Gold Accessories from Happy2u


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡. Today I am going to feature some accessories that I am obsessed over the past week. I just got my long awaited Chanel Inspire iPhone case that you may seen everywhere because everyone have been using it too. Its super cute to my opinion. So I got them from . A cool online store that offers variety of accessories and fashion stuff. Not to mention they have so much awesome shoes too! The iPhone case is packed in a box and it comes along attachable chain strap. I don't really use that chain since it always get out of my way of holding the phone. Haha. The body is made out of a semi flexible and durable plastic. I super love this case. I think it looks so cute! The other thing I got is the inspire ASOS gold bracelet. Again, super love this bracelet because its super affordable and it have a top notch quality. The bracelet has a nice weight and does not look tacky and very "plastic". Stack it with some gold watches and I got my self some cool arm candy outfit for the day. Overall, super love the accessories Happy2u offers. Do check them out! The Chanel iPhone case retails at RM39.90 (the cheapest I found because usually they retails for RM49+) and the bracelet is RM18.90, also comes in silver color.

Inspire Chanel iPhone Case Product link ( link )
ASOS Gold Bracelet link ( link )
**Disclaimer - This product(s) were send to me for product review purposes.

Any gold accessories lover here? <3