Smitten Strawberry Lip Scrub Review


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡. Another review for today. As much as we love our skin, we need to take care of our lips too. Your lips can get chappy and flaky if it tend to lost its moisture and hydration. A lil scrubbing can help remove dead skin cells as well as making it plummer. Introducing another product viral in the instagram world. The Smitten lip scrub! If you have been eyeing on the Lush lip scrub that may break the bank, you need this. A great dupe that comes in 9 flavors! This Smitten lip scrub said to help give you smoother lips and a hint of natural red tint to your lips.

I choose the flavor Strawberry because it pink. Well, not a surprise hey. This lip scrub comes in a cute candy plastic packaging. I put this in my bathroom sink so after I cleanse my face I use this. I already make this as my routine. It is easy to use and it definitely gives an instant result. The scrub is gentle on your lips and I don't experience bad side effect even when I use it daily. There is a mild scent to this scrub. While scrubbing the sugar does tend to get into your mouth, it taste like cotton candy! I rub this on my lip for 5 seconds and rinse it off. It gave me smoother lips and there is a hint if natural red on my lip that may appear because of that scrubbing going on. I really recommend this product, it comes in 9 flavors! I look forward on trying new other flavors! It looks cute on the sink counter too!

Name : Smitten Strawberry Lip Scrub
Price : RM8.00
Where To Buy : / Contact 011-21253499 / 012-3405545
Net Weight : 5g
Ingredient Highlights : Sugar, Jojoba Oil, Honey, Olive Oil.
**Disclaimer - This product(s) were send to me for product review purposes.

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