How to gain more traffic/visitors. No cheating method. | Part 1


First let me give you a disclaimer that I am NOT a professional blogger, I am NOT a professional analysis or what so ever. I thought I wanna make this post just to give you my own tips that I have experience using it for the past 3 years of blogging. In return I hope I can help you in your blogging journey! I took these advice from the other blogging sifu as well as some of my own way of blogging that really helped on my traffic that I try and error before. You cannot cheat traffic. You can cheat your Instagram follower, likes and Facebook like or what so ever but you cannot cheat traffic. So far as I know lah. Haha. So here are the 5 tips I am going to share with you!

1. Attractive thumbnail & Post Title.
Yes. Thumbnail is important. as well as this applied to a nice picture that you take. Because it attract lazy people to read title like me to click on to your link. Haha. You don't need a DSLR or any expensive camera to blog when you first started. All you need is actually good lighting. When I first started blogging, I use my Blackberry camera and a window light. From my experience, balcony, bedroom window have the best lighting. Picture editing tips click here (link). And to the second part, Post title. I admit that actually I am not good at this but my blog is mainly about beauty so try to put review at the back or something catchy that makes people curios want to know. 

2. Rename & Resize your image before uploading to your post.
Seems simple but this is amazingly important. Do let me know if you are interested in a blog tips on how to manage your blog. This applies a bit. So in the "rename" topic it self by means it rename your image before uploading. Don't leave the IMG123124 what so ever default name you have in your pictures. The name of the image it self will help push your image on the top level in Google image search. For example if you are blogging about a Benefit Cosmetics Shop, try renaming it to "Benefit Cosmetics shop in Malaysia". When you are reviewing a product for example a Etude House Lipstick with swatch details and price, try to rename it to "Etude House Lipstick full swatch malaysia price list". People will google out for these tags and title and your picture may be on the early first pages and this will leads to your blog. 

3. Resize your image.
This falls under the "weight" of your blog. Sometimes people can get frustrated with your big image and left your blog. You don't need a big picture that actually resize to a smaller picture in your blog. Also, it will trouble you in the future. You blog capacity will maximize and you will need to pay. So try to look for a smaller size image to your liking. For me, I like to use this size 640px x 426px and click on the image and set it to X-Large. If you still want a bigger image because you want a bigger effect when clicked, try double the size that I provide you above. Don't use the usual default size 2000px++. It loads so slow! It fits perfectly in my blog and load faster.

4. Active.
Always post out something new. So your blog will always be on top of people blog list. It can be a cross selling technique. You don't have to stressed out by doing a single post everyday. If you want to plan ahead, if you are interested in this topic do let me know. So, maybe 2-3 post a week is nice. Create your own series or genre of blogs. Always share your blog links in your social media and blogging group. This will expand your link to the search engine. 

5. Be friendly and go blogwalking!
Ok. This is the ultimate tips I use when I start blogging. Socialize around! Don't be shy and don't sombong! Go to people blogs, read their post, comment below and leave your blog url. Some people are just too lazy to do this. I find it is weird because blogging is a way of interacting to new people as well as find new things to explore. Ok this part is a bit weird to some people. Some people don't like you to leave your link in their comment section. I don't know why. For me it welcomes people to discover new blogs. Okay, try to avoid the just commenting "Follow me and I follow you back". Oh come on. You blog not just because of the followers numbers. You want the exposure. Remember, exposure not numbers. What I mean is be genuine. Read their post, tell your thoughts and maybe leave your url down below. Who knows he/she might come to your blog and start to be your new reader too. But if she/he don't like, well just don't do it again. Respect their wants. Your username can also be a backlink to your blog so without the URL itself also can help but sometimes the link can be a problem when it directly go to your profile first before your blog. So just be patient. Then to your own blog, try to reply to people comments. I understand some top bloggers don't reply to the readers comment, it is because they receive hundreds of them. But for you who is just starting, come on. Interact with each other. He/She might come back to check on your replies. That is also count as traffic.

There are more but I think these are the most that I use. Well not most. Will do Part 2 if you like! I can't judge my own content weather its interesting to your opinion. But I blog because I like what I blog about. But these are the steps that I do when I started blogging. When the time I only have 1 follower, 1 visitor per day and basically no people commenting on my blog.

The ultimate key to increase your blog traffic is of course, never give up. Don't expect fast return and blogging because of fame, fortune and freebies. Blogging is fun! You make new friends and learn new things. Don't get stressed out and don't let anyone take your passion to a tension! Well that's for now, I know I have promise to blog about more blogging tips but I just could not get around. Super busy with day job and stuff. I promise I will do, just stick with me! hehe. If you have any tips you wanna share or other blogging tips you want me to share, do comment down below! Majulah blogging untuk negara, eh!
*Pic took from WeHeartIt


  1. Thanks for sharing, Sabrina! Always love your posts! And one thing is a good blogskin makes me visit your blog often too! ;D

    Nicole Yie

  2. Totally agree with the above. And I want to add another thing. For the title, do put in important keywords because Google sort their search base on relevance. Title like "I got the new Naked 3" will push your link backward. Meanwhile, the title "Naked 3 Review, Swatches, Commentary" will help increase your readership from Google.

    1. Yep yep, thanks jerine! you are one of the blogger i looked up too. You started blogging before me and your blog encourages me to start a beauty blog. True to the post title, i believe its seo friendly too.

  3. i never knew renaming images is important hahaha most of the time i'll just randomly tapping on the keyboard like -> eyukdchdulkcjknedc.jpg lol

    1. hahaha! I do that too. but them I select all picture all together and rename them. It will automatically rename all of the pictures and differentiate them with numbers at the back. Then upload it! new tip here! ;)

  4. sukanya tips sab ni..i liokkeee....
    maklumlah blog i sgt picisan...

    1. hehe thank you.. ala xmo ckp cm tu... semua blog best!

  5. Thx dear for tips sharing especially for those newbies like me..

  6. THanks for sharing.

    Http:// :)

  7. and most importantly your blog content! Always love your beauty review :D

    1. yep true! aww thank you. still i feel i have a lot to improve. thank you so much for the support!

  8. alhamdulillah thank you Sab for sharing ^_^ i definitely will vote for part 2 punya post! i agree with you Sab, nak dapat ramai visitor kena banyak usaha and it wont happen overnight. there are short cuts actually, like promoting ones beauty to gain popularity thus the visits but then there is no quality to it as people only come to see your beauty that's all. i have been through your situation too, part takde comment takde pelawat tetap and follower pun follow sebab "i follow you, you follow me back" hahaha! Zaman masih bertatih nak kenal dunia blogging, nampak number dulu then lama2 baru realize quality kena come first.

    1. welcome mieza! in shaa Allah will do Part 2 soon. hahaha those days! yep, just keep on doing what you love. Try an error and find what you like best. in shaa Allah satu hari nanti you will look back and say, its totally worth it!

  9. Haha resize image. I read somewhere about a trick on auto-resize image despite the original size may be large :3 great tips! Once I revamp my blog soon I may use these tricks XD

    Bloobs Blurbs II

    1. I usually resize my image one by one.hehe. sure can! happy blogging!

  10. Nice info! Now, i taking picture for my blog using my ipone. i still save my money to buy dslr cam haha. Thank's for sharing ^^

  11. Ma sha Allaah, very true sis. I have done everything in your list. Tho, it went to trash when I went for hiatus for less than a year due to study purposes. however, when i came back, i learned there are people who will love you no matter what. and they would read your blog and think you are still awesome. ^^

    may Allaah bless you more for not keeping info such as these from others who are still learning. ;)


    1. Yep, true. When you posted something new, your loyal readers will always visit back. Alhamdulilah. Keep on blogging, in shaa Allah more tips soon!

  12. great tips .. iam going to implement all of them..

  13. terima kasih sabrina,saya akan praktikkan sebab baru dalam dunia blog, nanti minta tunjuk ajar yer...tq

    1. in shaa Allah more blog tips post lepas ni. hope i helped!

  14. love the tips girl! I'm a new blogger myself and a friend of mind showed me this post and I absolutely agree with everything you say about being friendly on the net, it sure helps to increase your traffic. Quick question, do you know anything about SEO optimization? I always see that everyone, try to follow tutorials about it but I don't really know what I'm doing and whether it works. Btw, are you on Blog Lovin? Thanks for the tips hun, excellent post!

    Lany <3,

    1. I am still learning about SEO. If I have more info about it, I'm surely will share about it. Thank you so much for reading!

  15. Thank you for sharing~ Good tips! :)

  16. Nice sharing kak sabrina..Even though I started blog since 2011 but I never serious in blogging till I found something tips like this..It lift up my mood back to be a blogger.It do helps a lot actually.what I believe writing must come from a pure and good heart to deliver the message to the people then followers will come.hee.xo

    1. Thank you dear, glad I have! hehe.. yep, content is absolutely important. Readers can sure know if you are sincere in your writings.

  17. Loved this! So informative and very helpful! Looking forward to part 2. :)

    1. thank you so much and will do soon, in shaa Allah :)

  18. Thank you for the useful tips! Can't wait to check out part 2 <3

    Shini |

  19. I don't if you know about this but I resize my pictures using JPEGmini, which is a very good software without killing the images quality! Though the free trial only allow 20 pics a day :) Btw, great advice! Will follow them :D

  20. Yes ! blogging is fun. As for me, just be genuine, that's how we labelling ourselves. hee

    1. yep yep! readers can know if we are being fake or not

  21. Thank you sis. I need these tips! Still a noob here. :3

  22. Love this post! I'm actually blogging for about 7 months now and a lot of times I get frustrated because there's not a lot of traffic. But just like you, I love what I'm doing so I'm hanging on.

    1. aw.. dont ever feel frustrated. its a bit difficult at start, but if you hang on to it, one day you will look back and thank your self for the patient and passion you put into! i promise you, its totally worth it ;)

  23. good tips! terus nak apply kan sekarang. kahkah ;)

  24. Benefit Tips !

  25. dear taht rename the image is TOTALLY NEW for me...ohhh oh ok! will do it after after this yar thnx 4 sharing!

  26. I love your blog layout, simple, pretty and easy to browse. Being a new blogger, I think your tips are definitely useful. So thumbs up!

    1. thank you so much dear! glad it help. will try to post the part 2 soon. super busy these days. :(

  27. Great points! Thank you for taking your time to write them down. Can't wait for part two :D

    x Kiwa

    1. your are most welcome! will do part 2 as soon as i can! <3

  28. Great tips Sabrina. Well done! It really helps a lot for a blogger to rise and shine! :)

  29. I've been your silent reader quite a while..nice blog and really enjoy blog walking here.. :)

    1. Thank you so much! Looking forward for more visit from you dear <3

  30. Reading this in 2015 and it's still so useful! Thanks for sharing :)

  31. Hi breena! Thank you for posting about this tips. It is very very helpful for newbie blogger like me. Im doing it~
    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I LOVE your blog design and entries <3

    1. It's sabrina! :D Most welcome, hope this helps! <3 Thank you so much!

  32. thank you for posting this ! I'm a new blogger and these tips will help me for sure . I love your blog , truly an inspiration :).

  33. Hi Sabrina! Good day to you and thank you for these inspiring tips. Will surely take these tips into account. I'm a new blogger based in Sarawak. :) xo

  34. thank you Sabrina for the info. i am a newbie blogger :)

  35. Thank you sabrina for this your blog simple n nice
