Finding Room Inspiration


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡. I feel like blogging right now on what I have been thinking lately. Well, some of you may know that I just finish my internship. Phew. At last. God knows what I have been through. So I decided to go back to my hometown. Yeap. Its a pretty big decision from me. After listing the pros and cons. I decided to go back and stay with my parents. I might miss a lot of opportunity here in Kuala Lumpur. Well yes, most opportunities and of course blog events are held in KL. But I need to focus on my dreams right now. #theProjectB. Not gonna reveal it yet. It is still in the process. So this is kinda my sacrifice for it. Also yes I am pretty sad, I am going to miss my blogging friends and my uni years friends. Of course I am going to miss the traffic. LOL. So I try to be positive and think about the good thing I can get by going back to my home town. Okay, if I really need to go buy some makeup, Singapore is just cross away. Haha. Also I get to be with my cats everyday, I got to hug my mum everyday, I got a a flat screen in the living room anddd I got to have my very own proper room! After years of negleting it because I mostly stay in KL for my studies, now I get to go back and be with my bedroom. So, try to make myself happy by moving out I was thinking of revamping my room. Being a girl who just love anything art, yes I do love decorating rooms and all that interior thingy. Been finding some inspiration from WeHeartIt and Pinterest I find that I am much attracted to bright wall rooms. Since all of my furniture in my room are white, I think I can get around with below room inspiration.

The big thing I have to change is the wall color. My current wall color is a bright Tiffany blue color that I already get bored with. The wall was chosen by me when I was 13 years old. Oh the sweet teenage years I could say. So what I have in my mind after seeing all these inspiration is that I might wanna re-paint my room to a neutral color like some of these colors. But still I am puling back to make the decision as I actually like white walls. Ah... I could not decide. -_- I kinda like Cream, Brownberry, Off White, and Chrome Grey.

Then the deco stuff! The hard part actually. Because you can't easily find decorating items here in Malaysia. If you ever find it, it is overpriced. We don't have a pretty good deal of vintage or thrift shop here that offers deco items. Which usually I heard from the YouTubers that they got pretty good deals on deco items there. So I love flower! I super love flowers if you can tell. I even have a special folder in my Pinterest on flower pictures that I find fascinating. Of course to keep the maintenance low, I will go for fake flowers. I saw some good deal at IKEA and they look pretty real to me. Also I love gold accent deco items and maybe some back and white or even sparkles deco items. I also will start painting my own canvas to decorate my wall. Hmm. That sounds like a good idea to me! These pictures gave me some inspirations.

Oh decisions decisions. Hope I can revamp my room like what I have imagine right now. So I think I have to make a trip to the happiest place on earth! IKEA! I hope I can get this done before the year end or after I get my camera so I can start YouTube videos. Wee~~ Oh well, need to save for this some more. Aaaaa. Do they accept Monoploy board game money?

Do you love decorating your room?


  1. At least you could do things to your room hahaha. Mine's just....boring. Lol. I don't have the ideas to deco and paint them yet :v

    1. mine is also boring trust me. thats y i need to figure out how to revamp it. hehe

  2. Cantik sgt bantal yg kaler gold tu...besnye nk decorate bilik

  3. salam hi sab. all the best wishes in everything u do inshaallah:)) btw i think cream or brownberry macam cantik hehe :DD

    1. thank you so much Mya <3

      kan.. ah i cant decide! haha

  4. you might want to consider KAISON store for decorations! ^_^ they have pretty amazing decorations and they're selling it in a cheap price too :) i'm wondering, where is your hometown? coz you look like johorean to me. hehehe~ if you're somewhere near to melaka, we have kaison at mahkota parade ^_^v do google about it :)

    1. yep! love that shop too! great deals on flowers, vases and picture frames. haha ya, jb... hehe.. im not sure if i have kaison in jb. haha. need to make a trip to kl soon!

  5. Bestnya dapat decorate bilik sendiri..tapi kita takde idea..hehe...Tapi kalau sabrina nak buat, pilihlah warna pink cream.. :) macam cantik jer. xD
