IKEA in Johor Bahru, Johor?


Hey guys. What up! I know again and again. No post for a week. Sorry. Super busy as I am about to reveal something soon. Oh my God. I can't wait. The stress I have to face juggling many things in one time just to make sure every thing is in plan. Except for my blogpost. I promise, after this I may post daily. In shaa Allah. Still drafting a few product review in my blog. But today i am going to post something different. Just a casual post that I want to talk for a very long time. As you know I am a big big big fan of IKEA. Literally the only company I want for my home furniture. Just the best! As I drive around town to Tebrau Johor, I saw this building. 

This building was build and kindly like "attach" from the Jusco Tebrau City. From what I hears, IKEA is going to open its 2nd outlet around Jusco Tebrau City - source. It has been in the news (around blogs and website) about Ikea is going to open in Johor. Which is GREAT news to me since I already moved to Johor. Is this building could be a good sign? Is it nearly to the real opening? Hm... But the building looks like a parking lot to me. Maybe its too early to judge. According to Vyrec too, that it is not a rumor and it is about to happen. Eeek! I'm so happy! Glad all of these awesome shopping mall open when i already have job. It means I have my own money to spend. Haha! Oh well, just hope for the best! I really want Ikea to be here in Johor. It I happen to have my own home in shaa Allah in the future, I have a nearby Ikea to visit! Oh, meatballs for dinner too! Yums!

***Updated info : Turns out the building is now a Jusco Tebrau City extra parking lot. Not ikea.. :( *Cries*

Top pictures from : Wikipedia


  1. OMG really?! I always pass by this and I thought they are expanding AEON and I didn't know that IKEA will be included! That's a really great news for JB people! By the way, can I know where are you staying? :)

    1. But it looks like a car park to me. not sure if this is the building but many have said confirm Ikea is going to open around here. Hope there is good news! I live around masai area. :)

    2. OMG really?! I live around Masai area too!! Who knows we might study in the same SMK last time! (I studied in SMK Dato Penggawa Timur) ^^ Maybe we will bump into each other on street next time hehe!!

    3. yes...its 100% aeon carpark!!
      no ikea there

  2. IKEA is a quite fun place to explore the amazing furnitures! Glad that ikea is opening another branch. People from afar don't have to come just to buy a furniture. Great post . :)


    1. yep, it will also reduce the traffic there since its the only ikea in malaysia.

  3. If IKEA happens to be in Johor, I'll be super jealous!! hahah..anyhow, it's awesomely good for you tho :)
    I wish IKEA's here in Kuantan! T_T

    1. Hehe, maybe you can pay johor a visit in the future! ;D

    2. Bahahaha! Come to Johor just for the sake of IKEA?

      *well, I might do that* lolol!! ^_^

  4. I'm always puzzled when people are talking about IKEA. Sad me, I've never been there and eat their famously known meatballs xD At least kalau betul IKEA buka kat Johor, dekat sikit nak turun dari Melaka kan ;D Hehehe~

    Moreover, I don't have to spend lots of time in the car for traffic jams :D So let's pray that IKEA will open up a new branch in Johor ^_^

    1. you have to go there! trust me you will love it!

  5. Wahh!!bestnya ! Tp dalam construction lagi tu...

  6. Dear aritu tengok kat board katanya car park 4 tingkat T.T
    hope sangat bukak ikea bila terpandang terus luluh hati sedihhh

    1. maybe car park untuk ikea? lol! ada harapan tu! hehe

  7. Aaaaa... bestnya! Jeles ni... Hehe.. Harap nanti IKEA ke Borneo pula. ;)

  8. Seronoknya IKEA nak buka di JB. Harap lepas ni di Borneo pula. :)

  9. Ikea just announced them opening in cheras. Which is weird, coz damansara n ikea is hardly an hour away..they need to open outlets at other locations, like jb or penang! A bit weird tho.

    Oh anyway, now i have an ikea near my house n near my mum's house..er..

    1. kan.. *nangis* masa belajar sana dulu tak ada... nk pergi damansara jauh... they should just open in other state too. at least cheras people can go wlauapun jauh sikit

  10. Bestnya..yg kt png ni ntah bila la nk bukak...bgunan pun xnmpk rupa lg.stress betul klau pikir...hihi

  11. Lepas ni slalu la Sab outing kan.. Pergi IKEA.. hehehehehe...

  12. Ikea will be opening in JB soon. Interested party can apply accordingly

  13. any more news or update ?
    how is construction of IKEA status? When is the grand opening? Can't wait to go shop!

    1. Not sure, but surely there is a chance since they have posted a vacancy for ikea in job street like what Fain W said above <3

  14. Sigh.. u know what? I heard about this before the openning of Aeon Tebrau City. It's been 10 years already... still no sign of the beloved Ikea.

    1. same, alot of rumors said it was suppose to be beside jusco tebrau, turn out to be a tesco. haha

  15. lots of news that saying that IKEA management approved the Tebrau IKEA planning
    now they dealing with MBJB
    someone knows ppl inside ? XD

    1. thats why... haha! we need news! hopefully after they successfully launch the cheras branch, its time for the johor one. :D

  16. i think the rumours will make a sense.

  17. I found this...http://tjarc.com/15-ikea-tebrau-sc.html

    Not sure if it is still the plan.

  18. betull.. kt jobstreet da cari pekerja pun utk ikea tebrau ni..

  19. Yes it a very good location. It been a long time when I knew the news. Im waiting to bought a kitchen trolley for my kitchen. Hope it come true very soon.
