Rub Rub Body Oil by Gula Co. Review


Yass, another Gula Co review for you guys. Today I am going to review the Rub Rub range. Pretty cute. Rub badidab dab dab dab~. It is an intense body moisturizer that would great for people who have dry skin. Or just wanna look sexy infront of your hubby. Muahahaha. Ok stap! The Rub Rub range comes in 4 different options to choose which is Un-scented, Calming Blends, Uplifting Blends and Cooling Blends. These body oil comes in a pump bottle. Pretty convenient but since it is an oil base, it gets pretty messy sometimes. So here are my thought on each option they have in these Rub Rub Body Oil ranges!

Un-scented (yellow)
My least favorite scent haha. Because it smells like olive oil. But if you like the scent of olive oil this is good for you. This one does not have any cooling sensation or what so ever. Pretty basic with lots of hydration properties and moisture.

Calming Blends (red)
This oil reminds me of that "spa" scent I usually encounter. Very calming and mild. Perfect as it is named. 

Uplifting Blends (green)
It has an uplipting properties. Made from Geranium, tangerine and Rosemary,

Cooling blends (blue)
My favorite! I love the minty scent it has, and a slight cool sensation when I massage it in. The scent are from Peppermint, Lemon and Rosemary.

These body oil are made from 100% natural products such as Avocado Oil, Vitamin E and B6. It is not formulated with any Paraben, perfume, mineral oil, alcohol and coloring. Wuuu. Pretty nice. This works great on me when I just shave my legs, and it is the time when my skin is very dry. This also works great as a massage oil. You can use it to massage your whole body for that nice curvy and contour body. *WHISTLE*. And also if you have very dry hair, you can use a drop of this for your hair too. 100ml is a lot. One pump goes a long way! Jimat ya alls! So check them out if you are interested!

Name : Gula Co Moiste Lip B:am
Price : Intro price - RM22 until 30th April 2015, After that, RM33
Net Weight : 100ml
Where to buy : | Whatsapp & Telegram : 0197714780

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  1. Does the bottle get oily after dispensing the product? Because I hate it when it leaks.

    1. sometimes it does, when i dispense too much. since its a plastic bottle, it get oily all over quickly, but a quick clean with tissue paper will do.
