Tag Thursday | Only One


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡. happy Thursday! Now we are close to the weekends. Here is another tag just for fun! There is 15 questions and it consist of things you have to choose, ONLY ONE! How to choose? Some brands/store/things you would love to only want to have and its completes you. Haha. I know its hard, I find it hard too. Hihi. I thought this might be a fun one, and maybe we can know each other better! This is just a fun tag, don't take it seriously, I have lots of favorites too but sometime you just have to choose one! If you have done this, leave your link in the comment below, I would love to read!

1. If I can only have ONE shopping mall to only go, what would it be?
This is hard. Because there is some shopping mall that I love, but don't have one shop I like and vise versa to the others but I think that, The Gardens Mid Valley, they have everything I love under one roof + quite easy parking!

2. If I can only have ONE restaurant to only eat, what would it be?
Seoul Garden! haha Grill and Spicy food, what can I ask more.

3. If I can only have ONE handbag brand/store to only have, what would it be?
Hmm.. Charle's & Keith is good enough for me!

4. If I can only have ONE shoe brand/store to only have, what would it be?
OMG, Absolutely ALDO! I wish I own all the shoes in there!

5. If I can only have ONE clothing brand/store to only have, what would it be?
This is hard but I think, a tailor who can make all my dresses and jubah!

6. If I can only have ONE accessories brand/store to only have, what would it be?
I love Lovisa!

7. If I can only have ONE watch brand/store, what would it be?
Juicy Couture watches please!

8. If I can only have ONE makeup brand/store, what would it be?
Huwaaaa the hardest one. Cheat! I would love to have Sephora then! hehe

9. If I can only have ONE lingerie brand/store, what would it be?
I love La Senza lingerie design!

10. If I can only have ONE dessert/snack store, what would it be?
Fruit Stall! I love fruits!

11. If I can only have ONE tv show/channel to watch, what would it be?
Cartoon Network, no kidding.

12. If I can only have ONE music/singer/band to listen to, what would it be?
Hm... er... who leh? Probably James Morrison!

13. If I can only have ONE breakfast menu to eat, what would it be?
Milo Cereal with cold cold cold full cream milk! Yums!~

14. If I can only have ONE grocery store, what would it be?
Haha, cold storage although I don't go there often but I would love to only shop there for snaaacks!

15. If I can only have ONE drink to drink, what would it be?
Juice Boost drinks!

I am tagging everyone who loves to eat! LOL!
Do leave in the comment below when you have done it! I would love to read!


  1. me too! i love to read your blog :) a lot of cute stuff here n there :) never failed to impressed me.

    xoxo, www.pwettypearl.com

  2. this is interesting! kita dah buat jugak, menyahut seruan Sab ^_^


  3. Sab, saya join! Hehe...


  4. Thanks sbb tag!


  5. Sab, kita punya pun dah siap..

    1. Sab, nanti next Thursday, kalau x busy buat lah lagi tag ni..serius seronok kot jawab soalan ni..

    2. sure in sya Allah, sab try usahakan ntuk buat selalu. hehe...

  6. seronok sarah baca sab. hehehe

  7. done mine ♡


  8. interesting!!! can i do it? <3 ur blog!

  9. Hi Sabrina. I did the tag and I had so much fun. Hehe.. http://phyrobert.blogspot.com/2014/03/tag-only-one.html

  10. Hi sis Sabrina ! I did the tag :3! http://kinikunormal.blogspot.com/2014/03/monday-tag.html Always loving ur blog ! :DDDDD

  11. hai there !

