How to have a PayPal account for Online Shopping without Credit Card


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡. I realize that most of you don't have a PayPal account and know how to shop in online store such as eBay. You might as well said, I don't have credit card. Paypal is a payment getaway that guarantee you security and safe money transaction. Don't worry, we have Paypal office here in Malaysia and same goes to eBay. Both of these company are recognize and not a fraud. Most online stores accept Paypal. Paypal is very useful especially when you don't have credit card like me. So if you have an ATM card/Debit Card, that is enough. I feel bad whenever I share stuff I bought from eBay and you guys can't get it. eBay made easy with Paypal. I have shop in eBay for years. Alhamdulilah, I never get conned or what so ever. My parcel always arrive as it promise. So not only eBay but in other international webstore such as , and more. So I have been holding to post this post for so many times as I just can't get around to it. Editing boring photos can be the points that does not encourage me to do this. But I think this post will be helpful to some of you! So let's get into it!

1. Go to . Don't worry if the url is relocating to /my at the back. It is because you are located in Malaysia.

2. Choose the Individual account. I don't have Business Account so I can't comment on that. I think it is for business owners to help with their business transaction.

3. As you click on the Individual Account you will be directed straight to registering your account. So fill in your details as usual.

4. And continue fill in your details such as address and phone number.

5. Then you will need to fill in the verification code just to make sure you are a real human. haha. I don't know if that make sense.

6. The main part. Registering your debit card or debit card! Actually both credit card and debit card are the same. The difference is that if you are using debt card, all of your shopping payment will be deducted from your savings account. So fill in the details such as the Card Number, Expiry date, and the CVV number that you can get at the back of your card.
*Just a note, make sure there is at least RM20 in your bank account to proceed to this registering. The money will not be deducted but just to verify that the account is active.

7. And you are ready to go! Continue to see your account dashboard.

8. In the mean time you also will be receiving an email to activate and verify your account.

9. This is what your dashboard account look like. The PayPal balance means the money that you have on your PayPal account. This is where you get when someone sends you money. If its from USD, it will be converted to MYR send you can view it there. You can also use the money from your Paypal Account to make payment transaction. If you balance is 0.00, your payment transaction will be taken from you saving account that is link with your Debit Card. My recent activity will record your Paypal transaction on when you receiving money or when you transfer your ,money to your saving account. You can add your bank details like as below.

10. Just click at Profile and add.\/edit your bank account or even add more card to your paypal account.

11. You can view all of your debit card/credit card there. You can add or re add or delete the cards to your preference.

So that is all the steps! When you check out and want to make payment. Choose Paypal, and then it will direct to the Paypal website and ask you to sign in. When you successfully sign in, it will first then show you the payment you need to made and ask for your confirmation. Then PayPal will use your debit card that you have register to make the payment. Later you will see the amount of money in your bank account that is link with your debit card will be deducted. More info on this do stay tune to my next post on hoe to shop at eBay. I will show you on how it works! Tata!

Do you have a PayPal account?


  1. Sab!! Thank you sngt2 sbb sharing...slalu nanges klo nk online shop pkai paypal...walaupun duitku bakal seriously appreciate info nieee...yessss shoppinggg

    1. Yeay! Alhamdulilah dpt tlg! hehe.. happy shopping!

  2. wawwww thank you for sharing <3
    Show us the tutorial how to pay using paypal ASAP. Excited to try and buy from international website <3
    Miss Ika's Blog

  3. Salam All... Great tips Sabrina! Very detail & easy to follow Thanks
    Lepas nie semua boleh start beli-beli-and beli online :)

  4. I am frequent credit card user for many years. Before I first applied for credit card, I did some comparison and lots of reading on credit card. Most of my credit card information I got from this site.. I would love to try Paypal now but I have no clue how Paypal works. Do u have any article about Paypal in more details? Thanks a lot yea.

    1. Will try to do a more in depth about PayPal if I got more info. So far as I know Paypal is an easy payment getaway that is safe. So no need credit cards! You can also find Paypal most online shop.

  5. Hello sab! Ijust found ur blogger at youtube hehe try do an paypal account tapi tak boleh je :( i guna maybank visa .boleh tolong i tak sab?Thankyou! ☺
