MAC Cosmetics Haul #1


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡.  Weee~ I just got back from The Great Guardian Makeover that was held in One Utama. Thanks to Guardian and Butterfly Malaysia! I had such a great time. Will blog about it soon! Now I am in the mood of hauling! Woot woot! Ok, sorry for being jakun right now but I am just excited with my purchase today. You know how awesome it is when you get to purchase stuff you want so much especially with your hard earn money right? Oh yes, I just made my first ever purchase from Mac Cosmetics! My first MAC Cosmetics purchase was like 4 years ago, and I bought the Mac Fix+ and brush cleanser. So this conclude as my first ever Mac Cosmetics makeup purchase! I have been dying to have at least one Mac eyeshadow for a very very very long time. Alhamdulilah, I have some extra cash I have save up for this. So I treat my self with this purchases. At first I want to buy the Mac Pro Concealer Palette and this eyeshadow that Wiida sold me off! Thank you Wiida for making me want to spend more. Haha! But, I think I need to save first and purchase that later. In sya Allah if I have some extra cash some more, I will make more purchases, more eyeshaodw, some blush and lipstick (influence by Sabby, mih mih) and the concealer palette. I am in my way to collect some more makeup stuff for some big event that will be held this May. Something for my reader actually! Wait for that post too ya!

So what did I got? I got 2x Mac Eyeshadow and the 4 empty palette to store them. The eyeshadow retails for RM49 each and the 4 empty pro palette retails at RM30.00. I want the 4 empty palette because I like how compact it is. I am planning to have more of course! I got Naked Lunch (dupe for Sin Naked 1 palette) and Cork (dupe for Buck from Naked 1 palette). As you know I love my well love Naked 1 palette. That is why I decide to get a single eyeshadow to the shade I wear most. Oh you can see my Naked 1 Palette review here, (link). 

I made my purchase at One Utama Mac Cosmetics. Oh well, as usual the Sales Assistance was at first giving me this "stare" making me uncomfortable. That is the thing we have it here, most SA that work in "luxury brands" have this kinda "cold shoulder service" to you if you look like a kid or people who look like can't afford to buy expensive makeup. Glad now I can make my purchase online so I can avoid that kind of experience. Oh did you know you can purchase Mac Cosmetics online now? How cool is that! But there is some items that is not in the website, like the refill palette. Go here to find out more :

What is your first ever Mac Cosmetics purchase and which outlet is your favorite?


  1. people from MAC (Malaysia) should really read this post esp the final paragraph and make sure that their SAs are trained on 'manners towards customers' before they're allowed to work XD

    1. yes they should. its so obvious that you can feel un-welcome to go in unless you are holding a chanel bag or hermes perhaps. judge mental much.

    2. I have to agreed with u girls... if I only wear selipar buruk, they won't even bother about me.. siap pandang2 sinis.. but when I wear proper dress wth 6 inch heels, kemain ngendeng...!! But so far I went to any bobbi brown counter, the SAs served me like a princess even I just wore Tshirt basahan that day. Lol.

  2. <3 happy nye! laju nye update!! <3 <3 I love cork too! but planning to get charcoal brown (can be used for smokey eyelook and eyebrow) . -nak influence suruh tambah collection! hehe. woodwinked is a special unique color. doesn't exist in any neutral palette yet. :P Cranberry pun lawa! okay, next time jumpa kita cakap panjang-panjang lagi. -mood tengok MAC collection on youtube.
    *okay jugak harga palette of 4, boleh la beli for travel ( wanita yang tamak).

    1. dayummmm! btul2! td hampir nk beli tp.. errr... kang makan eyeshadow lak sbb xde duit makan.. XD ahahaha! eh x tamak la sebab mmg bagus untuk travel. (statement nak back up kawan suka shopping macam diri sendiri gak) :P

  3. seriously slalunya yg bagi pandangan tak sedap ni melayu je yang cina ok je . slalunya la .btw , luckily I dont wears eyeshadow hahaha

    1. For me its not the race, its the gender. haha! perempuan selalu act cm ni, lelaki x. lagi2 kalau yg lembut2 tu, most of them are very friendly.

  4. True about the last paragraph! Baru keluar from MAC Setia City and the "you dont belong here" look annoys me to my freaking core. I know "MAC" so grand but come on, one item tak lebih 200 pun what for nak arrogant sangat. And its not your store pun.

    1. SA mac in setia city mall mmg sucks. I had the experience! Never going back there.

    2. i hate the fact that i cant really spent time in there playing swatches or really experimenting on the products before buying. Sab spend like less than 10 minutes in the store to make this purchases. bila nk godeh2 brg lain dia dok sibuk nk susun balik. urgh. yep, bkn kedai dia pn. xpaham tol la.

  5. so true sabrina, i have the same experience too.the way they look at me like 'i tak mampu nak beli product diorang' and they answer my question very cynical :(

    1. kan.. it is just sad. i can't even play swathes in there. all i can depend is reviews from the bloggers. nok godeh2 dlm store tu mmg xla...

  6. LOL si Wiida and Sabby memang kaki shopping! You pun Sab! Ingat x kita kat beauty expo tu. Nampak aje barang2 pastu memikat hati I sampai wallet I kecewa haha xDD Tapi best shopping with the gurls <3 <3 <3

    1. er.. er... (cover face with a magazine) . haha! you are one of a best person to go shopping too! hehe

  7. My very 1st time I beli foundation,compact powder,eyebrow pensil and sharpener..its cost me rm400++.. dkt sunway pyramid.. so far i puas hati dgn service dkt sne..

    1. i should try and shop in sunway! hehe thanks for the recommendation!

  8. Hey Sab! Love your haul, cant wait to see what other colours you're gonna get soon! :)

    And I agree with the MAC cold shoulder service. Sometimes I got mood to buy something, but because of their rubbish service, malas wanna buy. Which is why I haven't reviewed my MAC products ever because I'll end up ranting about their customer service.

    As if they own the shop. and half the time, the products they're wearing on their face is from the MAC testers anyway. Bajet nak mampos. Ohh geramnya. hahaha....

    1. i know right.. hahha! its so sad that our shopping experience there just hold us back to rave about the good products. XD

  9. LOL..totally agreed with ur last paragraph...I thought i'm the only one have 'that' awkward experienced...^_^ kalau semua mangsa2 ni pergi sana semula, buat mcm kedai sendiri baru tahu~~..the customer's power...hahaha (gelak jahat)..

    1. Kumpul ramai2 serang 1 kedai.. kelam kabut nanti.. hehehehe

  10. To be honest, I think MAC is over hyped but I still subconsciously reach out for my MAC eyeshadows cause I love it :3 and I know what you mean about the SA's!! I get that all the time since I'm so shy and they act really bitchy... Sadly my only good shopping experiences so far at MAC were served by male and gay looking SA :T haha

    1. yep true about that, it is raved because most MUA use this brand and rave about how expensive it it. And most people who dont really wear makeup will buy this brand. And it has become like a "trend" of showing of "oh i got a Mac". there is where the SA feels like they are a million dollar person who work on such a raved brand.

      thats why, i prefer male and gay SA.. :P

  11. selalu sgt dgr cerita pasal SA MAC ni... saya cuma pernah pergi MAC kat KLCC dgn Sogo je.. yg best SA kat KLCC tu jelah.. friendly, tak bias pun... tak tahu dia ada lagi ke tak sbb dah lama tak pergi sana...

  12. I have problems with cold shoulder SA hahahaha. And also vulture SA. Sengal nak swatch -_- orang nak beli mesti la nak test kan D: kang impulse buying not like they are gonna help hahahahah

    1. thats y.. and they hard sell so much. i wanna play some swatches first and hate the fact they giving this peer pressure when I wanna choose what shade I want resulting in choosing the wrong shade because I wanna get out from the store asap. haha

  13. Hahahaha. them annoying feelsss XD kena muka tebal tebal setebal nya kalau masuk. hehe.

    1. kan.. xpun bawak kawan masuk and bebual je berdua.. haha

  14. Lyza tak suka pergi MAC OU...tak friendly langsung and pandang sebelah mata je, walaupun pergi time lunch hour sambil pakai tag opis pn dia buat tak tau je sebab pakai biasa2 je....

    baik MAC kat Midvalley, layan jee...

  15. haha...okay, every time i pegi any of MAC boutique, I nak bagitau diorang "eh btw, did you know ada online discussion pasal attitude MAC SAs to see which outlet yang paling sengal and outlet mane yang paling cool. go lah check it out!" oh, nama SAs pun ada mention dalam tu (sedikit menipu sunat disitu) haha...

    1. hahaha saja kan.. xtau la kalau dieorg heran ke x... kalau nama keluar, haih siap la... ahahaha!

  16. Hi, I nak tanya, outlet m.a.c. mana yg ada make up artist ek

    1. hi, rasanya semua mmg provide makeup artist. xsure and xpasti.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I'm planning to buy something from MAC (my first time though), and since reading your review about the suxx customer services, somehow urge my excitement to go there (setia city branch) even more. I understand that look given by SA, yang lebih sudu dari kuah. My opinion, beat the annoyance feeling towards them, and make them really work for you. Ask them to swatch the product these and that on you, and always don't forget that they being paid off to serve us, the customers. Do I care if you (SA)thinks I can't afford buying your stuff?. Seronok tau kenakan syok sendiri SA ni. baahahaha.

    1. i would loveee to do that but you know the uncomfortable feeling. it sucks and sometimes kalau tak kuat iman leh rasa cm nak gaduh.. haha omg brutal nya! would do that in the future! hehe

  18. Hai lovelies...u can make a complaint direct to mac usa website...just click customer service and then click contact us fill up the form there and load your complaint dont forget the name of the store and the SA name as well...please do yaa...

    1. i can't reacall the SA name. Will do if I remember :)

  19. Salam dearie.. My first MAC purchase was Woodwinked eye shadow, influenced by AllThatGlittes21 on YouTube. Hehe.. I bought it at the Midvalley MAC store.

    I know what you mean by the SA attitudes at luxury brand makeup store/counters. A Bobbi Brown SA was so rude to my elder sister without me knowing and when she told me about that incident, I never stepped into THAT Bobbi Brown store again.

    1. yep, why kan. its like a strategy to malas kerja. hahaha ok jk...

  20. I just comeback from mac store and bought my first eyeshafows from mac and the palette too! Dlu rase tak worth je kalau nk beli eyeshadow sampai rm50 per color.but im wrong.totally love it! I bought naked lunch,brule,brun and wedge.this gonna be my everyday palette :)
    I totally agree with you dear about the Malaysian luxury brands SA.Kalau you tak pikul beg chanel ke, Dior ke, nak tanak je layan.mcm kiter ni takde duit or duit kiter tak laku.I dont mean to look down on people, but come on, diorg tu pun kerja saje kat situ,bukan owned the shop pun.i always use this sentence after "cold shoulder service" experiences.haha...

    1. I loveeee Naked Lunch! It is one of the best everyday go to eyeshadow for me.

      I know right. :( It seems like everyone experience this. So to my side, i do research first on what I am going to buy. Go to mac stores, pick up what I want and balik. I just cant stand the stares of the SA.

  21. Hey i bought a product at one of their retail store. Do you think they'll accept exchanges cuz the mac guy did not matched me correctly. I wanna exchange to a lighter shade
