Top 5 2015 planner you can buy


I am a person who need to write everything or else I forgot about it. Anything! I always need pen and paper beside me. Whenever I think of something I need to jot it down. Planner is a big deal for me. It is important and it does make a different in my everyday life. Especially when handling a blog, day job and other thing I need to manage. Choosing a planner is like choosing a husband! No I'm kidding. Probably not, maybe a somewhat the same. Haha. I am very picky on how the planner looks like, the size, is it convenient, the layout and such. Sometimes I thought I would just make my own planner and sell it to people! Hm.. good idea... Ok. So I am in a search of a new planner since 2014 is ending. So I thought I share what I find! A planner that you are possible to purchase especially in Malaysia. We have limited of choices on cute planner. Some are bargain some are worth investing probably. Haha. All products shop links listed below can be ship if you are living in Malaysia. So don't worry! Hope this helps! 

1. Typo Malaysia
A popular choice to go for a planner. But I am not actually a fan of it because of the layout. I am more of a bullet journal type of person. I don't really like weekly planners. I like a planner that only have the 12 month square layout that is combine in one section and an empty note book at the back. The size of the planner are also a bit small to my liking. But it still looks cute. Im still considering it since MySale is having a sale for some of the planner. You can also purchase it at Typo Malaysia official webpage here. (Price from RM59+)
**Buy it for only RM35 at MySale! <--- click Scroll and search for Typo sale. The sale is ending soon, fast fast fast!

2. Sugar Paper
Amazing find! I love love love their 2015 diary. Super pretty with awesome price. As I was checking it, I saw that they ship internationally but not Malaysia! I personally email them and ask if they could ship to Malaysia and they did add our country. Yeay! But then, the planner that I wanted sold out. Boo Hoo. If you are interested in the other planner, you may purchase them. I really want the monthly note planner but its sold out. I dont really like the size of the other planner. Not sure how much shipping cost. (Price from RM40 *not include international shipping)

3. Erin Condren Planner
Ultimate and most expensive planner that I nearly invested in. It is all over the YouTube and just super pretty. What I like about it is that it is customizable and has lots of cute design But, include shipping (yes they ship internationally) it cost pretty expensive unless you pool the shipping charges together with other friends. But still it cost RM250-350+ per planner. If you willing to splurge, then its okay! You are using it for a good intention right. A better 2015! Haha my alasan....

4. Plum Paper Design at Etsy
Cost a little bit less than the Erin Life Planner. Pretty nice but still shipping is still a bit insane. Quite similar to Erin Life Planner but less choice. Name are still customizable. For me the price is okay but I am still procrastinating on paying the shipping fee. Hmmmm.

5. DIY
Still hesitate on buying it? Sayang duit macam saya? haha Well, last choice then. Go to your stationery shop and go buy some A4 papers. Then print your own! Get it? Print it and attach it with a ring file or something. Bazingga! Free 2015 printable planner at -

Just Google them if you want to see review, also there are many review in YouTube for easier view and explanation. *all image credit to each shop owners.

If you still wondering on how to buy stuff Internationally and don't have credit card then just go to my previous post on how you can use you debit card through PayPal or simple just use your debit card that has Visa/Master logo on it. Same method as registering PayPal. Read it here : How to have a PayPal account for Online Shopping without Credit Card

Hope this helps and let me know in the comment section below if you have other recommendation of cute planner for 2015!


  1. Sab kita pun tengah cari planner for 2015. mysale punya harga nampak menarik! sab tau kita g typo semua planner dia dah naik harga. ceh!

    1. Typo planner dia kecik tp mahal. tp kalau mysale dh buat discount bargain la kan! hehe

  2. Typo quite mahal ke? Aiseh. DIY lah ginii. haha. Senangg. Puas hati pun puas.

    1. Typo aming paling murah kat list ni, and senang nak beli. tp mysale ada buat sale! so deal!

  3. So Sab, which one you decided on to?? Haha

  4. Mieza suka Erin Condren punya planner tu. Kalau kaya dah beli foil warna pink Bubblegum. Tapi after customize mak datuk the price include shipping dah 400 lebih. Kbai nak buat sendiri lah ^_^

    1. sama.. i like the silver pink tu. kan.. kalau kat sana ok la harga dia.. dh ship sini. haish.

    2. i wish i can go to US pakai pintu suka hati and ketuk pintu office Erin Condren. COD lagi senang XD

  5. i tunggu planner free je! mungkin tahun ni nak deco ngn washi tape so that it's as cute as the ones at typo!

    1. i xselalu dpt peluang planner free! hehe... washi tape is a good idea <3

  6. wah.....the DIY planner look very nice!!!! I might just print it out and use that :D

  7. erin condren punye cantik gile.... nangis lah tgk harga. T_T

  8. Semua planner cantik lah kak sabrina tapi harge die ... huhu T-T mampu beli kt mph je la. hehe

    1. kan kan.. planner mmg mahal. mph punya bulky.. huwaaa... kenapa kita xde planner comel2 tp harga tempatan. betul tak. haha

  9. Macam tau je org tgh cari planner hahaha! I love to own a kate spade planner but >.< I may as well write on money! Thanks for the post, will definitely check the sites!

    1. its the time of the year! hehe... yass! kate spade planner are just.. aaa pretty. but it look similar to the sugar paper ones. the price is ok, but not sure how shipping will be.

  10. Yayy thank you for the suggestions Sabrina! :D

  11. wuarghh memang mahal sampai beratus , anis buka jenis menulis planner , dulu ya , but now,never. hehe. Gonna go for DIY ;)

    1. tu la, sbb dia tau org pakai, jual mahai2.. ciss.. hehe

  12. Hahahah if macam ni tengok mood kalau nak beli planner. Either I will buy and not really use in the end or just DIY >.> susah jugak nak jadi organised ni tapi its essential since I'm forgetful bwahaha

    Hana Blurbs

  13. Thanks for all info. Of all above, I like Erin Condren planner.

  14. Hai sab.salam punya la cri sesape kat mesia ni talking about daily planner..finallu jumpa ur entry..yeay ade geng..ehhe..kte selalu usha blog belinda sy macm trminat nak ade daily planner sndrik pulak lepas ni..mcm best je..sbb sy suka deco2 n organize ni..try usha ade erin condren ni jual kt mesia..mmg tak hado la..haih..mahal la pulak shipping try nak.buat sndri..klo awak nk cri yg hrge msia punya..cuba tgok blog susunatursiosca. Akk tu buat n jual planner sndri..not bad..effective jugak..hee

    1. hi fasha! yeay! geng! hehe.. suka bila jmpa org yg minat planner ni. memahami. hehe

      aah tu la. erin pnya planner mahal.. tapi cantik! tak ramai yg nk invest on a good planner kat malaysia ni. sab dah beli. sab beli yg plum paper design tu. murah sikit dari erin pnya. ok gak la sab tgk layout. sekarang tggh tggu smpai!

  15. Dah beli baru jumpa entry sab huhuu. Saya beli Passion Planner & Erin's Condren Notebook. Tp tengok yg plum paper rasa alaaaaaaaa, napa la tak jumpa >.< takpelah hihii..

    1. ala xpe.. passion planner tu pun nampak nice jugak! <3

  16. found ur entry mase tgh duk cari planner..most of them are nice...mybe go for DIY sbb save duit ckit...thanks for sharing

    1. i also love the diy idea. but my printer does not really print nicely. it would be an advantage kalau ada printer yg best! kalau hantar kdai mahal... :(

  17. The erin condren planner looks so gorg!!! :(

    1. i know right! but the price are just a bit out of my budget! hehe

  18. Hey, do you know where to get a cheap alternatif to filofax covers?

    1. how about lovedoki planner? i bought that one for 2016, will do a haul maybe soon in my blog.

  19. Thanks kongsi planner beli dr happie Scrappie... x mampu erin condren punye planner... br nk try for this year...

  20. Replies
    1. tak jual dik.. recommend sahaja.. baca bogpost betul2 ya.. :)

  21. I would go for option 5!!! It's more accustomed to my needs and a whole cheaper... The thing is it's so hard to find a ring file other than A4 size. I've been desperately looking online and in our local bookstores/ stationery shop for an A5 ring file but no hope of finding one 😭😭😭.Ada pun, Kena order min 1000!! Hahahaha I only one for myself... Any suggestions Sabrina? 😘

    1. right now i am using the dokibook planner,its a personal size (a5) and i bought the inserts at mph and print some from my computer. you can search 2016 stationary haul in my blog to see more.

  22. Okay dearest planner addicts 😊😊 I highly recommend all of you to go check out !!! :) The designs are pretty, the price range are quite economical... They are very friendly too and easy to find on Instagram and Facebook. Best part is they are locals (From M'sia) - so no need to worry about international shipping costs :)
