Cosmoderm Manjakani Hygiene Wash Review


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡. Today quick review would be a product that I might say I can't live without especially because it is just so important to also taking care of your V area! So if you area  guy and you area reading this. Stop here, you have no business here I have tried so many brand of female hygiene wash and it is just for the sake of not using a high PH soap base cleanser under there that might as well as makes me feel just the same. If you know what I mean. Its like just because it says its for your V area and you bought it because it said so and you just use it because you can't use body wash on that area. But this new discovery that I have been using for months now have change my perception. It really makes a different and I am going to let you know my thought on it below!

What I like about it. It delivers what it promises! By far this is one one the best Feminine Hygiene wash I ever use. That is why I just have to blog about it. It claims to be a product that :

Helps tightens and strengthen the vagina walls
Helps lighten the skin of intimate area
Long lasting cooling sensation
Prevents excessive discharge
Smoothens skin of intimate area
Feminine and exotic smell to enhance intimacy
Speeds up wound healing

From my own experience it does helps firm up my skin under there, lighten my skin, give me long lasting cooling sensation (it really does!), hydrate and does not leave my under area dry that ,may cause itchiness (ya know what i meannnn). I am not sure about speeds up wound healing and enhance intimacy because I am not yet married and have kids! haha! The scnt is not overpowering too! Does not have weird herb scent. This also helps eliminates that euw euw smell when you area having your period amd it also help eliminate my "white" problem.

What I don't like about it. Maybe I just don't like the packaging. Haha! It looks too simple and I hope it has better packaging because the product it self is so good! This one is in a pump size bottle, they also have smaller bottle of you are interested. The big size pump bottle does not bothers me actually, I love the pump is just that i don't like the design.

Overall & Recommendation. Recommend to all ladies put there! But if you don't like cooling sensation feeling down there this might not for you. For me I love it because it makes my V area feel fresh and hydrated!

Name : Cosmoderm Manjakani Hygiene Wash
Price : RM 17.90
Where To Buy : Cosmoderm Website (link)
Net Weight : 400ml
Ingredients Highlight : Manjakani
**Disclaimer - This product were send to me for product review purposes

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  1. Replies
    1. Manjakani is actually a herb that is popular and most use among the Malay traditional products that is most benefit to women. It can be found from a tree.

  2. I saw this selling in cube. Thought I might give it a try. Thanks for sharing this.
