Dove School Of Skindulgence

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As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡. Hello! Happy Sunday! Last few days I have attend a Dove School of skindulgence event that was held at The Apartment, The Curve.  ABut 50 butterflies including me joining the event to lauch their Skindulgence campaign! Let me tell you what's going on during the vent before I am going to tell you about... *cough* *cough* Kra... bi, Thai.. land *cough*.

As I was there, The Apartment restaurant really looks like a home. Dove separates 3 section of activities during the event. There is a "bathroom", "kitchen" and "garden"/ All three section consist of an "activity" that we got to do today. I got in Group C which is the garden section, Stay Active! There is also Group A and Group B. I did not get the chance to take what I do because my activity is stretching! After I have finish done my activity I go kepo to the other group activity. Hehe. Group B get the chance to see how different milk and Dove Shower cream really makes their skin moisturize. 

Then I go kepo at Group A, which I think the best activity ever! Cooking! They get the chance to prepare two hearty meal with simple ingredients and techniques. There is a chef assisting them during this activity.

Here's Mira and Innanie! They are having fun cooking there! They looks delicious girls!

Along with that do check out Dove® Body Wash with NutriumMoisture™ that promise to give you that ultimate pampering shower time! Dove have made a survey that a total of 55% of women claimed that they have between 1-2 hours of "me time" in a day. So Dove want women to pledge and make a chance to love themself more, eat right and stay active daily. 

So the purpose of this event is to spread the awareness and campaign to help us all to be more healthy, happy and active! Dove also lauch their campaign as a fun activity to all who want to win them self a 3N2D to Krabi, Thailand! Wuhoo! Because did you find yourself been too busy with works and stuff and forget about yourself in person. You don't eat right, your not staying active and just not having that me time right? So come joing the fun in joing the pledge for 21 days for all this 3 pillars. Let me show how!

1. Log on to your Facebook and go to
and of course! Like Dove Malaysia FB Page!

2. Register yourself for the pledge campaign and sync your Instagram account with the apps.
3. Then, starting from the date that you choose, you can already start posting!

Then you can grab a chance to win a 3D2N stay at Krabi, Thailand for a pampering session! Aaaa! I WANT!

Still not getthing the picture? Ok, its simple! Let me show you. So during 21 days, each day post something related to EAT RIGHT, STAY ACTIVE, and LOVE YOURSELF!
[ 3 TOPICS x 7 pictures = 21 pictures (21 days, 1 picture/day) ]

got it? So each topics, you can post a minimum of 1 picture each day related to the topic in your Instagram. Your picture will be posted in their Facebook page for your pledge page! Come, I give you an example!

Post a picture of your hearty meal! Maybe you can post about your breakfast, drinks lots of water, fruits that you eat, veggies, your healthy dinner meal and more! Show that you have treat yourself with a healthy meal that promise to keep your body healthy and away from junk food that can is a big NO NO! Remember, you are what you eat! So why not, from this pledge campaign, give yourself only healthy meal and maybe you can also share some healthy recipes from your kitchen!

DON'T FORGET TO HASHTAG FOR EAT RIGHT :  #stayactive  #skindulgence

Get fit everyone! This topic, you can post about how you stay active. Show off how you rock your body! Post a picture about your fun activity that keeps you active. Cycling, running, yoga, doing squads, and many more! This will also reminds about your pledge to make sure that you stay active. Let's break some sweats!

DON'T FORGET TO HASHTAG FOR STAY ACTIVE :  #stayactive  #skindulgence

The me time! Love yourself, by give some pampering for your self. Give yourself a self reward. After a long hectic day helping people around, now its time for your me time. Give yourself a pedi medi, mask, spa, and of course the simplest one. Some skindulgence pampering bath for your! Post how you give yourself a me time and pampering session reminding yourself that you need to give some love also to your body. I;m staring my week with this topic!

DON'T FORGET TO HASHTAG FOR LOVE YOURSELF:  #betterthanmilk  #skindulgence

I already start mine, come follow my journey in my Instagram (link if you want! hehe.

More info go to :


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