Dodora Magic Pink Cream Review


Pinkish, ni**le? Seriouslaaay? I'm not sure about this. But today I am going to review you this one cool product to you that is a Magic pink cream for a natural pink lips, cheeks and nipples. You read it right there. Yes. Pink lips, cheeks and nip-nip (i give that thing a nick name). It is the Dodora Magic Pink Cream from Supermodel Secrets!

What I like about it. Well, this is a pretty unique product and one of the spot I would like to use this product is on my cheek. The texture of this cream is easy to work with too. I love its very very light natural tint it gives to my cheek. On the other hand, when wearing on my lips, it does not appear very well but if you look closely at the picture above its slightly gives my lips a "healthier" look right. On the other part, I would not have my comment. Haha! Lastly for such an unique product that we don't usually have in the market, with such a great price, this is a go!

What I don't like about it. Maybe it takes a bit longer to give that pinkish effect. but I could have just wait for a few minutes. Be patient Sabrina!

Overall & Recommendations. I would recommend this to any girls put there if you are looking for a cream that gives you that natural tint to the parts that you would desire to put. No offend. Maybe if you are  a married woman, a pinkish nip-nip is sexy maybe? I don't know. haha. Sorry for such a very unrelated conversation here. I am just trying to explain does this thing really work. So far from my point of view, this is a great product as it said. As for the private part it might be nice too because the "pink tint" it gives is not too weird looking. (It is not too reddish or too pinkish like putting a lipstick on that thing!) i don't know how to explain this. I hope you will get the point haha.

Name : Magic Pink Cream (Dodora)
Price : 25.00
Where to buy :
**Disclaimer : This product were sent to me for product review consideration

More info go to :
Email (For Enquiries/orders):

WhatsAPP/SMS/Viber: 016 2801990
LINE|WeChat: Supermodel2u


  1. Hahahaha lucu je baca Sab nye ayat. Sungguh-sungguh nak yakin kan part nip-nip tu. Kahkahkah~ xD

  2. Bestnya satu product boleh pakai dekat lips & cheek sekali gus. wahhh!

  3. Ahaha.. get the point right there.. And you do the right thing to give it the nick name, nip-nip.. Hehe..
    I think I would like to love it too. Having a pinkish cheeks with dodora magic pink cream....

  4. Kelakar la kak sab ni. Haha. Anyway, it's kind of a great product to try on the lips. :)

    1. haha! yep! its a great product with affordable price tag too! lav it!

  5. You made me laugh sab XD it is so funny when we try to put the pinkish nip-nip into a blog post/ad in our society kan, because the way people interpret it they might think of something taboo/vulgar/inappropriate to say out loud. Oh here I am, the language student XD nice review Sab! dekat pharmacy ada a few brands jual creams for pinkish nipples and they aim the sale for mothers yang dah breastfeed to get a fresher, younger look ;) ok this feels awkward XDDD

    1. Ya! that is why. because i think there is young girls who reads my blog. I feel awkward as keep mentioning that nip-nip and feels like scream like "hey yall, look! a cream for n*****e! it makes your n****e looks more attractive!" XD. Maybe.. pinkish nip nip is more attractive perhaps. maybe I understand someday. haha

  6. Haha..agak lawak part nickname. But as a bf mom, i wont put that thing on my u-know-what. Hihi.. But yeah. Great product. :))

    1. that is a good point. never think of that! i think bf mother should avoid this. we would not want to give this to babies. thanks for the heads up!
