Tokyo Love Soap Pure Girls Review


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡. Today I am going to review a soap! Not any ordinary soap, but a quite famous soap most bloggers love. The famous Malaysia cute blogger, Cheeserland once blog about it and she loves it. The name it self just makes me wonders. At first I thought this soap was meant for married couple. The name just describe as it it. But I was wrong. The name were meant to be like a very delicate and purifying kinda soap. So I give this a try and I love it. Come here my review on it!

They have in many options. The one I got is in Pure Girls Series. Describe as a soap that have the same skin whitening and brightening property as the original but with a fresh unique scent of Pink Rose Petal Extracts. They are reformulated and added natural plant sterols from Red Kwao Krua (Butea superba) containing Miroestrol, a natural Estrogenic Phenol clinically proven to minimize pores, smoothen the skin and add a natural rosy tone. The mixture of Miroestrol and Pink Rose Petal Extracts is formulated in such a way that it mimics the natural female sex phermone thought to be important in causing sexual attraction and desire of the human male specie. This is why we called this soap “Girls”! Natural and Organic skin whitening ingredients work in symphony to make skin smoother, radiant, poreless and naturally white with that glowing rosy complexion he surely can’t resist!

So TMI of the soap right. Well you got to know the cool ingredients were mix together for that one awesome soap. When I first try this soap I use it for my "V" area. I mostly use this soap under my V area. First impression, love it. Because it feels so clean and dry in a hydrating way. My under V are feels firm and fresh. It also leaves a mild scent under my "V" area. To be surprise, do you experience "itchiness under there" sometime? Well, I feel like I solve that. Usually, when you experience itchiness, it is cause by your V skin drying. This soap also helps with my "white" problem. It really give a balance moisture under my V are. Super love the foam and scent it gives. I am also not sure on how it can help with dark bikini area, I can't see dramatic changes on this. It can also be use for the face. I cant really find any difference on that. Maybe I need to use longer. The down part were only about to store the soap and the price to maintain repurchasing it. But this soap may last you for 2-3 months depend on how you use it. I use a small tupperware to store this soap and just put inside my bathroom. They also comes in Whitening Series and Premium (Aging) Series. Do check them out!

Name : Tokyo Love Soap Pure Girls
Price : RM148.00 (On Sale now for RM85.00)
Where To Buy : Natta Cosme Online Store
Net Weight : 80g
Ingredient Highlights : Pink Rose Petal Extract, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Ylang-Ylang Flower Oil and more.
**Disclaimer - This product(s) were send to me for product review purposes.

More info go to :
Official Website :

Have you tried any Toyo Love soap?


  1. i too at first thought that this soap is more suitable for married women coz the iklan was all too intimate, i mean the models XDD

  2. Haha...comel pulak when I read your first paragraph. I read a lot saying this soap is very drying after a while of using.

    1. haha.. yep its not that super drying but a clean type of drying that i like ^_^ thanks for reading hun!

  3. Oh very intereting soap, I remember the posr of Cheeserland xD and is nice know that for you is good too!

    1. cute right. she made some kind of a comic for the post!

  4. hi sabrina, just wanna ask where you got the floral linen i keep seeing on your pics? its adorable :)

  5. This is a commercial of Tokyo Love Soap launched in Korea 2 months ago. There are many fake and cheaper version of tokyo love soaps. Make sure you buy the authentic one. Cheaper versions are being sold in philippines with inferior ingredients, its box has a face logo at the upper right corner. Make sure you are buying only the Japanese versions for superior ingredients.

    I noticed the box that you have is the one with the face logo at the upper right corner would that be the fake one that you have?

    1. I am not sure if this is fake. I receive it from the shop stated above. So sorry... :(

    2. Hi, I really like tokyoloveshop. Tho some rumors are circulating they’re fake, I don’t think so at all. I bought the medicated version from them and it’s really effective. I suffer from sensitive and eczema-prone skin. My review is here for those who want to read:
