How I organize my lip products


Happy Tuesday everyone. I did not get the chance to blog that much. My laptop lags so much. I think its time. Hm. Oh well. No budget for that. haha. So just a quick fun post I thought would like to share with you guys on how I sort my lip products or lipsticks. As you know I have these plastic drawers for a while. I sort all of my make-up with its different type. So I basically have 3 drawers just for my lip products. One is for my lip care/lip balm and the other two here are my lipsticks/lip colour product. So I thought this would be a great tip on how you can really used all of your product especially lipstick. How I sort it out is by colours. As you can see in the picture I have two drawers for these. I separate it in the first drawers with Nudes,Mauve,Earth Tone lip products on the left side and Orange, Peach, Coral tone lip products on the right side. I use a divider that I got from Daiso. The second drawer serve as a more bright lip colors. On the left side are Reds, Dark & plumps. Sometime that I don' really wear everyday. Haha. On the right side are Pinks and pinksss!

I just mix all of my lip products from lip gloss to tints and such in colour order. So when I want to wera pink, I just can grab in the pink section whether its lip gloss or lipstick. I find it easier. Oh in case you are wondering, the drawers that I got here is from Robinson. I bought it at the home section/kitchen section at The Gardens Mid Valley Robinson. These drawers are actually comes in 3 levels. They are similar to the Muji PP Plastic Drawers but cheaper. It cost around RM28.90 each. I got 5 of them! Haha. These drawers are always stock up. From what I believe they are not limited. Sometimes they are out of stock, but when I come visit again, they are available back. So check out often! So what do you think of organizing lip products using colors instead of brands & type?

Love, Sabrina ^^


  1. Lovely arrangement! Very neat and well-organised^^ And you have so many nude lipsticks! :D

    1. Thank you so much! ya, i usually go for nude lips everyday hehe

  2. nak bekas tu!!
    Lagi murah dari my muji.
    But i love my muji one. Ok tamak. Thanks sab buat I rambang mata. haha

    1. i love the muji ones also! especially the landscape ones. but belum dapat beli lagi sekarang. nanti la lepas kahwin. :P New vanity setup!

  3. omg, what a good way to store your lipsticks! been looking for a way, i think ill sort my lip sticks like this. thanks!

  4. I really like how you organize your products!

    Laila from Townhouse Palette

  5. Larat ke pakai smua haha? XD overwhelmed jugak if it were meeee hahahah

    Hana Blurbs

  6. Soo many lip products!! lovely storage :)

  7. Cantik... kan best kalau kat johor pon ada muji dah lama tengok drawer muji lawa-lawa
