Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser Review


Remember my post on Instagram about how I have loved the Cetaphil cleanser that day? I tried their Gentle cleanser in the trial set and now I got myself a full size one! I wanted to try something that is mild and gentle on my skin. I heard so many people raved about this in YouTube and other reviews online. A little introduction, Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser is a mild and has a non-irritating formulation that soothes skin as it cleans. It's also said it is gentle enough even it is safe for babies! Aww! Haha! So it is great for anyone who have delicate skin or sensitive skin.

I don't have a major sensitive skin but definitely see a great improvement when using this cleanser. After a whole lot of chemical products I have put on my skin such as makeup and stuff, this kinda soothes my skin after that. It's not like other normal foam cleanser as it  does not strip your skin natural oils after cleanse. It’s great when use but in a long term, it will rip off your natural skin balance. So you know the drill here.

This cleanser also does not have any overpowering smell. It's pretty straight forward. The bottle is pretty huge and dispense product easily. Now let’s talk about the texture. It is a jelly-like texture that rubs in like a lotion. Surprisingly it also removes my makeup residue pretty good. It does not leave my skin to be that "squeaky clean dry" thingy, but just as moisturize as it would be. To you who have experience dry skin after cleanser or irritation, you got to try this Cetaphil cleanser!

Name : Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser
Price : RM59.25 | 500ML (RSP with GST)
Net Weight : Available bottle sizes: 125ml, 250ml, 500ml and 1 ltr
Where to buy :  Watsons, Guardian, Caring, Vitacare Pharmacy and Aeon Wellness

Have you tried Cetaphil Cleanser?
More info : 


  1. Your blog is so inspiring!! I'm new in blogging and I just found your blog yesterday. Can't believe I'll say this but I seriously can't stop reading all of your posts. I enjoy reading them. You are truly amazing Sabrina x Hope you will drop by at my blog anytime soon hehe ^^

    1. You are the sweetest! thank you so much! keep on blogging dear!

  2. anis selalu perasan jugak catephil in dalam video youtuber oversea. harga cam berpatutan ..

  3. Azwar baru nak cuba pakai cetaphil cleanser ini, ramai yang kata bagus :)

  4. cool sharing! kak sab pun still searching for that. right now tgh test bio oil. i'll let you guys know if it works! :D

  5. But it contains paraben. Is it good for a long term use?

    1. i see that one of the paraben is called Propylparaben. Its a some sort of natural type of paraben. Not sure about the long term use, but I hear users has been use this for years. You decide <3

  6. Hi sab. I dah guna face wash ni dekat 1 year. Penah jugak tukar tukar clenaser tapi at the end mesti stick dgn Cetaphil ni je. kulit I jenis dry, lagi2 klu kurang minum air lagilah rasa kering and kusam je. And to reduce kulit kering tu I guna moisturizer brand Rosken (tube biru pekat) dgn brand Simple. Antara dua ni la pelembap yg selalu guna. Both are okay and highly recommended.

    But Cetaphil, no doubt! Try try try and consistence.

    1. hehe kan, one of the best cleanser out there. banyak jugak yang suka dengan cleanser ni.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. i dont have a specific ones but try to pick cleanser yg foam pun ok.

  9. Hi kak sab. This is my first time reading ur blog n its kinda interesting. Btw, ive been wondering whether its better to use this cetaphil product or hada labo mild and sensitive product ? Bcs i hv a sensitive and oily skin. harap kak sab can help me 😄

    1. hi dear, choosing a brand is very subjective to each person. sebab I don't really know what your skin are used too. but mostly I heard cetaphil are the best skincare for sensetive skin. hada labo pun best, but maybe I recommend trying the cetaphil first. both ada trial pack tak salah kak sab.

  10. hi kak sab, cetaphil ni ada 2 types kan. i mean 2 types tu like the one you recommend kat gambar tu is good for oily skin and ada lagi satu produk cetaphil cleanser yg utk oily skin jugak. cuma yg dkt entry atas tu dia state yg suitable for all skin types. yg lagi satu tu only for oily skin. so which one u think i should use? the one yg suitable for all skin types or only for oily skin? teringin nak try but tengah consider! :)

    1. since this product is not foamy, very natural. mmg okay for all skin types. depends on your skin jugak. kak sab pnya skin is normal to combination. maybe if you have oily skin, go for the oily skin.

  11. Kat mane boleh beli pencuci cetaphil ni ye?

    1. kan ada mention kat atas tu sayang mana nak beli.... :)

  12. Cethapil ni boleh hilang kan jerawat ke?

    1. cleanser cetaphil ni xberbuih, dia sgt gentle, so dgn penggunaan yang kerap, dia dapat hilangkan bacteria dan kotoran dikulit, at the same time acne akan heal.

  13. Hi, i baru je guna cetaphil few days. Tapi kenapa jerawat kecik2 mcm jerawat pasir ni muncul�� Is it how it works? Sbb before ni i used local products (well you knw byk chemical) Normal ke eh if naik jerawat kecik2 ni?

    1. HELLOO! Im going through the same problem right now. baru stop pakai local product dan switch ke cetaphil but jerawat kecik2 ni tumboh, is it how it is, or my skin memang tak kena? apa pengelaman you?

  14. hi, saya pengguna cetaphil oily skin cleanser almost 3 weeks. kulit saya berjerawat teruk, breakout lepas guna local produk Nour Ain. Since then sy guna skincare dari Dermatology ni but still no improvement. then sy buat research found out ramai suggest cetaphil, n adik sy pun cadangkan cetaphil juga. sy redha da malas nk fikir da then sy end up pakai cetaphil. Alhamdulillah sehari je sy pakai rasa calming sgt.. makin lama makin surut. cetaphil is the best !
