Ko Dermacare Skincare Products Review


This post is long overdue. Actually I have pay a visit to Dr. Ko skin Center back around early this year as you may have read later in my next post. I had a skin treatment as I had a bad acne going on due to trying new products early last year. You may see that my bad skin during my Dettol PH Balance video. After the skin treatment I was given these skincare product to use after the treatment and they serve me very well. Let's get on to what they suggest me to use from their own skincare products develope by Ko Skin Specialist them self. You got to trust the doctors! hehe

Purifying Cleanser Gel
This is a gel type of makeup cleanser. At first I thought it was a oil makeup remover. I was wrong. The color does look like an oil type makeup remover. I am not a fan of oil type makeup remover as they always so troublesome. But this one is different. It literary removes almost every thing. This makeup remover was recommend by the beautician for me as during that time I had a very bad breakout. A light gel type makeup remover is more suitable for me.

It is describe as a cleansing gel that is enriched with botanical astringents and moisturizing ingredients that thoroughly removes facial impurities and all facial eye makeup with one gentle application. Skin is actively conditioned and remains hydrated during cleansing.

Ani Acne Mist.
The second product they gave me is this Anti Acne Mist. Its a water like product that comes in a spray bottle. It is tailored to reduce and treat acne, skin rash, blackhead and all sorts of spot problem on your skin that has been caused by infection in the skin oil glands. This Acne Mist penetrates deep into skin tissue and stops bacteria metabolism rapidly.

I use it like a toner. Spritz it on my face and gently wipe it over with a cotton pad. It leaves my skin refresh but not as light as a toner like feel if you know what i mean. It also can be use any time of the day just like a refreshing face spray. I usually concentrate on my trouble skin area. It really soothes my skin.

Vitality Purifying Essence.
Sorry bit at first I thought this was a deodorant. haha. But it is not a deodorant. It is an essence. It is a PH Balance Formulated. It helps to balance out oily skin and boost up efficiency of the next moisturizer that I'll be using. It has a watery like texture but just a little bit thicker. Easy to blend on the skin too. The scent is a little bit off, it is more like a nail polish remover. But the thing I like about this is that it sets to matte and it feels so nice on my skin.

Aqua Hydrating Moisturizer.
This another one of a kind texture of a moisturizer. It dissolves into water when I blend in. Super light weight and describe as a soothing cream. I have a combo skin and this works just okay for me. I think it works really well on very oily skin. The hydration is pretty good but during cool surrounding, my skin dries a bit. The reason they gave this to me because of the current skin situation I had that time. It was the worst. So this works during my skin was really bad.

It is describe as soothing cream that is ideal for all skin types. Its energize and refreshes your skin with unique formulation. This product is excellent when used as a daily skin moisturizer or used after laser/chemical peeling procedures.

Perfect Block Plus Skin Perfecting Cream with SPF 80 PA+++
Among all this is my favourite product in this line. It is just like a tinted moisturiser. I was advise to not wear make-up after the skin treatment and use this instead to make my skin heal faster. I love the light natural skin tint colour it gave to my skin. Also it has a high sun protection too. It is a great finishing product after all of these skincare.

**Updated info regarding price from Dr Ko Skincare Specialist (as at 21 July 2015):

KO Dermacare Purifying Cleansing Gel 220ml - RM198
Ko Dermacare Aqua Hydrating Moisturizer I 60g - RM280
KO Dermaceutical Perfect Block Plus Skin Perfecting Cream with SPF 80 PA+++ 30g - RM380
Ko Dermacare Vitality Purifying Essence I 30ml - RM120
Ko Dermacare Anti Acne Mist 65ml - RM120

Overall, the after treatment products that they gave me is really good. It really treats my skin well and I cant wait to show you haw drastically different my skin is after the treatment. Stay tune!

So I see you in my next post about the skin treatment I had with Dr Ko Skin Center!


  1. Omg sab, after i read this, i feel like i want to have an appointment with doctor too. My acne scars haven't fade off even after a while . And it troubles me a lot. Do you any acne scar healing product to be recommended? I read kiehl serum review from your blog. Does it work?

    1. haha,.. the post is up! leh tgk and see if you are interested in making an appointment. I really recommend it to you :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Mf tnya brapa kos yg perlu ada utk rawatan wajah d klinik dr ko

    4. depends pada kulit. boleh baca disini, http://www.sabrinatajudin.com/2015/02/my-dr-ko-skin-center-experience-for-my.html

      more info boleh call dieorg.

  2. I wonder about the price! I heard Dr Ko is quite pricey lol. Looking forward to your next post on this!

    Hana Blurbs

    1. The price varies for different skin problem. So it is better and recommend for you to have a consultation with them first for the exact pricing and best treatment for your skin. :)

  3. SPF 80 PA +++ ! O_O soo curious about that sunscreen since it's dr ko's (which must be good for skin) but usually spf 80 is a little too oily for facial skin!

  4. I wonder bout the price.. hehehehe... :D

  5. Replies
    1. kak sab ,dr ko center tu kt mne ye?

    2. tgk post kak sab yg ni, ---> http://www.sabrinatajudin.com/2015/02/my-dr-ko-skin-center-experience-for-my.html

      kak sab pergi branch johor. dia ada byk branch seluruh malaysia

  6. Hee..
    Please tell us the price for all of these products in ur entry..
    Pleaseee x 100 ;)
    for my future reference(want to know the budget before go to this specialist)
    Thanks ;)

    1. Hi dear! I would love to help but they did not gave me the full price details of all products. so sorry.. :(

  7. Maybe you can tell us how much is your treatment, that will give us a rough idea. As some of us might not be able to afford services from Dr Ko, therefore no point going for a consultation :(

    1. Hi Jay, I would love to. This treatment is provided by them for me as an exchange of a review post. I am not sure how much my treatment cost honestly and did not mean to get you confused. As mention above, they told me for you to call them to know more about the treatment. My friend gave them a call ( all info are provided above) to ask for the price and they more than happy assisting and consult my friend on the range of price. I try to ask them about the range of price but this is not a retail kinda treatment but more of a medical treatment. Each skin varies with different price. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience but this is what they ask me to do and cannot disclose the price.

  8. Sis still lg guna product dr.ko ke?

    1. Sekarang kak sab dah tak pakai lagi sebab kene try product lain untuk direview. :)

  9. Saya bukan jenis muka berjerawat tapi lately ade jerawat naik kat pipi. Tapi jerawat semua dah hilang tapi tggal acne scars je. Dlm bnyak produk kat ats yg sis review. Mana yg better utk hilangkan scars?

    1. acne scars leh try vitamin E oil or product yg mmg untuk acne scars. as above punya product more on treatment skin sab masa berjerawat.

  10. sis.. klau ade product dr ko yg nk letgo let me know ya..sy nk try dulu. pipi sy cant stop naik jerawat memanjang lps guna tabita.pstu elok2 xde whitehead n blackhead jd ade la plk kt pipi tu,menggerutu dh. hukhuk.

  11. Hi. How much is the cost for the whole acne treatment including product?

    Thank you

  12. Harga skincare dia fuh koyak poket tp itu la muka tgh breakout ni mmg tengah survey nk jumpa Dr Ko
