Human Nature 100% Purifying Strawberry Facial Scrub Review


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡. Hmm I might call this week a scrubbing week! I find that I have review a lot of scrubbing products this week! A lot of pampering going on. hehe. Today I will give you my thoughts on this awesome natural brand that is so so so affordable! This is the Strawberry Facial Scrub that said made with fine bamboo granules and REAL strawberry seeds! A perfect part of your nightly beauty regimen to clear blackheads and reveal fresh, new, glowing skin. Yep, as you can see in above picture, those are real strawberry seeds!

My thoughts. It comes in a tube packaging. love that! The hard bits really gets me interested. I love the scrubbing sensation it gave me as well as the creamy texture of the cleanser. The scent of this cleanser reminds me of (if you remember) the small fragrant plastic beads that you put inside your bag or pencil case to give you that nice scent in it. What am I talking now. It has that typical strawberry scent that I actually love. I use this during the night after cleansing my makeup with my usual makeup remover routine. This does not really give your that "cleanse" face feeling. So I continue my cleansing routine with my usual foam facial cleanser to finish of the cleansing routine. Overall I love this facial scrub very much but I don't really use that often. I find that the small bits may be a bit hard for daily usage. On the nutshell, this brand is a really good brand you should check out. There is another review coming up for this brand.Something interesting! So stay tune for that and see ya! <3

Name : Human Nature 100% Purifying Strawberry Facial Scrub
Price : RM19.90
Where To Buy :
Made in : Philippines
Net Weight : 50g
Ingredient Highlights : Bamboo, Naturally-derived glucosides, Strawberry seeds, Anisic acid
**Disclaimer - This product(s) were send to me for product review purposes.

What is your favorite facial scrub?


  1. I wanna try this. I love face scrub.

    1. You should try it! this is a good facial scrub :)

  2. don't know whether sensitive and yet dry skin can use or not :(

    1. im not sure about that, but it has all natural ingredients. maybe it may suitable for sensitive skin. :)
