Tag Thursday | Get to know me


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡.  Wazaaapp. Itsss Thursday! I can see you guys really enjoy the last Tag thursday and I thought I made another one this week! Some of the question are same because this one I got from Tumblr. So I also got a request from Khalida to do more of these. So here you go! Yes, I am tagging everyone who read this!

1.What is your nickname?
Famalies call me Ina. Friends call me Sab. Others call me Sabrina.

2. What was your favorite subject in school?
Art of course! I get excited when the day of my art classs comes. Paling semangat la dalam kelas tu. Hahaha. depends on who teach. haha.

3. What’s your favorite drink?
I love juices! Especially the sours ones. Pineapple juice, orange juice, cranberry juice. Yums! Also white coffee!

4. Favorite song at the moment?
Ain't it fun! Paramore hoy hoy!

5. What would you name your children?
I admit that I am kinda very excited to be a mom one day. I always want a chilred of my own. I have been wanting this name for my daughter since high school. It is Kyra. Can't decide what is the second name for the front or after the name Kyra. We will see. ^_^ I just love the name so much!

6. Do you participate in any sports?
Yeap! I am a sport person back in the old days. I always participate in sports days and all that stuff. I participate in the 4x400, and sprinting. Alsoooo. If you wanna know I am a cheerleader back in my high school days and represent my school in the national twice but I might say my team is still amateur since we don't have a proper coaching like the other schools. But it was fun indeed and one of the best memories I ever had!

7. Favorite Book?
I love to read horror book stories and my favorite author since I was a kid is R.L. Stine.

8. Favorite Colour?
It depends. I love many type of colors depends on what is the item. I might say I love black and white, obviously pink and pastel combination!

9. Favorite Animal?
Again, I can't really choose. I love many kinds of animals! Anything fat, poofy, fluffy, small. I love! But since I got a cat, I would say I love cats!

10. Favorite perfume? 
Currently haven't find one yet!

11. Favorite holiday?
Never been to a holiday that much. I might say all of my past holiday are my favorite!

12. Have you graduated High School?
Yes I have

13. Have you been out of the Country?
The only country I have been is Singapore. In sya Allah in the future I would like to go to more countries!

14. Do you speak any other Languages?
I only speak Bahasa and English. I wish I can speak other language! But I just don't the effort to learn. haha!

15. Do you have any siblings?
Yes, I am the oldest sistaa and I have a younf brotha!

16. What’s your favorite store?
Weh, what kind of question is this? I have lots of favorite store but ok sort it out. As to favorite I think the kind of store I get excited to see and will walk in to satisfy my self are art store and makeup stores. Even I am broke, I will just walk in, play some swatches or just touching everything that I really want in the art store or makeup store and when I am satisfied, I will go out again. And repeat it again when I go out.

17. Favorite Restaurant?
Seeeouulll Garden! and anything that haves spicy food, and grilled stuff!

18. Did you like school?
Yeay, I like it. ^_^

19. Favorite YouTubers?
I have a lot of YouTube favoite but if you wanna see my list of international Youtubers, go to this post! (link)

20. Favorite Movie?
Pursuit of Happiness, Up (Disney Pixar), Hachiko, Hot Chick, White Chick, Jumanji, mostly from my childhood days!

21. Favorite Tv show?
Adventure of Fin & Jake, How I meet your mother, Family Guy, Cake Boss, That so Raven, iCarly, Cupcake wars, and many more! Mostly, anything that invole laughing and cooking.

22. Pc or Mac?
I never had Mac but I really want to. Both has their advantages. Hehe

23. What phone do you have?
Right now I am using iPhone 5.

24. How tall are you?
159cm! miahaha.

Do leave a comment below as usual if you done this tag too!
All are welcome!


  1. Laju jer I buat. Hahahaha. Please do more~ :D


    1. Haha! in sya Allah will do more. ^_^ reading it noww!

  2. and num 16~ hihihi. almost the same :p

  3. yeayyy dah join! :D


  4. nak join gak lah. lama tak buat gini! ahahahah

  5. Sab, I'm done!


  6. Nah! dah join dgn bahagianya!

    Sabrina Tajudin influenced me to do this, hahaha! Read and know more about me :


  7. Nak join juga. :D


  8. salam sab. tiba2 mya rs nak join! hehe

