Featured in Cosmopolitan Malaysia


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡. I don't know if I should blog about this or what. But oh well I am still going to blog about it. I don't know. I feel a bit uncomfortable about it since it still feels surreal to me and I am afraid people going to say that I am just over excited. I don't know about you guys but to be featured in magazine were one of my biggest dreams. One of my dreams is actually to be feature in magazine because I love collecting magazine especially back in the days when we don't have internet and stuff. Magazine were one of my biggest sources to learn about makeups and stuff. I always admire people who get to inspire people through these media. But this feature were a casual ones. It is such an honor to be mingle with the top celebrities such as Sheena from Asia Next Top Model and Hanis Zalika. It is just amazing!

The magazine spread is actually just a general talking and just a question and answer regarding What Women Want. So I am one of the person who were chosen to answer these hot questions related to the topic.  I was a bit nervous as I don't really talk about that kind of topic as I am mostly just in my room swatching eyeshadow and review stuff. Haha. I got to admit that I was a bit nervous as it is my first time as well as I got to admit that I do talk "gibberish" haha! I mean like merapu a bit because I am still don't want to spill the beans of my next incoming project. I am afraid if I reveal it, and what if it does not come true, I will stressed out and disappointed. And I felt so small in the group as to compare to these girls who have thousands of followers and likes. Me? Err.. I am just an average girl who just can't stop nagging about beauty products who barely have followers and people who are interested to really follow me to what I am doing. 

But the most important part is the experience I have gained. I will do better next time in shaa Allah if I still have the opportunity. I really want something that really feature about me, my blog or my next incoming project #thePorjectB. That is my main target now. Next time I hope I really get the chance to really get to talk about what I really am doing, the hard work, real result of my blog and the real struggles. All this kinda experience do teach me a lot. Let me just keep that to my self and take that as a lesson to be better <3. Anyway thank you so much Cosmopolitan Malaysia for this opportunity. I am still amaze by how did you found me to my small humble blog. Thank you so much for making my day to such achievement that I will cherish!



  1. aww Sab, no need to feel that small, everyone is unique in their own way including you ^_^ numbers does not define us, WE define ourselves okay? good luck in whatever you're doing, and I definitely cant wait to know what is #theProjectB !!

    1. Thank you dear mieza. You have been one of the best supporter I ever meet. In shaa Allah I will reveal soon, still a long process to complete it. <3
