The SK-II Facial Treatment Essence


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡. This is like a the 7th time I talk about the popular SK-II. I receive so many message and emails from you who wanted to know more about it. Does it worth of the investment, how does it works, yada yada yada. So here I am once again, I am going to give you a more depth on how this things works and some of your questions. Hope this help you to decide on purchasing it. I will give more in depth explanation about this best seller skin essences that works like a toner as well as an essence. The product that has been said to give you that wonderful skin. I have finish the 1st bottle and this is my second one. I use it alternately, as I always change my skincare stuff from month to month basis but when in week I felt like I want to pamper my skin more, I use this essence.

So of the facts that you need to know about this essence that is, a bottle of Facial Treatment Essence is sold every 28 seconds, with over 20 million bottles sold to date. Below shows how this miracle essence were develop and discovered.

In 1970 they started to search for the ultimate skincare ingredient. It was a quest. Ranging from Chinese herbs and Japanese and Chinese medicine to hot spring water. They observe that the sake (yeast made from rice) brewers hands are youthful and soft and they started to investigate. Then they manage to isolate a naturally occurring ingredient with a diverse set of skin nutrients from the metabolism of a rare yeast strain which is the Pitera and then in 1980 the SK-II Facial Treatment Essence was born. Celebrities such as Cate Blanchett, Kaori Momoi, Kate Bosworth, Lim Soo Jung, and Tang Wei swear by SK-II Facial Treatment Essence and were all loyal users before becoming SK-II brand ambassadors. Now let's get on to my personal opinion and what I think about it below.

How I use it. I use this just like a toner (A liquid form of product that you use after cleansing your face, recommend to be use as a preparation step for better absorption of the next skincare item to be applied which is moisturizer/serum). Although it is not describe as a toner but more to an essence. What is an essence? Well essence is basically like a serum but water base. To my opinion. I can't really say its a toner completely because the texture and liquid type this essence hold pretty much different from an ordinary toner. It is also not that lightweight just like toner usually feels. But I am always in a hurry, I don't have much time to apply too many product on my face. This has been one of the most reach product when I am doing my skincare. I use a cotton pad to apply this. 3-4 drops of it and I apply it in upwards motion wiping my face. Then I "hand fan" my face to let it dry/absorb faster before applying my next skincare item that usually will be moisturizer. I don't feel like using serum if I use this essence. If you apply too much you can actually feel your skin sticky and the sourly scent of this essence are also very noticeable to use it lightly. I also love to wet my cotton pad and leave it under my eye, and make it like a eye mask. Just like I show it in this post (link).

How it change my skin. My skin condition is combination, it is not too oily and sometimes it can be very dry. I have acne breakout sometime each month due to change of hormone. I don't have that many of skincare problem. My pores are also sometime becomes large it I neglected my skin. So if you have the same skin condition as me, you may can relate. I can't really consult your skin problem as I am not a beautician. I will try to clarify everything if it meet your requirement. Ok, my thoughts, to tell you the truth, it does not make my face looks nearer to Ariana Grande or any of the celebrities up there. Many people expect a super flawless skin overnight by using this. This essence is targeting on the 5 dimension of the skin which is your texture. You can read my full before and after review here, *result are base on their ring test skin analysis (read it here). It does not help on my spots and acne scars but it really really helps on my skin texture. What I feel the different is that my skin is softer, not dry and less oily. I really feel good about my skin. To the other problems of my skin such as spots, whitening and acne, I focus on using other brands that I can afford more. Why I am loving this product is that because it acts like a toner as well as an essence that contains such powerful ingredients to really help on the texture of my skin. Although I am not a fan of the scent but I still use it. It helps prepare my skin to any other skincare items that I want to use next.

Overall thoughts and recommendation. Ok well, what I can really say is that yes, this is an expensive product. Let talk about economical and average purchasing power we are facing here. It may cost 10%-30% of your average salary here in Malaysia. Its a big decision to buy it. This facial treatment essence regular size 75ml cost around RM229.00 per bottle. You can get it in gist set that usually comes in other products such as deluxe sample of toner or mask like I got before with cost around RM240 (read it here). People message me and ask how do I use it. Hope I have explain well above and they also ask what other SK-II product I use. Well, I only use this and I mix it up with other skincare brand that I like. I am still a student back then so I can't afford the whole range. It is not a criminal to not use the whole range, remember that. Of course SK-II is going to recommend you the whole range, if you can afford it well good for you. Go on. I read  this once blogger use the whole range and her ring skin test analysis result is all above 90% (it means her skin is good). The star main product would be this essence to my opinion. I tried the toner, but it is just an ordinary thing to me but I really like the mask. It is really good. Try to mix up a few of your favorite skincare, that is what I did. Try to test out new items and so on. 

I always have this situation where "these" girls keep on saying "oh I have very sensitive skin, I can't try normal skincare product, but I I think SK-II is good for me but it's too expensive". Like seriously? How am I going to answer your questions. Don't have double standard okay. I am going to be real on this post due to the questions I got from various people. Finding the right skincare takes time. Also, your skin condition changes. So try to explore. Going to back to the question that, does this SK-II really works? Well, it works on me, so if you wanna know go and try it. In sya Allah (With God wills) it will help to make your skin better. Who knows, because many said it really works on their skin. Also, having an expensive skincare but not taking care of your diet is a waste of time. Do look out what you eat, don't drink soda, process food, oily food too much. This is the main reason and main cause of your acne or trouble skin. Skincare just gonna help you cure it and maintain it beauty. 

So do I recommend this essence? Yes I do. Do I recommend using the whole range? Yes I do, if you can maintain the splurge. "It is expensive, I don't think I will own it" Well, its ok to use other skincare product but don't limit your self, maybe not today but maybe in the future. :) "Why you like it so much! I want also" Well, it really help my skin become better, that is all I can say. *not paid to say this okay. This is the only SK-II product that I am using right now. I combine it with other skincare product brand. Maybe the combination I choose also helped with my skin. So I might say my skincare is a great teamwork. This post is dedicated to one of the skincare item that helped on my skin. By not using it, I can see a small slight different which i mention above. My skin texture.

Hope I have explain everything since this is like everyone wishlist. Alhamdulilah I got to try this awesome product because of what I am doing today. I also don't think I can afford to maintain it after I finish it. But the price says the result. I just don't know how to explain more. Also Alhamdulilah (Praise to God) I am happy with my skin condition now. You can survey the price and info at some of these online store I found selling SK-II products, Luxola Malaysia, Zalora, Lazada and many more. Or just go to the counter and its better. You get free consultation there. Read my whole 6 post of this SK-II journey here (link).

Ok I'm done.


  1. I agree with you, this is expensive especially for a student like me :D But I will def try this product some time!


  2. I love how you explain things here Sab, you're being very precise, thoughtful and sincere at the same time. I also dont like that type of people who said "my skin is sensitive and only expensive brands can work on it". Like please, entah2 pakai daun sirih je muka boleh bersih (kalau boleh la, ni contoh je). Hehe! I used to hope that one day I can afford to use SK-II but as for now that I have grow a bit matured than before, I know that I could use it but only after I have taken care of (paid for) my other responsibilities. Love this post Sab!

    1. Thank you so much Mieza. Ya, skincare is about exploring. Getting to try luxury brands and work for you its a bonus. Sometimes I wanted to give my skincare items yang xpakai sgt to friends but they keep on saying they have sensitive skin but still asking tips on how to take care of their skin. For me is try an error. It may cost but worth it. In sya Allah Mieza! Ni dah abis belajar, ada kerja sure you can afford it.
