2014 Recap & 2015 Resolution


First of all I would like to say, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Phew, glad today I am not working because boss give cuti lah. Haha. *Deep breath* knowing that its another new year and I just turned 24 years old a few weeks ago. I am in the middle 20's. Very akak akak liddat. LOL. Which I am very excited at the same time overwhelm by everything I want to do this year. 2014 has been a bless and it is the year that I had the most,

Seriously serious. If every year were a chapter. I will name this chapter. A Lesson Learn chapter. This post would not be like previous year post with lost of picture and stuff. As you know I never really talk about my personal life. I don't usually rant in my blog but sometimes in my personal Facebook. Haha. and also Twitter. Why? I don't know. Maybe the only positive social media I ever had is my blog. Well, not 100% positive when some people love to leave hateful comments which I already deleted even before publishing it. But to say the truth, my blogging world means so much to me and I would call it my Happy Place. I don't usually rant, tell negative things and just happy being me. Which is good. The biggest moment that I have been waiting in 2014 is my graduation day which happen in September. Alhamdulilah, in 2014 I graduated with a Degree and I am officially not a student. *Punch fist in the air* I don't hate study but I just a person who have so many thing to do and my studies have really block my plans. Haha. In early 2014 I walk into a whole new experience in my studies. Which bring back my memory when I am doing my I********p. A memory that I would only cherish to the knowledge that I get but not how I was treated. Things were nice at first but it gets weird after that. My I********p is one of the experience that really hits my head. There is where I had my "Lesson Learned" moments. I was so stressed and emotional. Feel left out and not able to fit in just because I don't come from a well known family and go to w**k by motorcycle. Being place on the corner and felt invisible to everyone. Because before I came in, I thought everyone were nice but actually there is another agenda. But let just say that, I glad it happen. Why? Because what does it kills makes it stronger right? I smiled when I walk out on my last day, the experience and thoughtful moments really makes me a stronger person in 2014 and what is the lesson learned? Don't trust anyone. Along with that I also lost a few friends this year. From friend to foe without any logic reason. I don't have time to get into all these drama. All I know is I have so many things to settle and move on. I can't tolerate with people dragging me backwards for some stupid things.

My early 2014 also hits me when Mr. T grandma & granpa passed away. Although I am not married to him yet, his family are like mine. It was an intense situation where me and him had to find money to go back and forward from Kuala Lumpur to Johor. 2014 is one of the year where I visit hospital and graveyard the most. One by one and it keeps coming. I was so so so weak and hopeless around the time. Being a person who does not like to get sympathy from people makes me depressed because I mostly kept everything to my self and glad Mr T was with me and a shoulder to cry on.

Super dramatic right?

You can call me a drama queen if you want but what I told you is only 5% of the whole story.And it is only the 4th month of 2014. After that I decided to move back to my parent house because I can't stand the cost of living in Kuala Lumpur. So I moved. That is why you can't really see a lot of post on events and such. Going back to my parents house definitely the best decision made as well as the most opportunity cost decision I every made. The pros, I get to live in my own bedroom, be around with my cats & family, living in Johor is more relaxed compare to Kuala Lumpur. Haha. Cons. Frankly speaking. I lost a lot of blog opportunities. Sometimes I felt like I was not in use anymore because I'm just far away. So I might be a trouble to some people. Feel left out? Yes definitely. I even get so emotional when I commenting on their photos but my comment were never replied. Childish much? Sadly yes. I think it is because I feel very alone. But I already use to that now. 

The story continues. Alhamdulilah. After just 1 month. I got a job. So far? Everything is awesome and I am very grateful for that. Lesson Learn No 2. Sometimes when you less expected, things might surprise you. I work in the same field of business as previous and I did not expect anything because I scared I will feel disappointed again. So far so good and all I can say that I was treated differently than before. Things gets better and better. Each day I am a stronger person. Is there more Sabrina? Yes but I think just until here. Let's continue to the great stuff that happen. Also I learn to manage my own blog. Although there is someone promise me that they will help but no. Lesson learn again. Don't always believe people when they said they wanted to help. I learn to be independent too. Since I got a job, my income has become better. I realize that when we have money. We can help more people. Yes, money is not everything but everything needs money. My blog also is one of the source of my monthly income which I super grateful. I can never thank you enough to all company that trust me. Also I know that all this success does not come from me alone. To all the people that discover me& my blog, recommend & suggest me to these companies to all these opportunities and give me all these opportunity. I don't know who you are but. THANK YOU SO MUCH. 

Let's check my 2014 resolution. Did I manage to complete it?


So 7/10. *Pat on my back* Alhamdulilah. I have stated my YouTube channel although I started it in December, will do more video soon. Get my driving license? One of another stressful moments! Haha! Glad I make it. Graduate my degree! Yay me! Purchase a good camera with my own hard earn money. *Fist Punch in the air*. Reach 1,000,000 views in my blog! One of the best moment. Thank you to you guys who make this happen. Have the perfect makeup storage. Yes, I already have my perfect drawers and it is just purrfect! So the other 3? Will bring it forward to this year and make it crossed! In shaa Allah!

Along with that there has been surreal moments that happen in my life. One of it is to be appear in not only one but TWO magazine! I still remember back in school, I were laugh by people when they heard I wanted to be in a magazine. Laugh at. Yes. I don't want fame but to be able to show what I have succeed is one of my biggest dream. Thank you to Cosmopolitan Malaysia and also Hijab Magazine. Seriously thank you.

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This is serious. I need to make it happen this year. I did not manage to make it last year because there were many obstacles in terms of capital and situation. I need. I need. I need to make it happen this year.

*Laugh* But yeah. I need to take care of what I am eating and also exercise more regularly. I got too much love. *Love handle* Wish me luck!

I need to get more serious in my blogging, videos, and stuff. A desktop computer will get me going.

Will be a great celebration! In shaa Allah this year! when I hit that number I will do a makeup collection tour maybe? I also will make sure to post at least 20-25 post per month. Will try my best!

To the lesson learn I got last year. This year I want to be a different person. I will try to speak less and be around Facebook less. There is too much negativity and things going on in Social Media which really drags me down. I want to be a person who does not care to what people say about me, and just do my thing. I don't care. Don't like me? Felt uneasy? trying to preach me? Sense negativity? Block with no warning.

Who ever in this world that invents Snooze button is the real demon. haha. I would love to wake up before fajr even when I am not working. In shaa Allah, it will help me spiritually.

One of the hardest resolution evert. But I will try my best. Wish me luck.

What big day? *Wink* *Wink* Amin

The point of this emotional post is not to beg for sympathy. I want this to be something you can think of and make you stronger. No one is perfect and doesn't mean if someone is always smiling, shopping, laughing, they are not sad. Sometimes we need to take a look back to everything that happen and make that as a feedback. Remember. There is no failure but feedback. Try to look at all of the problems with smile. Get up and try again. I am not the most positive person but at least I try to be. Because I am a very emotional person especially a week before the "time" comes. Haha.

Be a person who helps to raise each other. When you look at someone happiness, try to look at how they go through it to achieve that happiness. 

Everyday is a new day, new chances & new opportunity. Don't waste anytime. I'll make sure I will be enjoying my 30s with all the sacrifices that I have gone through now. It's now or never.


What is your new resolution this year?



  1. you ended this post with a blast GIF. you ended 2014 with a blast, you started 2015 with a bigger blast and I am 100% sure you'll keep on blasting 2015 with more and more surprises Sabrina :) seriously, you're my number 1 inspiration and I'm gonna tell this to my children some day ^_^

    1. Haha! thanks! In shaa Allah amin.. thank you so much for the support from day 1. <3 <3 <3

  2. Fighting Sab! Good luck on all that ;D

  3. Oooh anis ingatkan sab keje kl.. Take care sab dkat johor. Suka2 sangat tengok video sab. Even sab stay johor, i believe you still can go further! All the best and happy new year :)

    1. hehe.. tak lah.. keje Johor... Thank you! <3 tp sab still rasa akward lg bercakap depan camera. will improve more!

  4. Dear Sabrina Tajudin

    As you know, I always tell you that you are a brave and high spirited girl. I believed you will achieved all your dream. Just be focus and be humble. Sab orang yang baik, Insya Allah Allah akan mudahkan jalan dan berikan kekuatan untuk hadapi setiap dugaan.

    Alhamdulillah Allah berikan peluang untuk kita belajar dan jumpa dengan manusia-manusia yang sepatutnya untuk kita ambil pelajaran. Moga yang baik jadi pedoman, yang buruk jadi ingatan!

    I love you Sab!

    1. Hello Innanie Ariffin,

      Tolong jangan buat sab nangis. haha. Thank you so much nanie. for the support and all the encouragement. I love you too!

  5. Hugs! Happy new year San :) stay strong n stay awesome! I will keep you in my prayers

  6. Awhhh! What a dramatic Sab!! Kekekekee..Joking joking!
    Btw, Happy New Yearrr.. May all your resolution come true.. especially the big day one lah. ehemm ehemmm.. Goodluck with what ever you do. As a friend I will support you In Shaa Allah. Stay strong and safe! HUGSS!

  7. Happy new year Sab! congratz on everything you've achieved back in 2014... i only crossed 3 or 4 of em bhahaha! so many wishes left huhuhu

    1. aw... 3-4 is still ok kan! Alhamdulilah... dont give up, all the best and thank you so much!

  8. Assalamualaikum Sab! First of all, I want to say, Happy New Year!! Entri ni yang paling Khalida tunggu sangat-sangat. You were right! Khalida pun pernah ada bad experiences jugak masa kerja part time dulu. Stress gila from both mental and physical. Terus berhenti. Haha. By the way, good luck in your project B. Tak sabar pulak nak tahu projek ape tu. Mesti ada kaitan dengan bisnes kan? Teruskan apa yang dah dirancang. Khalida pun ada plan juga tahun ni. Kalau sab dengan theprojectB, Khalida dengan theprojectK lah. haha. Boleh pulak gitu.Good luck!

    1. Waalaikumusalam dear Khalida. Happy New Year to you too! hehe thank you and in shaa Allah kalau tak ada halangan lagiakan launch secepat mungkin. thank you! <3

  9. Happy New Year !! May this year be better than the last...insha Allah.Take care :)

  10. I feel motivated when I read this. I also realized that you never join beauty event recently,so that is the reason. Have a blast 2015 sab !

    1. alhamdulilah and thank you so much dear! you too! <3

  11. 49 kg? Kak Sabrina dah cukup kurus dah ! Cukup gorgeous dah. hehe. Hope your 2015 will be a great year ! :)


    1. gambar nmpak kurus tp reality nya tidaaakk haha... thank you dear!

  12. happy new year my dear. keep on blogging ok. love dropping by ur blog.

  13. Looks like more achievement so well done! :)
    Yang sedih2 tu xpelah kan.. Memang pahit tapi lesson learned lah ..

    1. Thank you so much, Yep, definitely made me stronger. <3

  14. Happy new year kak sab. I'm waiting for more vids from you okay. have a great 2015

  15. Happy New Year ;D

  16. Happy New Year, Sab! I know it's already the third day of 2015~ Wow. ...and wow! you've accomplished so much this year! I wish I can finish my studies earlier than expected but so many things got in the way.. T__T but still, hopefully we both have a blast year in 2015!!!

    1. Alhamdulilah... Its ok, go through that first. I know it can be a bit stressful but keep it going. Finish what you have started. Yep! Amin! Have a balst 2015! Make it a great one!

  17. Frankly speaking, I fall in love with your writing Sab. Keep going and keep going to the sky, menuju puncak. Yeah, strongly agree that ' don't trust anyone'.. I wish you wishes may comes true. Aminn.. Keep fighting for it. Always support you Sab :D

    With love, Shad.

    1. Hello Shad,

      Thank you so much dear. Although i know my english is not very good but when someone loves what i write, that really made my day and surprise me. thank you again so much. <3

    2. Saying, 'There's always a room of improvement..'..
      It's understandable (ohmyenglish - not very good as yours)..
      I think I have new bucket list.. Writing an entry in English language like you Sab...
      You'r my idola.. hehe :D

    3. hehe thanks for the encouragement too! In shaa Allah, practice makes perfect right!

  18. >>> Happy New Year 2015, Sab. <<<

    Dah lama baca entri ni tapi komen je belum. Hikhik..

    Kenangan sedih tu saya faham sangat 'rasa' berada dalam situasi tersebut sebab saya juga pernah mengalaminya juga dulu. :-/

    Tahniah berjaya 7/10 untuk 2014 Resolution. *Thumbs up*

    Good luck for 2015 Resolution. I know you can do it, Sab!

    P/S : Room Tour please................ Hehe.. ;D

    1. Happy New Year dear!!!

      Hehe.. Thank you so much for the support ya. Xhenti2 kunjung blog sab yg merapu memanjang ni. haha.

      Room tour? hehe.. tgguuuuu

  19. i just got the chance to read this! anyway happy belated new year sab! eh ada ke? :pp all the best wishes in everything u do, but wonder why wanna lose some more kgs, u're already kurus sab :))

    1. Hehe thank you so much dear! i may look kurus but i have love handles. haha

  20. How come I missed out on this post??? T___T a well written post babe. I understand how you feel and I can relate to certain situation.*ehem ehem* Be strong (i know you are a fighter). Remember that i am here to support you. Be awesome always and thank you for being a great friend, a friendship that I never expected (like seriously from the internet??? :D). Thank you for always helping me out especially about blogging. You are the most humble, pemurah dengan ilmu yang you ada. Tak pernah kedekut ilmu. I wish you all the best dengan projectB, dengan Mr. T *ehem ehem* and dengan semua2 la. good luck sayang. lotsa <3 :)

    1. hehe! thank you so much dear! you have been one of the best blogger friend i ever had. your advice are always wise and keep me lifted up! in shaa Allah... hehe thank you again! <3 love youuu!
