Fairy Beauty Clenz Supplement Drink Review


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡. This is the 3rd review of Hishop best supplement food/drink for your beauty needs. I have review the Fairy Beauty Whitenz & Blossom, Fairy Beauty Life Food. Today I am going to review this Clenz Supplement Drink for your body as well as a good nutrition drink for your eyes. Our body produce toxins and you never saw it coming. We need some nutrition to eliminate these toxin that will cause auto-intoxication which increase growth in bacteria and in result you will get undigested food residues, turning them into compounds to reabsorbed in the body organs, liver and kidney.

Here is an introduction of the product. It said to be a supplement drink that helps weight-loss on the first intake of adequate nutrition. Special Awards winner of the Beauty Supplements category in Cite Cosme Beauty Awards 2012/2013 organized by Beauty, Mina and ViVi magazines. It is manufactured using 100% pure natural organic nano plant essence which is extremely easy for the body to absorb. 10 days of consumption of Fairy Beauty Clenz will produce the following benefits:
  • Detoxification
  • Strengthens Intestines and Stomach Functions
  • Eye Protection
  • Nutrition Boosting
Direction : 1 bottle a day before bedtime. Consume immediately after open

Precautions : Suitable for age 16 and above
Pregnant and breastfeeding women / patients with diarrhea problems and other illnesses / patients taking any medications should avoid taking this product or seek professional advice before taking this product.

My Review. I don't know if it was me or the product. It taste awful. :( I find hard time to consume this. It taste like... I don't know. I wish it taste good just like the Fairy Beauty Drink Blossom & Whitenz. So I have hard time drinking this. I drank it for straight 10 days to really sees the result. I might say that it helps on my digestion. I have bad habit of not drinking plain water. So this actually helps on my digestion. I body feels a bit energize while consuming this. I can't really tell if its helps on my eye nutrition. The bottles is just like the Fairy Beauty Drink. Easy to drink and easy to carry around. I drank this before bedtime. Do let me know what you feel about this drink. Does it taste good to your opinion, or maybe mine is just something wrong. haha. I really wish it taste good because the nutrition it gave is really good!

Name : Fairy Beauty Clenz
Price : RM88.00 per box of 10 bottles
Where To Buy : Hishop.my (link)
Net Weight : 12MLx10 bottles/box, sterilization straw x10
**Disclaimer - This product(s) were send to me for product review purposes.

Have you tried this supplement drink? What is your thoughts?


  1. It tasted awful as well IMO! I thought I was the only one LOL.

    1. haha oh so im not alone for this taste.

    2. haha nope. a lot of girls seemed to complain on the same issue XD

  2. You didn't get diarrhea from it? I heard from other bloggers they got diarrhea by drinking it :( which apparently is normal cos to help flush all the toxic in our body but it was bad the diarrhea.
