Nature Republic Aloe Vera Gel Review


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡. Today I am back with another product review. I have this product for a very long time. I bought it this early year during the opening of the Nature Republic in Time Square which you can read it here (click here). I bought this because it was in the Bestseller section and the SA is really convincing on saying this product is really good. Since the price is pretty affordable, so I give it a try. Describe as a soothing & Moisture ALOE VERA 92% Soothing Gel. It is Nature Republic best seller product. This soothing gel with 92% Globo Surf certified by California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) can be used to mildly moisturize various parts of the body such as the face, arms, legs, and hair.

What I like about it. For a 300 ml product that only cost me RM29. I think that is pretty good. Because I was thought of that you can o so many things with aloe vera. DIY projects and other purposes. A lot of people don't like the scent but to be honest, I love the scent. It's very refreshing and mild. The texture of this product is very jelly looking and it blends nicely to your skin. It turns into water when you blend it in and dry for a few seconds. There is a bot of cooling sensation

What I don't like about it. Its a bit bulky and not very hygienic since it comes in an open jar. It can be a bit sticky if you apply too much. It contains alcohol, which helps with the absorption of a cooling sensation. You might feel a bit burnt if you put on your wound.

Overall & Recommendation. I think this is a must-have product because if it all-purpose benefits. You can use it for your whole body. There is the time when I burn my finger while cooking, I apply this on the burn area. A few minutes my burning feeling was gone and treated. Another thing I love to use for this product is for my dry leg, its very moisturizing. It's very lightweight and refreshing. It helps me with treating my burn and dryness amazingly. We are quite fortunate here because it is available here in Malaysia with an affordable price tag. I heard a lot of an intentional user have to import this from Korea and it cost them higher.

Name : Nature Republic Aloe Vera 92% Soothing Gel
Price : RM 28.00+
Made in : Korea
Net Weight : 300ml
Ingredient Highlights : 92% of pure Aloe Vera formulated free fromParaben, mineral oil and artificial color.
Where To Buy : Nature Republic Outlets
**Disclaimer - This product were bought by my own money

Any tips or recommendation on using aloe vera gel?



  1. I got mine that same aloe vera gel but from different brand. Mine is from Skin79. I cari yang ni it sold out everywhere!
    I tak suka bau die. Yang I punya lah. Sebab kuat sgt and rasa mcm die bubuh perfume hugo boss dalam tu and you tepek it on your skin. Rasa moody sekejap. hehe.

    1. wah sold out evrywhere! hahaha! aah kn, kalau product tu bau hampeh jadi cm urrgghhh

    2. helo girls, can comtact me if you are interested in Natural Republic Aloe Vera. We are selling!
      Wechat/line: yeanyap94

  2. Sab, kita pun suka Aloe vera ni. bila pakai sejuk je rasanya!

  3. I'm gonna buy it soon. It's quite cheap here.

  4. Good review! I got mine that same aloe vera gel too, but from different brand... Mine is from Etude House. ^^
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  5. i got mine too,suka je pakai & yup a bit sticky like you say klau pakai banyak,hihihi

  6. Hi sab, i'm watiey. Actually i nk try this aloe gel but i worried 4 my skin. Ur opinion please....

    1. Hi Watiey, this aloe vera gel is one of the best seller, the beauty consultant also state that aloe vera gel works well even on sensitive skin. :)

  7. Hi! Found your blog when google'ing'about this product. I just bought this gel from its outlet in South Korea. Been heard positive feedbacks about it so why not to try since the price also quite cheaper over there, convert to RM :12++. And...i am very satisfy with this product. Not really sticky and greasy like other product. :)

    1. oh my thats so cheap!! i would love to go to korea one day and shop more of korean beauty products. the price must be unbelievable <3 it could be a great shopping spree hehe

  8. Hi, sabrina. Nak tny mana nak cari produk ni kt Malaysia? Tringin pulak nak cuba. Hehe.

    1. as mention kat dlm blog dear, nature republic punya kedai. ada di malaysia :) online pn byk seperti hermo or althea

  9. Sis nk tny. Beli kt mne aloe vera gel ni. Watson ad x?

    1. Kat watson ada jual aloe vera gel jugak, tp bukan brand ni. yg ni nature republic, try cari kat outlet nature republic.

  10. I found it at Quill Mall City Jln Sultan Ismail.. Xegt nme kedai dia tpi kt ground floor brdepan dgn kedai pizza.. Gonna grab 1 soon sbb tdi rushing nk msok ofis.. Hehe..

    1. this is an essential, kene grab satu. other than for skin moisturizing, boleh treat sun burn and luka. :)

    2. Hye Sabrina, it has been 1 month i pkai aloe vera gelbrand NatureLand 98% aloe gel.. No alcohol, no paraben, no fragrance n many more as it claimed.. U know what, ketara gila dia pnye kesan!! Parut merah n hitam makin brkurang, jerawat hilang 99%, black/whutead xde, non sticky, cpt absorb.. Kulit jdi lembut je biarpun sy nie lelaki tpi sy sgt brusaha utk pulihkn muka sy nie.. Ntah knp lps abis PLKN ttba kena jerawat until umur 24 taon.. Lps settle suma msalah kt muka nie, nk try dermapen plak.. Xmarket la awek tgk muka i mnggerutu, awek pn xnk pndang nnti.. 😂😂😂

  11. If berminat product nie boleh try contact tunang saya
    Fb Dyaa Nadiah..
    Ad produk nie..saya sekadar membantu...terima kasih...
