Lime Crime Velvetines | Red Velvet


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡. Now to the second review! Now I am going to review the Velvetine Lip Stain in Red Velvet. If you have been in the YouTube world you might know this brand because at lot of good raves about their products. I am attracted by how cute their packaging it as well as facinated on the color of lipstick they offered. I wanted to try them but I just don't have the effort to ordered it since its a international brand that may cost my shipping higher than what I wanna but. But do not fear my people! Now you can order it easily from PinkPoutSG! Weee!

Now can we talk about the packaging pretty please? Look at that rose printed design on that sweet metallic red box. I am sooo gonna keep the box! For what reason? I don't know. This lip stain packed inside this cute box with its description. The lip stain has a packaging just like the ordinary lip gloss bottle. The body of this lip stain are made from matte glass. Pretty classy. Did you notice the rose print and the unicorn print on the wand? Super cute right. Now I in love!

Now lets talk about the product it self. I still remember when a lot of these bloggers were raving about this, I was skeptical as I thought, naahh this gonna be just like any other lip glosses. Man I was wrong. As I open this lip stain, a sweet vanilla cupcake scent lingers on my nose. This lip gloss definitely has a scent to it. It is pretty sweet, and make me wanna take a sip on it. Cray cray me. This is called lip stain, I might say this is a lip stain + lip gloss + lip stick - lip pigment. If you are looking for a good red matte lipsttick and willing splurge? I really recommend this. Ok now, why? This is seriously THE BEST red matte lipstick I ever tried. On first application I cant stop staring it on my mirror. It super pigmented, super hydrating and last so long! If you notice it gives my lip a 3D effect although its matte. Most matte lipstick I tried gives a nice color but its kinda flat. Thats why you need a lip gloss on the top. But with this red baby, you don't need anything. Only that I recommend using a lip balm before application. It glides so nicely on your lip and just suttle into your lip nicely. It does not bleed, does not crease and just stays there like a good girl! The best part of it is that I can barely feel like I am not wearing a lipstick. I can't believe this but I really want to collect the other colors. This does leave your lip stained even after removing it. This last for hours and after a few sips of drinks and meal, a re application is needed. I wish they came out with a more nude colors and it will be perfect!

Look at me enjoying my mak kiah kenduri kahwin red lip. On first application it will be a bit wet, after a few seconds, its turns to be a nice matte finishing. Rock this lip color with a winged cat eye look, and it is so classy!

Name : Lime Crime Velvetines in Red Velvet (available in 6 shades)
Price : RM70+ (30SGD)
Where To Buy :
Made in : Los Angeles
Net Weight : 2.6ml
Ingredient Highlights : Vegan/Cruelty free. Free from animal derivatives
**Disclaimer - This product(s) were send to me for product review purposes.

** PLEASE READ! I don't sell this lip product. I only REVIEW it. Don;t email me asking to buy it. I got this lip product from below stated link. I'm sorry as the shop has close down. Please seacrh for other seller, we have this thing call GOOGLE. You can also find this at eBay that provide international shipping or any Spre Seller in Malaysia.

To purchase/order go to

** Use code  <SUGAR2014> (valid until 4th April) via email with your Sugarpill eyeshadow purchase with your Order Number and your paypal charge of (S$3) will be waived/deducted.

**Free Registered mail for all purchases above S$80. :)

Have you find your true red matte lipstick?


  1. *die* cantiknya!!! that red is my favourite shade ^_^

    1. then this one is a true red matte lip product! wanna get it? hehe

  2. Did you get the pink velvet one? It's so nice! Thanks for sharing! p/s: your lips look great! why so plump oneeee?! :x


    1. i would love too! and the suede berry. thank you dear! <3 ya.. i know kan. my lip is usually flat, when i wore this, it gives me this 3d effect!

  3. omg sab! i memang teringin nak beli but like u said, shipping je will cost me more than the product itself. geget jari je lah. thx for the info will make order now! :D

    Happy me :)

    1. kan kan! So go get from PinkPoutsg. They are base in Singapore. so cheaper the shipping price.

  4. Lovely red shade~ Aww <3 U such a bad blogger~ U make me wanna buy so badly~

  5. Velvetineeeeeee. Its in my wishlistttt. Hahaha. Gigi pun nampak lebih putih okay hahahahah XD

    1. yep btul2! gigi sab xla putih sgt, lipstick ni buat nmpak cerah sikit. hehe

  6. OMG!! U got this!! I saw so many international beauty bloggers raving about it and same like you, I didn't bother to order previously cz am afraid about the shipping fees... ><

    1. me too! but now u can order from Pinkpout, its a singapore base shop. much more cheaper and free shipping on order 80sgd above! <3

  7. Mungilnya bibir! :D cantik gilee

  8. im a lip's obsession! hmm.. nak order.. yg i tgok kat instashop cost rm90. i xpndai if nak order if not a local shop. susah la nak deal

    1. really? then this is a must have! hehe, owh its ok. this is kinda like a webstore. so mmg secure shopping, insya Allah ok!

  9. OMG , i've been dying to get my hand on these !

  10. This looks so amazing! I've always wanted to try Lime Crime lip products but the shipping is so exp T_T The red velvet looks beautiful on you <3

    1. now u can order through Pinkpout that is based in singapore. probably the shipping is cheaper! ^_^

  11. OMG so pigmented! It looks so good on you! <3 Why the price....huhu....

    1. but i think the best dupe for this is the humble NYX Monte Carlo or Amsterdam.

  12. btw, can I use the code just for Velvetines or do I have to order sugarpill eyeshadow too in order to get the deduction?

    1. you need to purchase a sugarpill shadow for the code to be applicable. ^_^

  13. this is super cheap! most malaysian seller sell it at myr90++. but sadly, I don't know how to make payment to other country/currency. macam mana? =( u buat payment thru ape ye?

    1. pay it with paypal. register an account with paypal. use your debit card that has visa/master logo in it. most debit card can be use. add your debit card in your paypal account. then start make ur payment using paypal. paypal will do the calculation on the latest currency. it will also show how much u pay in malaysia ringgit. for example you going to buy something from singapore. the lastest currency is 2.4. so the product is 10SGD, paypal will deduct your debit card that is link to your saving account around RM24+service. approx a total of RM25-27. This is just an example. but just wanna give u the picture. :)

  14. really help womens n girls who out there which crazy about make up..thumbs up dear..

    1. dear...i have been looking this product n i have click the web u have share...but cannot open...u have any idea dear????

    2. i think they already close their shop :(

  15. Dear Sabrina, how do I purchase these products? Thank you

    1. You should be able to purchase it through the online shop above but I understand that they already close their shop. :( But you can pre order from local seller such as :

  16. wow, beautiful!

    i just bought this product also because of their beautiful color but have not used it yet, i dont dare to use it casually cause of their shocking color hahahahaha

    this review really make me want to wear it soon! kkkk ~~~ thank you ^^

    are you using lip liner or not when apply that product?

    1. i dare you to wear it and you will never regret it! hehe it is really bright, cant deny on that but you will be amaze by how smooth, pigmented and beautiful it looks. make sure to wear a light makeup on the eye. and this will be a go to glam look for you.

      the pigmentation is sharp enough but i do recommend you to wear a lip liner first. sometime if you talk, and chew stuff, it will smudge a bit. a lip liner will help keep it inside if you know what i mean. :D

  17. Hi Sabrina. The shipping really took that long. I am so worried because I have bought a palette from lime crime but still not received yet. This is the fourth week. Now I I feel so regret buying from the official website caused they don't allow tracking after go outside the us border :(
