February 2015 Lucky Reader


Another month will past tomorrow and it is time to see who is my lucky reader for the last month (I mean this month)! Decide to post this up today so if my winner contacted me today, I can send her prize tomorrow. Johor Poslaju opens on Sunday! Haha. I realize that I did not do monthly favorites anymore. Should do it next time. oh well. I wish we has 48 hours a day. Stop nagging and let see who is the lucky winner! If you are new to my blog, just a quick recap that I am doing a monthly giveaway. How do I pick? At the end of the month I will accumulate all of your comment in that current month. For example if you commented 10 times, in 10 different post you will have 10 entries. Please be genuine in your comment ya! Just a hehe or smiley or same text comment does not count as an honest comment. I trust my amazing readers! I know you are better than this!

Each month I will put all of your entries and randomly pick using the Fruit Machine Class Tool apps to pick one name. That winner will win a random prize from me that will only reveal when I am announcing the winner. Like in this post! For my February 2015 lucky reader, she is winning this Makeup Revolution Iconic 1 Palette and Wow lipgloss. 

Congratulations :
alia farhan Said

Leave your email down below in the comment section and I will contact you. By revealing your email here for your shipping details, make sure to receive email from hello.nsabrina@gmail.com only. (For safety purposes) Congratulations again!

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Cool Findings at Lamido


Hey Guys! I got some cool stuff I wanted to share with you guys today. I am a seeker for things that rarely sells in our normal retails outlets. Usually I get to find these kind of items at various online stores. I discover Lamido a few weeks ago and surprise by the items that they offered in their website. I am super excited when this come in the mail and I thought these kind of items would be your interest too! Here is a quick introduction about Lamido.

Lamido is a place where you can buy all sorts of items such as Beauty products, Home Appliances, Gadgets and many more from various seller. It is the first Malaysia C2C (consumer-to-consumer) marketplace for everybody to sell their products on the Internet for FREE! Yep! You can also sells your product at Lamido. It means you can shop as well as you can buy stuff there. It is super convenient as people can discover your shop easily with the keyword they choose. From there, as a buyer, we have different type of options to a one particular items. 

For example down here. I am looking for a Cereal dispenser. Some of the seller has sold it out but I have different option to choose from there. I can also compare price and search more new items that they offered. I can also discover similar things related to my findings. 

With its friendly user navigation, I can just click Add to Cart. From there I can track what I am buying and status of my purchase, whether I have made the payment or my order has been confirm. I also receive emails from my order and a review of what I need to pay. It is a really cool system that makes buying and selling easily.

Did I tell you they also got Holiday packages? ;)

Here are my stuff! Overall I am super satisfied with that I got. All of my items below comes from different seller. The cereal dispenser is super cool. Now I can have my cereal anytime easily.

The second item I got is this watch holder. The price is super reasonable and the item I got is in good condition and high quality. You can check out more items at Lamido! They also have bidding option for you to grab your items in the most great priced offered.

Go to http://www.lamido.com.my/ to shop now!
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Nivea Body UV Whitening Serum Review


Keep in mind that even when you are working indoors you are not exposed to harmful sunlight. If you are driving, you can really see a difference between your left arm and right arm. Your right arms tends to be darker because it is always exposed to sunlight while driving. Sun bathing while in jam I could say. Haha. So other than sun protection for your face, Nivea offers Su protection for your whole body.

Nivea Body UV Whitening Serum provides whitening, moisturizing, evens out skin tone and protects your skin. Not like other ordinary Body Lotion, this is more concentrated as a "serum" which means it penetrates and absorb to your skin more effectively than a lotion. It is enriched with natural Vitamin C from Camu Camu. What is Camu Camu? It is basically categorize as a super-food just like Acai Berry, Royal Jelly, Coconut and Aloe Vera. It has all sorts of benefits such as a true concentration of Vitamin C to your skin. Other than that its 95% pure Vitamin C helps to repair and restore accumulated sun-damaged skin cells and provide with high anti oxidants that will help to make your skin fairer. It claims to be a body serum that will make your skin fairer in just 14 days.

The Nivea Body UV Whitening Serum also provides with SPF 25, PA++,protection from harmful sun rays. The texture or this body serum is not greasy at all. It is easily absorb and it leaves a nice refreshing scent. So far using this I find that my skin does not really get sun burns or darker even with an everyday driving to the office and exposing to the sun for at least 1 hour everyday. With a great price tag I really recommend this product for you to try!

Name : Nivea Body UV Whitening Serum
Price : RM19.90 for 200ml
Where to buy : Local pharmacies such as Watsons, Guardian and more that carries Nivea Body Care.

Have you tried this lotion from Nivea?
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My Dr. Ko Skin Center Experience for my Acne Problem


So yes, as promise this would be my post about my experience with Dr. Ko. Here's what happen. Last year around November till December 2014 I have been using some products and it cause me major breakouts. I also have been stressing alot and drinking 3 in 1 coffee alot. I got myself to blame. You can really see how my skin really are live between my two videos. Before treatment in the Dettol video and after treatment in the Planner review video. I always have these kind of moment. a few months my skin is good and after that my skin goes worst. It is because as a beauty blogger and am taking the risk of trying so many skincare products. Some of them help we with the healing process some just don't. But sometimes these products takes months to really make my skin heal back. So another fast option is by visiting professional skin specialist. Dr. Ko billboard is everywhere. I bet you are familiar with this. Glad I got the chance to experience myself with this kind of professional treatment who knows the real science of a good skin. They are available in most state and since I am in Johor, I made an appointment at the Dr. Ko Taman Pelangi branch. The major problem that I am lookign foward for this treatment is to help reduce my season acne problem + acne scar problem.

A little bit of introduction, Dr Ko Skin Center is basically a place where they provide aesthetic and non aesthetic beauty treatments. You can check the whole list of what service they are offering. More about Dr. Ko Skin Center click here.

As I arrive, I was greeted nicely, everyone were very welcoming and the clinic it self is pretty nice. I waited for my consultation turn. Before I went to any kind of treatment I tell them about my skin problem. After that they check and explain what is the skin problem I have been facing. Also I feel so honor for them to actually call Dr. Ko himself for him to see my skin problem. They video call Dr. Ko as you can see in the picture above and Dr Ko himself analyze my skin and let the beautician confirm about what treatment I should get. The main branch was located at Klang and there is where Dr. Ko is available.

First they help to remove my makeup. It was the most relaxing part till I realize the next treatment I am getting is the tiring part. Haha. The first treatment I got after they remove my makeup is called "Extraction". I think that is the name. Basically they will remove ALL impurities and stubborn dirt on my face. Here what you have to know how the situation goes. I wore makeup since 18. Imagine, all of the makeup I pile up on my face that is stuck inside my pores. Cleansing alone wont help, and actually we have to do skin extraction at least to my opinion 2 times a year just like scaling your teeth. I never knew about this and just realize how this change my whole skin condition. What she actually doing is the uses this some kind of tool and "extract" out all the dirt from my face. It pretty painful but bearable. Just for 45 minutes, after that I surely feel that you will feel the satisfaction of realizing all the black heads, whiteheads, and clogged pores has been extracted out. This also help to make skincare works better on my skin.

After that they cool it down my face with this mask that harden after a few minutes. I can't remmember what is the name of this treatment. But I kinda love it! It's very soothing after the painful situation I got earlier. Haha! The reason why it is too painful to my opnion is that it was my first time. So after this, it will be less painful. hehe.

The third treatment that I got is called the Dual Light Treatment. This is where they will work the "light device" against my face. It is actually very warm. So before that, they apply this kinda like gel to my face before using the light. This treatment is meant to help reduce my acne scars and helps to brighten my skin instantly.

So brightttt! This treatment is not painful at all.

Here is my tired face. Haha! My bare face after the treatment with only brow makeup. Lol. Still want to put some makeup hah sabrina. Yalah, need to drive back home ma. Must look a bit fancy.

After the treatment, they also gave a a full set of skincare to e use. You can read it out here - Ko Dermacare Skincare Products Review. It is meant to be a good product to be use after this treatment so the treatment goes along well.

So here is my unedit raw picture of my bare skin.  Before treatment, I have this small cyst & bumps around my face and my skin is between too dry and too oily in some part. It is really not the best time of my skin during that time. I was so stressed! 

After the treatment my skin looks very "red", it must cause by the extraction I did earlier during the treatment. And if you notice, my skin is actually brighter. This is because of the Dual Light Treatment benefits. Bare in mind that both of these pictures are taken in the same lighting and venue. I do see a lot of difference here!

After a few weeks of using their products and after the treatment. My skin has been continuously become better and better. 

So far straight from my heart I got to say I am really satisfied with Dr. Ko Service. They really know what they are doing and I love how they consult me with the best treatment that I could get. Although I am a beauty blogger, my knowledge about skin is not as good as a real beautician who spend years of study these topics. This treatment is yes provided by them but I am not paid to said only nice things about it. I've been to some aesthetic treatments before and I found that Dr. Ko is by far the best. I am looking forward to have more skin treatment with them in the future. So got to work hard while I am young now to get the best skin treatment when I reach my 30s 40s years! hehe. I glad that the clinic is really near to my house here in Johor. For price wise, it is better for you to go and consult with them first because they said each skin problem has a different type of pricing. Don't worry, they are very professional and I recommend you to get consultation from them first on what is your skin problem is. In shaa Allah (with God wills) they are able to help with it. They are doctors! Also there are other options other than facial treatments, you can try products that help to remove acne scars such as this best scar removal cream.

**I only go for 1 treatment, no follow up treatment. This post is dedicate to one treatment only and after that I use their skincare products for 1 month only. More info do contact them, I am not a doctor. This experience are from my own personal experience and my skin type.

**Updated info from Dr. Ko Skin Specialist regarding price :

Extraction & Salicylic Acid Treatment - RM180. Masque application is optional RM20. 
The Dual Yellow Light treatment ranges from RM400-RM800 depending on your skin condition.
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Do check out Dr. Ko official website and Facebook for more info and updates.
Call them at 1800 22 33 22
They are available on Weekdays (10:00am – 7:00pm),
Saturdays (10:00am – 6:00pm)
and most Public Holidays.
Website : http://www.koskinspecialist.com/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/koskinspecialist
List of centers around Malaysia : http://www.koskinspecialist.com/contact/our-centres/#section-local



I only went for this treatment once (ONE TIME) just like in this post
Saya hanya pergi ke treatment Dr. Ko sekali (SATU KALI) sahaja seperti dalam post ini

I only use their skincare for one month after this treatment, and after that I use other skincare.
Saya hanya mengunakan skincare DR ko selama sebulan selepas treatment ini, selepas itu saya menggunakan skincare lain.

You will need to add the price for their skincare
Anda perlu menambah pembayaran jika mahu kan skincare mereka.

Regarding the price, it varies from each type of skin problem. My price are as above, my skin problem are just hormonal acne and not major acne problem.
Mengenai harga, harga tidak tetap dan ia bergantung pada jenis masalah kulit setiap pelanggan, harga yag tertera diatas adalah harga untuk masalah kulit saya iaitu jerawat hormon akibat stress dan pemakanan, bukan masalah kulit berjerawat yang kritikal.

Yes, I personally do recommend their service as I have good experience with them
Ya, saya mengesyorkan service mereka kepada anda sebab saya berpuas hati dengan service mereka.

You can call them to know more details and make an appoitment, phone number and contact info are listed in this post above.
Anda boleh menghubungi mereka seperti maklumat yang tertera diatas untuk tahu lebih lanjut dan appointment.

I went to the Johor Dr. KO Branch
Saya perg ke branch Dr KO di johor bahru 

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Ko Dermacare Skincare Products Review


This post is long overdue. Actually I have pay a visit to Dr. Ko skin Center back around early this year as you may have read later in my next post. I had a skin treatment as I had a bad acne going on due to trying new products early last year. You may see that my bad skin during my Dettol PH Balance video. After the skin treatment I was given these skincare product to use after the treatment and they serve me very well. Let's get on to what they suggest me to use from their own skincare products develope by Ko Skin Specialist them self. You got to trust the doctors! hehe

Purifying Cleanser Gel
This is a gel type of makeup cleanser. At first I thought it was a oil makeup remover. I was wrong. The color does look like an oil type makeup remover. I am not a fan of oil type makeup remover as they always so troublesome. But this one is different. It literary removes almost every thing. This makeup remover was recommend by the beautician for me as during that time I had a very bad breakout. A light gel type makeup remover is more suitable for me.

It is describe as a cleansing gel that is enriched with botanical astringents and moisturizing ingredients that thoroughly removes facial impurities and all facial eye makeup with one gentle application. Skin is actively conditioned and remains hydrated during cleansing.

Ani Acne Mist.
The second product they gave me is this Anti Acne Mist. Its a water like product that comes in a spray bottle. It is tailored to reduce and treat acne, skin rash, blackhead and all sorts of spot problem on your skin that has been caused by infection in the skin oil glands. This Acne Mist penetrates deep into skin tissue and stops bacteria metabolism rapidly.

I use it like a toner. Spritz it on my face and gently wipe it over with a cotton pad. It leaves my skin refresh but not as light as a toner like feel if you know what i mean. It also can be use any time of the day just like a refreshing face spray. I usually concentrate on my trouble skin area. It really soothes my skin.

Vitality Purifying Essence.
Sorry bit at first I thought this was a deodorant. haha. But it is not a deodorant. It is an essence. It is a PH Balance Formulated. It helps to balance out oily skin and boost up efficiency of the next moisturizer that I'll be using. It has a watery like texture but just a little bit thicker. Easy to blend on the skin too. The scent is a little bit off, it is more like a nail polish remover. But the thing I like about this is that it sets to matte and it feels so nice on my skin.

Aqua Hydrating Moisturizer.
This another one of a kind texture of a moisturizer. It dissolves into water when I blend in. Super light weight and describe as a soothing cream. I have a combo skin and this works just okay for me. I think it works really well on very oily skin. The hydration is pretty good but during cool surrounding, my skin dries a bit. The reason they gave this to me because of the current skin situation I had that time. It was the worst. So this works during my skin was really bad.

It is describe as soothing cream that is ideal for all skin types. Its energize and refreshes your skin with unique formulation. This product is excellent when used as a daily skin moisturizer or used after laser/chemical peeling procedures.

Perfect Block Plus Skin Perfecting Cream with SPF 80 PA+++
Among all this is my favourite product in this line. It is just like a tinted moisturiser. I was advise to not wear make-up after the skin treatment and use this instead to make my skin heal faster. I love the light natural skin tint colour it gave to my skin. Also it has a high sun protection too. It is a great finishing product after all of these skincare.

**Updated info regarding price from Dr Ko Skincare Specialist (as at 21 July 2015):

KO Dermacare Purifying Cleansing Gel 220ml - RM198
Ko Dermacare Aqua Hydrating Moisturizer I 60g - RM280
KO Dermaceutical Perfect Block Plus Skin Perfecting Cream with SPF 80 PA+++ 30g - RM380
Ko Dermacare Vitality Purifying Essence I 30ml - RM120
Ko Dermacare Anti Acne Mist 65ml - RM120

Overall, the after treatment products that they gave me is really good. It really treats my skin well and I cant wait to show you haw drastically different my skin is after the treatment. Stay tune!

So I see you in my next post about the skin treatment I had with Dr Ko Skin Center!
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Urban Decay Spring 2015 Collection First Look


Happy Chinese New Year to all who is celebrating! I decided to post this up since the Urban Decay Spring 2015 launches here in Malaysia today. Yes, if you have been following every collection of Urban Decay Collection, you may have know that Urban Decay has launch this year Spring Collection. From Powder Foundation, to concealers, sheer lipsticks and new moondust shades. I got a few stuff from the collection and will show you what is my first though on these babies. I have been using it since I got em, I also plan to do an individual post review to these in my future post. First up, I will introduce to you what UD Spring 2015 has in stores for you! i also provide an approx price for you as I don't have the actual official price info, Will edit and update it here when I got them.

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Naked Skin Ultra Definition Powder Foundation | (36USD / approx. RM130 each)
First notice. This powder foundation comes in a box with their purple signature pouch. Sweet! It has a semi rose gold metallic packaging that looks really luxurious. This powder foundation claims to be a powder foundation that last all day, amazing coverage and works with both wet and dry method. It provides you with a weightless feeling with a build able coverage. These Naked Skin Ultra Definition Power Foundation comes in 14 shades to choose from.

What I find unique about this product is the sponge it provides with. It not not an ordinary sponge that you usually get. This sponge comes in 2 different sides. One if for the dry method and one is for the wet method. My first impression using this foundation with the sponge is that I am way impressed. The sponge gives a nice "blurry" application that is very nice to the skin. It is velvety to the touch and it does give a pretty good coverage although it is just a powder foundation. The only downside about this to myself is that the shade that I got is way to dark for me, after a while it tends to oxidizes and it makes my face look even darker. I think I should get Medium Light instead of this one that I show you is in Medium Warm. Overall, I really love this powder foundation and it works really well on its on.

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Naked Skin Weightless Complete Coverage Concealer | (28USD / approx. RM90 each)
Describe as a concealer that is buildable, even coverage with a luminous, demi-matte finish. It is ultra lightweight, with its high-tech formula melds like a second skin to give you full coverage in an instant and NEVER settles into fine lines. Ingredients such as Matrixyl 3000 contains anti-wrinkle peptides to improve skin’s youthful appearance and elasticity, japanese green tea revitalizes and helps reduce the appearance of fine lines, Litchiderm™ (derived from lychee fruit) protects against dehydration, resulting in a brighter, more radiant complexion and sodium hyaluronate helps skin attract and retain moisture is provided in this concealer. This concealer comes in 8 shades to choose from.

Remember the post that I am in the search for a good high end concealer? I think I already find one! Some said this is very similar to the NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer. I never tried that one so can't judge. This is by far the most lightweight but great coverage concealer I ever tried. Blending this concealer is just a breeze. I love concealer that comes with a wand, it makes application easier. The shade that I got is Medium Neutral, its the perfect shade for under my eye. I love how it has a yellow undertone that provides effortless coverage and neutralize my dark under eye circle easily. I think I am looking forward to buy another lighter shade of this concealer for covering my spots around my face as this shades looks a little bit dark around my cheeks. This concealer does not have a brightening effect, the shades are true to itself when applied. Will give you my thought on these in my future individual post, In Sha Allah.

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Sheer Revolution Lipstick | (20USD approx RM70 each)
It is said that if you have been loving their previous Lipstick line which is the Revolution Lipstick, you would love this. Provides with a sheer, shiny finish. Every shade has a rich, creamy feel and a gorgeous, high-shine finish. Contains shea butter and jojoba, olive and babassu oils moisturize and condition, while vitamin C and vitamin E provide a hit of antioxidants. 

At first I thought this was another concealer. Haha. Because the shade that I got is no where near to any of my nudes lipstick that I have. The shade that I got is in Walk of Shame. This Sheer Lipstick is super creamy I have a love and hate with this product. As we have a very humid weather here in Malaysia, this lipstick actually melts in my handbag. When I try to apply it, it is just all over the place as it is just too soft. I use my fingertips to apply this on my lips. I store it in the freezer for a few hours and its good as new but still I felt like its about to break off again. It has a very balm like texture with a very sheer pigmentation. I felt like this is more like a lip balm. I love to use this as a base before putting on another lipstick that I like. It does provides me with a good long hours hydration. It is also looks pretty nice to be worn alone. Comes in 10 shades to choose from.

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Moondust Eyeshadow | (20USD approx RM60.00 each)
Urban Decay by far one of the best company with eyeshadows. Their eyeshadows are always buttery smooth and pigmentation. they also have unique shades for you to choose from. For this Spring 2015, Urban Decay added 4 more new permanent shades in their Moondust eyeshadow collection. Which is the "glitter" type eyeshadow compare to the normal eyeshadow they have. It comes in their unique detectable pan eyeshadow packaging.

The shade that I got is in Scorpion. It is a dark emerlard green shade with gold sparkles in it. It is super super pretty. I really love this shade so much! The glitter does not fall out easily and just smooth to the touch. Having this eyeshadow makes me feel like I want to collect more Urban Decay Single eyeshadow especially for my favorite shades Sin & Buck. I might!

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Above picture shows the swatches from all the products that I have shown you. They also have another product in their Spring 2015 line which is the Mascara Resurrection (not shown here). Great news all of these products are in their permanent line. Do check out your nearest Sephora outlet for these collection. I really recommend checking out their powder foundation and concealer. Worth trying!

Which UD Spring 2015 products you looking forward to check out?
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