink. It is really easy to apply I swear! Glides just like a lip gloss. Leave it for 5 minutes and then you peel it off. Result? Red tint sexy lips that is eating proof!



  1. So thattssss what the Banila Co Clean It Zero does! I was always wondering but never really dived in to know haha! Thank you for sharing Sab :D

    Hana Blurbs

    1. haha glad it help! thanks syaza for dropping by <3

  2. Sabbb asal comel sangat nii !! Tubbie pon sebok nak interprem hahaha XD ❤ ❤ ❤

    1. hahahaha.. tu la, pastu nk tenung org macam tu. hish! XD

  3. Sab!!!! banyak gila improvement dalam confident level in public speaking! love and miss you!

    1. Hiks hiks! thank you nanie! love and mishhh u too!

  4. Yeah..i am crazy about korean beauty product too..have u try laneige bb cushion?

    1. i havent, but i heard so many good stuff about it <3

  5. kenapa mesti ada lori sampah lalu XDD

    1. tu la.. hahaha.. kuat pulak tu dia bising kat belakang.
