Giant Bubble Obsession


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡. In a mood to blog about something not beauty related but more of my personal lifestyle. I didn't get there much did I? Trust me my lifestyle is kinda lame and boring. Haha. So Alhamdulilah, I got to spend my weekends with some activities this time. I saw Wiida Instagram picture of her playing these bubble while back and I ask Mr. T to bring me here. It is located out side of Setia City Mall. There is a small park and its located directly infront of the Setia Shah Alam convention center. It was raining before so the park were quite swampy and wet. But after looking at everyone faces and laughter playing the bubbles. I just can't resist myself going there. My heart just melts when looking at these families and group of friend laughing their lung out enjoying the park with these awesome giant bubbles. Suddenly I thought if I have a children, I definitely would bring them here and enjoying the air with these cool outdoor activities. So Mr. T were such a sport so he said comes let's play some bubbles! Weee I go! There is 5 different types of "wand" for these bubbles. From size S - L and the ones that comes in multi holes. We picked up the large ones which cost us RM4, comes with a small bowl of the soap bubbles. My first attempt were quite good. Haha. The park was a bit windy, so after lifting up the wand the bubbles blew out automatically and nicely. It was so much fun! Haha! I still can't get over it. But the amount of soap they gave for me last me just a few minutes. After that we purchase another refill (1 scoop RM2, 2 scoops RM3) of bubble and bought the small wand size. I really recommend you guys to come here and have some bubble fun time. Also, a great selfie time too, haha. Oh yes, then the owner of these giant bubble guy comment in my Insta picture, saying that. If you bring your family, and wear a pink outfit. You guys get to play for free. Awesome pow pow some. Ok now let's sleep. Its work day tomorrow. *Sad*

Have you been here?


  1. awesome bubbles, you both looked really happy :D i wanna go there too!

    1. can't hide my kanak kanak ribena face.. XD Hahaha

  2. I'd love to play the giant bubble. Looks so fun!


  3. yayyy dpt jugak jumpaaaaaa awaak during the laser tag party :)

    btw bestnyaaa, wanna try too!

  4. what a fun past time !! you look really happy!!

  5. Bestnyerrr ada bubbles tak petang2 hari biasa not on weekends?? :3
