2015 Plum Planner Review & Supplies Haul


Well hello there! Assalamualaikum & hello hello! 2014 is about to end and I make sure that I post this before it ends! At last I have done editing my haul video for the Plum Paper Design Planner that I recently purchase and some supplies I got for the planner. As you know I am a sucker for cute things and anything pretty. If you are interested to know more about the Plum Paper Planner, do watch the video above! Hope you enjoy the video and do let me know what you think about it! I will try to improve the quality of the video as well as how I must not be too awkward when talking in from of the camera.

I already start decorating the planner. I can't wait to go through everything and start marking special dates in the planner. Will do an updated video or post on how I use it maybe? :D

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2015 Planner bought from : Etsy seller Plum Paper Design
Stickers & Pen Holder bought from : Stickerrific
Passport Holder bought from : Lelong.com Seller LiFesta 
Stationeries bought from : Popular Bookstore


  1. Assalamualaikum Sabrina, OMG your planner looks so nice and the stickers are so cute... Wish I could afford one, but it's okay I'll just get one from typo... 😊

  2. The planner is so pretty !!!! Great video.


  3. Aww! So happy for u for getting ur own planner! I recently stumbled upon local brand Notebook Notbuk and the planner quite good too! http://notbooknotbuk.com/

    1. saw that one too! pretty nice but i dont like the weekly spread in horizontal.. :(

  4. i love the stickers!! i like how firm the planner looks, but i have to agree with you abt the colour (prints) being a bit too dull to my liking. I'm a crazy choosy girl when it comes to my planner, i have been planning to make my own printouts but still swamped with pindah rumah so nothing is done yet -_- lets see how i'm gonna improvise with my 2015 planner. thanks for sharing sab!

    1. tu la... macam habis ink pulak. haha! true, me too. i check on the size, layout and stuff. even how much line they have one the note section. glad this on has 31. so it fits like the whole month for my blogpost tracking.

  5. Alaaaa tergoda la pulak nak beli planner jugak, dah tengok website tu, tiba2 ada berkenan pulak.. Money come to me~

  6. so this is the reason why you menghilang for quite a few days , been looking for your new post .
    I am so excited to see this video, because I just love youtube recently. Great job by the way.
    and the planner look awesome , but can't afford to buy it yet. ehehe

    1. Haha no lah! been busy with day job. cant get around my laptop that much for blogging. thanks for watching and reading! <3

  7. Aaa, cantiknyaaa planner tuu. Rasa nak grab semua and the stickersss!

  8. I had no idea that you started a Youtube! I am subscribing right away ^_^

    Laila from Townhouse Palette

  9. The shipping is around 19USD. Ok lah. because erin cost 34USD if I am not mistaken. hehe, kalau suka meh join the club! This one ois bulky too, tp cute :P

  10. Waah! That is one cute planner you have there. Thanks to your influence, I got a mini planner from Typo and I love it. Typo is now having 50% OFF the 2015 planner for it definitely a bonus.

  11. Hey Sabrina, I have only recently been following beauty bloggers and your blog is one of the first I decided to follow. Loving your beauty/makeup reviews and keep up the good work!

    This is a little out of topic and I know I am a little far behind but are you still subscribed to beauty boxes? Are they still popular or am I outdated? I would love to subscribe to one but I am really lost. Would be nice if you could help me out.


    I am a guy.
    NO, I am not a beauty blogger.
    But I am obsessed with makeup and cosmetics because I am an Indian classical dancer and have done makeup for others many many times.
    NO, I am not an feminine guy.

    1. Hello Hdaran! That is so sweet of you. Thank you so much. Recently no, because I don't think I need more stuff to try as myself have pretty much little time to use all of them since each box comes in many types of product. And since then I never heard of any new stuff from beauty box subscriptions.

      It's ok! Totally understand! What I can recommend you is that just experimenting on makeup that works for you. Since you are only use it for a special occasion, you might just find a really good one for you to try. Try look for YouTubers such as GossMakeup Artist, he is a guy and he know what works best on make skin type.

    2. I have actually been following Wayne Goss for quite a while. I used to just search for tips on YouTube and try them out. I have been doing that for years and I usually like Wayne's tips. I only recently started sub'ing' people and it's so much easier that way. Emily Noel, Tati, Shawny (TotalMakeupJunkie101- she does great in finding makeup dupes) and also some local beauty YouTubers.

      Anyway, thanks for your help!

    3. You are most welcome! and thank you so much for reading my blog <3

  12. hi sab..what a great planner you have there. thank you for your sharing. Im addicted to planner too . I chose a local brand same as coraline from notbooknotbuk.CAnt wait to have them with me since i ordered both all year round journal and a daily planner from the team.. I also got my stickers from stikerrific and hopefully they can reach me before the new year.. Happy planning girl...:)

    1. hehe #plannergeng !I love that one too! yay for stickers! I bet you will love what you have bought! Happy planning! <3

  13. Cantiknya your punya planner ni. Comel je!

  14. Wahh..nice planning :) i hope you can happy what you doing chayok2 :D

  15. You should check out Lilly Pulitzer planner, it's cute. But yeah, the week spread is horizontal, not like EC and yours. I ordered a customized binder from Indonesia and make my own inserts using grid paper (bcs I read somewhere that it can enhance memories). My inserts are influenced by EC and DIYfish (vertical type). At first I wanna buy from Typo but the paper is so thin, a big no for me. Gotta get myself a Kikki K next year, but still going to DIY the inserts since I love grid paper. (Or should I get a squared Moleskine?) #wishywashy

    1. I knew about the Lily planner but if I am not mistaken it does not ship to Malaysia. Pretty nice~ i love the hard cover design it has. DIY is pretty nice! I love that too but I just dont have the time. :(

  16. Hello, this is pretty random but what camera did you use to shoot the video (and take the photos)?

    Hihi thanks!


    1. no worries dear. i be more than happy to share this with you. from my early years of blogging i use blackberry bold 3 camera, then i use my iphone 5 camera, starting from middle of last year, i use my Sony Alpha 5000 camera. i also use my sony alpha 5000 to shoot my video. :) hope this helps!

    2. Yay thanks for responding!


  17. hi sabrina,may i know how much is the internation shipping cost? include taxes...

    1. I checked back my receipt from my last order, there is no tax, but the shipping cost is $19.75 USD.
