Chriszen Moist Cake Foundation Review


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡. This foundation has taken Malaysia by storm. I bet some of you may know about this foundation. It is from our own homegrown brand and I am very honor to get to try this and let you know what I think about it!. Chriszen Moist Cake Foundation is describe as a foundation that suits any skin type. It is formulated with collagen as well as L-Glutathione . Its also said that this foundation has SPF50 in it. This foundation comes in a pink plastic jar. As you can see there is a white spiral design in the foundation right, the skin color is of course the foundation it self and the white spiral is actually a L-Glutathione. So combine both product to give you that full effect and cover. This foundation comes in 3 shades. I got mine in Medium.

What I like about it. It gives me a nice fair effect. Not that weird kinda white effect but just a nice glow on my face since I have a pale yellow face. The shade is pretty nice too and I love how it covers my redness nicely. It is moisturizing and not look cakey (with the correct technique).

What I don't like about it. When using the sponge (dry or even damp) it gives me this cakey feeling as well as an obvious feeling that I am wearing foundation. Its also transfer easily when I touch my face. It gets oily after a few hours too but the foundation still remains natural on my face which is a good point. You need to blend the foundation (combine the foundation and white spiral) first before putting on your face.

Overall & Recommendation. When I first try this product it was a bit mess. I find a bit "sayang" to ruin the spiral design on the foundation. I carefully swipe it using the sponge it provides me (the white round sponge). As I swatch it, the white (L-Glutathione) and the foundation is not really mix up together so when I apply it on my face there is a white stripe on my face. So the tip is blend the product first in the jar before putting it on your face. After a few try, I find that using foundation brush is the best. As I said a little goes a long way, the foundation is pretty thick if you put it too much. After several experiment I find that this is a a good foundation, reminds me of a BB Cream but better coverage. It is very moisturizing and I love the fair effect it gaves me. My overall thoughts is that I don't know about you but I don't like to use this with a sponge but I love to use it with my favorite foundation brush. You also need a good finishing powder on top of it since this transfer easily. I am pretty much in love with this foundation after I know how to use it properly! I love how it gives my skin looks glowing!

Name :  Chriszen Moist Cake Foundation
Price : RM 59.00 East Malaysia / RM 63.00 West Malaysia
Where To Buy :
Net Weight : 20g
Ingredients Highlight : Collagen, L-Glutathione
**Disclaimer - This product were send to me for product review purposes

Have you tried this foundation?
Leave your thoughts in the comment section below!


  1. Awwh babe I know what you mean when you don't want to spoil the spiral design as it looks so cute. But yeah maybe application with a foundation brush will be able to get the mixture to blend nicely with each other :) Got to love the pink packaging too, haha XD

    1. talk about too obsessed and love right! hehe... yep, i find that using my favorite brush is much more nicer.

  2. Sometimes I wonder, how you could update ur blog consistently. haha. because I could see ur update everyday and not only one . *inspired hehe
    btw the foundation looks yummy like a span cake. I dont like foundation which transfer easily. but I like foundation that last longer.

    1. hehe, i list down all things i need to review and put them on schedule. <3 thank you dear ^^

      this need a help of a good setting powder, but it last pretty good too.

  3. oh now baru tahu Chriszen is a Malaysian brand. I thought it's from Korea XD

  4. hey, i was wondering where did you buy that "beauty blender" from? thanks :)

    1. The beauty blender in this image are sold separately. You can buy from them too! :)

  5. Pika tak try lagi cause the parcel currently in Melaka and pika dekat kl..huhuuu..
    wait for another month baru dapat parcel tu...kekekeee..btw, nice review sab..thanks for the information..

  6. Great review! The price is quite expensive for a student like me though, but maybe it'll worth it. I agree that if it was me, I sayang nak hancurkan spiral tu. xo

    1. hehe kan.. its so pretty i dont want to ruin it. tp kene jugak!

  7. Hi Sabrina,

    Thanks for the honest review. After setting it with powder, does the foundation still streak and transfer easily when touched?

    One more question, if applied correctly, will it still look cakey and have something on on my face like you mentioned?

    1. Hi Joy,

      You have to use a good setting powder. I suggest something like a translucent powder or others compact powder as you preferred. If you apply it correctly, it won't look cakey. like other foundation. right application is important ;)

  8. what type of colour u r using dik?look nice on u...

  9. Salam hi, how bout during wudhu? Did u wipe off and re-apply?

  10. Salam hi, how bout during wudhu? Did u wipe off and re-apply?

    1. hi dear, of course you need to remove the makeup to ensure "sah" wudhu, and reapply after solat. :)
