Maybelline Baby Lips Dr. Rescue


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡. What is you plans for the weekends? Ok here I got another Maybelline Lip Balm review. Guilty? Pffft. Hahahaha. No I am not. (If you know what I mean). Well I saw this on sale then suddenly my hand automatically moved and grab these. And suddenly I was in front of the counter. Paying. (cricket sound). Okay whatever! Now let's get on to the review!

This lip balm is another new edition from the Maybelline Baby Lip Balm collection. They have the ones in colors, natural glow and different flavor. You can check out my previous review on the old collection of the baby lip balm if you want. Search it in my search box for Maybelline Baby Lips. What we got here of course the Asian edition. Smaller tubes. The one that you can see in YouTube mainly from the American are bigger and they have in different colors. Oh well. What we have here is just these 2 different flavors that is Icy Mint and Fresh Mint. Both are just a clear lip balm with no color or tints. Each of these lip balms has SPF 30 in it. Both have a medicated mint scent it it. Nothing fancy about it. This is kinda similar to the old edition of Maybelline Baby Lip Balm in menthol but more minty. So if you got that one I don't think this is necessary or if you still want it. Well, you can of course. Nothing bad will happen anyway. Haha.

In terms of hydration, I find that this is just a little bit more moisturize than the others. I apply it and a few minutes its settel down on my lip. Lips becomes a bit plum and perfect for applying other lip products. Texture wise, just like other lip balm. A bit waxy. This edition is more focus on protecting your lip and hydration. Claims to keep you lips from chapped in 12 hours. Can really tell since I been biting and sipping drink all day and re applying of lip balm as usual is needed.

Overall I can say that this lip balm might just be a good lip balm if you don't have any lip balm that really gives that hydration, and you want something as a base before applying other colored lip product. Don't like sweet flavored lip balms, also you need to go for this. Love the minty feeling, then go for this. Love menthol scent, go for this! This does not have that much of a different from the old edition. If you love collecting lip balms like me, well I think you should grab these since its a very cute lip balm. Oh women! Anyone interested in a full post of my whole lip balm collection? Mihmihmih.

Name : Baby Lips Dr. Rescue in Icy Mint & Fresh Mint
Price : RM9.90
Where To Buy : All participating pharmacies
Made in : China
Net Weight : 4g
**Disclaimer - This product(s) were bought by my own money.

Are you a baby lip balm collector?


  1. I'm not a lip balm collector but I HAVE TO USE lip balms all the time! ^_^ I used to have really² chapped lips when I was 8 years old and it was horrible that my lip will bleed most of the time. So I started to use lip balms when I was 12 years old and been using it non-stop till now -- 23 years old. Hehehe~ ;)

    Some people told me that lip balms will make you addicted. It's not really. But since we are so used in having moisturized lips, that's why we'll feel like something is missing if we missed an application. Hehehe~ I have lip balms with me all the time. Will re-apply it after every meal, before I go to bed and everytime I feel my lips are getting dry :)

    1. its cool to have that habit to my opinion! i sometimes forget to use them in a daily basis. hehe...

  2. I wanna get this Dr.Rescue series but as far as I can remember, it was pricier that 9.90 each. dah turun harga ea Sab? I really wanna get it, hehe!

    1. that day sale around rm8+ so that why i just have! eh ter grab it! :P

  3. i love maybelline's balms. sebab memang pengguna lip balm hehe :))

  4. I have never tried Baby Lips actually, but there are lots of positive review that makes me want to purchase them :D Thanks for sharing!


  5. Baca blog Sab ni teringat baby lips Dr.Rescue saya yang masih belum dibuka. Hehehe.. XD

  6. Me! Me! Please do a full post of your whole lip balm collection :D I like collecting lipbalm too! Hehe

  7. Me! vote for the full Maybelline baby lips collection. This Dr rescue best kan? Wiida doesn't like the minty scent but wiida suka product sebab really good for dry lips.
