Dinner Date | Maco Cake & Bakery


Eating is like the best thing to do. I think everyone can agree with me on this. Wowzaa. I personally love dining in and trying out new food. But still I will tend to stick to what I like. I love anything grilled and spicy. Last week me and Mr. T celebrate our 8th year of that special friendship. We have been dating for 8 years. I could not believe it myself. We both love food and I have been wanting to blog about places I ate for so long but for the past year as a student I did not really get to eat at fancy restaurant because of my financial status. So this year we both may have been better, we both just got our own job and alhamdulilah there is always rezeki coming.  I don't know if you are interested but I have been wanting to blog more about what I am doing in my life like where did I had some special dinner out, or where I go, rather than always posting product review. So I hope you enjoy. Haha.

We choose this cafe mainly because it looks fancy but at the same time the menu shown is not overpriced. The ambiance is so calming and nice. But the calm and romantic surrounding only last 1 hour. There is like a bunch of school kids came in the restaurant and talk so loudly. So we took off quite early because the romantic ambiance just blew off. Haha. I ordered the Grilled Chicken Chop, it is one of the must try menu written in the menu. Mr. T ordered baked pasta. The service is pretty fast but what disappoint me is that the portion of the chicken is quite small, its RM20.00. I love the strawberry smoothie tho. It is super delish. Overall it was an okay cafe to me. I suggest you to go for this cafe if you wanna have some coffee talk. The menu is not that variety tho. But the cakes and coffee option is pretty variety. Well, it has already state there cafe and bakery right. Haha. My bad. If you are interested to know more about this cafe go to : https://www.facebook.com/MacoVintage