D.I.Y No Sew Revamp old Cushion Stool


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡. I am actually having fever right now. But I just can't calm myself from posting a blog post today. I have been keeping these picture in my folder for quite a long time as well as I realize that I have not done a DIY post ever since. As you know I am in the process of giving my room a makeover. So there is a lot of old stuff in my room that I felt that need a lil revamping to be done to make it look new. So today I am going to show you om how you can change your old stool or even any chair that has a cushion on top of it to a whole new look by just using 3 simple materials. No sew needed. You can customize to the fabric that you love to the furniture you want it to be. So this is pretty fun. Just staple it away and your done. So here I got my vanity cushion stool that is pretty much look disgusting because Tubbie pee on it. I try to wash it off but yellow stain starts appearing after it dries. It looks so disgusting to me and I barely sit on it. Haha. So here is the before and after picture. Now let's get on to the project!

What you need is a fabric of your choice. Here I got from IKEA. Its RM29.90 per meter. I only use 1/2 of it actually. Its a good thick cotton fabric. The color is vibrant and just perfect for this project. You can also get the fabric from your local fabric store like Jakel, or Kamdar. Just choose any fabric that you like for this project. Want a plain one or floral pattern. Your choice! Then you need a staple gun and a scissors.

1. Eyeball the length and width of the fabric on to the stool. Most project i google actually take off the whole stool. But I am pretty lazy for that. I am just going to wrap it on the stool it self.
2. Once you get the length of the fabric to be wrap around the cushion, cut it off.
3. Now adjust and lay the fabric on the cushion.
4. First step, we are going to staple the left and right first to the inside of the cushion. Fold it in and hold it.

5. Now the fun part, staple the fabric that you have fold it inside securely. If you are already on the second side, try to stretch it firmly and staple it in. Don't worry, the staple wont be seen since its inside.
6. Now you have done both side, now let's go to the last 2 sides that need more adjustment and cutting to wrap it around.
7. See this extra side of the fabric, eyeball it and cut it off so you can fold it in.
8.Cut it off and staple it in nicely.

9. Now to the edge sides. What you need to do is cut it in half like picture shown.
10. Fold it nicely inside to it forms like a nice folded effect of the edge.
11. Now staple it inside to form a wrap around the edge.
12. What's left, just cut it off and staple it in again. Look at each side and staple any edges that coming out so it looks neat. Pretty much just like warping a present!

Picture credit to : http://scraphacker.com/remakes/ / http://www.apartmenttherapy.com / http://www.pinterest.com/

If you have master the skill you can do this technique to any cushion furniture you have like below! Have fun and hope I will do more DIY post which I love to do but restricted due to financial problem. DIY in Malaysia is not cheap.

Do you have any furniture you want to revamp?


  1. Good idea, <3 I Love DIY. As it really fun <3. And save money
    Miss Ika's Blog

  2. You are so creative Sabrina! I love the fabric!

  3. That looks gorgeous! I love the simple black and white fabric you chose. :D I like how this DIY doesn't involve any needles either. XD

  4. cantiknya!! i will remember this when i have my own furniture that needs to be given a makeover :D thanks for sharing Sab ^_^ keep the DIY post coming, i love it!

    1. in sya Allah.. have list some and it will come soon! thank you for loving it! <3
