Kiss Whitening Collagen Cream Mask Review


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡.
Today I am going to review this product that has been raving by bloggers from other Asian country. This Kiss Whitening Collagen Mask is said to be the best seller beauty product in Thailand. Stella Lee the Indonesian Blogger have review it too, and many more. So thanks to KISS Malaysia for giving me the product to try it.

Basically what this product does is that, it helps to brighten, hydrate, fades acne scars, reduce pore, cure acne prone skin and firm your skin. I have use this product for 3 weeks now and actually there is a good different. Here I am going to give a little more introduction of the product first. It is made from 100% natural ingredient and its suitable for any skin type. It is formulated with ingredients such as Vitamin C, Collagen Peptide, Grape Seed Extract, Jojoba oil, Pro Vitamin B5, Deep sea seaweed and Alpha Arbutin that said to help restore skin to be more radiant and beautiful. No ingredients such as mercury and steroids.

Now let's talk about the product in first impression. This cream comes in a box with details on it. The product itself comes in a jar with a pump on top of it. You need to press it down in order to let the product out. The pump serve no mess and trouble to me which is good. The texture of the cream is just like any other cream but has a lightweight feel to it. No overpowering scent to my opinion.

Recommended to be use 2 times a week. I read it after using it everyday for 2 weeks which I find funny for my self. Haha. But there is no bad side effect happen to me even I use it everyday. I use it during my night skincare routine on to the last step of my routine. After Cleanse, Eye Cream, Toner and then I use this. So basically I use it like an overnight sleeping mask. A mask that you wear just like a moisturizer but you cleanse it after you wake up in the morning. It is not heavy and does not feels like a mask at all. It feels just like any other overnight cream. Easy to blend and actually absorb to your skin and your skin does not feels sticky. After a few weeks using it, I find that it always keep my skin plump and hydrated in the morning. I usually will smile and touch my cheeks in the morning looking at it on how hydrated they are. This is a really good cream for hydration to my opinion. It also makes my pores less visible and it brightens up my skin! In terms of fading acne scars and treat acne prone skin, I can't comment on that because I can't really tell on how it treated my acne scars since it looks the same and I don't have acne prone skin.  But overall, I really love this! You can use it as a night moisturizer or as a cream mask. Apply it generously on to your face and wash it after wards.

Don't forget to like their Facebook page here for more info and to buy it! :

Name : Kiss Whitening Collagen Cream Mask
Price : RM88.00 for 15ml / RM138 for 30ml
Where To Buy : ( )
*Refer a friend and you get RM5 off your next purchase, terms and condition applied.
Net Weight : 15ml
Ingredient Highlights : Collagen Extract, Vitamin C
This product(s) were send to me for product review purposes.

Fancy an overnight cream mask?
*Mention my name Sabrina Tajudin & Like their FB Page and get RM5 off your first purchase.


  1. first time tengok produk pump dia macam ni... ;)

  2. does it whiten your skin like those whitening malaysia product(if you know what i mean)?

    1. it does not really whiten but it definitely brighten up a my skin and make me fairer in terms of skin darkening cause by sun rays. :)

  3. hi..can i know how much is this product and where to purchase..

  4. Boleh beli kat mana kiss collagen mask?Ada jual kat farmasi ke?

  5. Replies
    1. i dont know, all links provided above for online purchase.

  6. i really want to know that u r till using it or not.
    is it really safe for long term use ?
    plz reply!

    1. after i finish this one, i repurchase it again. i love it. not sure about what you mean by "is it safe to use". by far this is my holy grail sleeping mask. not using it now as im trying other products and they keep out of stock.

  7. Hi, you're using every night right? You didn't had any bad effects? I like to use it every night but scared that it might be bad for my skin since I'm too sensitive. :(
