Mark & Spencer in Komtar, JBCC


If you all know that I have move back to Johor Bahru. My hometown is in Johor. So moving back to Johor has been very exciting for me although I do feel a bit sad of leaving those awesome opportunity and especially not to be able to meet my lovely blogger friends. If you know me back there, I just want to say I miss you guys so much! You guys know who you are! Moving back to Johor have been so great so far. I got a day job now (the reason behind lack of posting), I just got my driving license! Wohoo! And many new things to explore here. The best part is got to be to have my own room and be around with my cats and parents. Hehe. So back to the topic, I don't normally blog about press kit but this press kit I got I feel quite interesting. I felt so lucky because as I move back to Johor, there were so many new things develop here in Johor. So many new shopping malls, cool spot to hang out and many other attractions.

One of the best thing that happen is this. Which is a new shopping mall open in Johor. It is located beside City Square JB. Orang2 JB mesti tau port ni. Hahahaha. Zaman cinta monyet selalu pergi sini. :P So JBCC were actually build up from the old shopping mall called Komtar. There renovate the whole building and relaunch the shopping mall to JBCC. I have been there and there were a few shops open which is like Sephora (scream), Pandora, Dora the explore.. No I'm just kidding on the Dora part. But basically what I can say about JBCC is that they are targeting to be like KLCC because there are many high end brands open in there. One of them is this. that I thing one of the main attraction of JBCC would be the Mark & Spencer. When I visited JBCC, Mark & Spencer were still renovating. But now I am going to tell you that, is is finally open! *pops confetti*

The picture I got here is from the press release send to me. As you can see Mark & Spencer have variety of department in there. I am excited about the Food Hall & Beauty Department of course! They offers wide variety of items such as Women's clothing, Men's Wear, Office Wear, Food (love the packaging) and Beauty Department. Bath Products! I love their Talc product because I am a powder person. Haha.

Any Johorean here? Are you excited about the Mark& Spencer opening in Johor? Mark & Spencer Johor Bahru is located on Ground Floor just beside Sephora. And Sephora is beside (going to open) Bath & Body Works. So this means I am going to be broke. Oh yeay. Yay me on my "Saving Resolution" this year *rolls eyes*. Who cares HAHAHAHAHAHA. Ok. I should stop now.



  1. so dont have to miss KL lahhh almost the same dah got sephora also! hahahha ka ching ka ching

  2. Johor sekarang macam2 ada. Syurga dunia. Tak payah ke KL dah. Hehe. Kalau saya 'stay' di Johor, Sephora & BBW dah cukup bagi saya. Hahaha.

    **Jelessss sebab di tempat sendiri Sephora & BBW tiada. Nangisssss.... T-T

    1. Haha.. tu la.. dengar cerita Ikea pn nak bukak sini. Emph. mmg xpindah mana2 dah.. hehe.. xpela, mana tau ada nanti! ^^

  3. I was born in JB and I grew up there! Komtar tu selalu sangat pegi masa kecik2 dulu, siap rawatan asthma pun kat klinik situ gak dulu. raya pun pegi shopping kat situ. beli bubur favourite pun kat situ. awh i miss JB so much (T_T) dah bertukar jadi JBCC rupanya, tak sabar nak balik JB jalan2 sana lagi :D dah bertahun tak balik..

    1. selalu pergi komtar pergi co op! hehe.. come la jb! we can meet up. hehe

  4. City Square change name already ah? The last time I went there was like in 2005 or 2006, I think, just beside the old customs. Always go there because its accessible to and fro SG. Hehe!

    1. nope, city square remains. this is the building next to city square. it was abandon quite a long time. i think before 2006. So this JBCC is a newly shopping mall from the old building beside City Square. Next time pay some visit here!

  5. owh johorean rupanya! Me too... :D .. Welcome back & enjoy.. CS memang best.. dulu slalu tengok movie je kat situ..

    1. Hehehe.. oh kalau Razfira dtg cs balik, wayang dah abis renovate. dah lain sgt...

  6. Bestkan sekarang johor dah ada macam-macam dari dulu berangan dan berharap sephora akan bukak kat johor sekali impian dah jadi kenyataan bukak jugak kat johor... Cuma ikea jek tak tahu bila akan bukak....

    1. Dengar cerita kata memamng nak bukak kat Tebrau. Sebab plan layout semua dah official keluar. Hopefully soon! aaa best kan!

  7. deodrant M&S ni mmg terbaek suka sgt till now...
