Skincare & Diet Tips with SK-II


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone .  How you guys doing? How's February so far? Good? Of course! Today I am going to continue my Part 4 of my SK-II journey. Today I will cover on how I use this Pitera Essence set as well some tips and trick on how to take care of what you eat. We must take care of our health inside out right? Yeap. Even tho you would invest in a 1000 ringgit product but you don't take care of what you consume, there is might be a problem, unless you are born with such a good skin. Well, most of us does not have that, including me. So let's start with my skincare routine shall we!

I am going to show you a weekend routine. I don't use a mask everyday, so this step is done once a week. So this weekend, I am using the SK-II Facial Treatment Mask. This mask is made out of 100% cotton mask that drenches the skin with pitera’s fusion of vitamin, amino acids, minerals, and organic acids, while working to revitalize, comfort, and provide intense hydration. It claims to immediately replenish dehydrated skin, leaving it refreshed and cool. The sheet mask is pretty thick and it feels relaxing using it. It does not leave a "burning" sensation when wearing it, but it leaves a cooling sensation throughout the 15 minutes. I like it!

I usually love to wear a mask after my cleanser routine. So I am wearing the SK-II Facial Treatment Essence this time for that extra boost of radiantskin! As usual, tear off the package, take off the mask and put it on my face! It fits perfectly on my face and does not drip. Which is pretty good and free from any watery mess. Gently massage the sheet mask on your face for a more fitted application. Make sure it covers the entire face okay!

After 15 minutes, take off the mask. My experience using this mask is that it is very cooling! I love the feeling of this sheet mask. I just gently massage what’s leftover on the face to let it absorb. I don't rinse my face after that, I will just continue to my Step 4, which is toner! I am using the SK-II Facial Treatment Clear Lotion. It’s very watery and light. So I just use this to wipe my face, get it ready to the next step. Swiping it in outwards motion and just blend together to what's left from the previous Mask. 

Steps 5 and 6 shows how I apply the toner. Starting from the forehead, wiping it upwards and then to the other areas of my face swiping it outwards. I continue doing this until I feel clean and ready for the next treatment.

The best part! The SK-II Facial Treatment Essence part! This Essence acts just like a toner, but you can apply it with your hand like a moisturizer. Me? I just like using it with cotton pads. As usual, put some on the cotton pad. I am using 2 cotton pads here. I soak it up a little bit because I have extra steps with this miracle water.

Just like a tone, swiping it outwards from the fore head and to the other parts of the face. Don't swipe it to fast and to hard, Just gently move it along your face slowly and let it gets to your skin better!

Last step! This can also use under the eye area! So just using the cotton pads I am using just now, fold it to half size and now I am "soaking" it under my eye! I call this a mini mask treatment for my eyes. It does make my eye area feel brighter and more energized! Now I'm done! Sometimes I use my favorite moisturizer too. But by just doing this routine, I am quite happy with the result and it’s a simple fast routine for a busy bee like me! Now, I am going to give some tips and tricks for your healthy and glowing skin from within! That is what to consume! Let see below!

Water, water, water. Nothing beats this magical drink from mother earth! Why water? Just like taking a bath! What if you don't take a bath? EUW! You will be smelly and dirty right? So same goes to your body, if you don't drink, all the "dirt" inside your body isn’t flushed out. So water basically helps to cleanse your body from all the toxins inside your body. Here are some tips! Always bring a water bottle with you! Have a cute water tumbler to keep you motivated to drink up or infuse it with lemon or other fruits for that extra benefit, boost and taste!

Eat good food! Who says you need to starve on a diet? No such thing! A diet means controlling the portion of what you are eating and the choices you make. Eat less oily food and reduce sodium. Eat less fried food, eat less fatty foods. Eat less fast food; eat less junk food especially instant noodles! It contains lots of sodium that can cause pimples! NOOO! Try to switch from fried food to boiled food. Pick healthy ingredients such as tomatoes and broccoli because these food helps to make your skin, oh so pretty! ;)
I love this part! Why? I love veggies and fruits! I always use this option when I am craving for sweet stuff! Freeze them inside the fridge before eating up! Yummy! Did you know, the brighter the fruits and veggies, the more goodness they have? Eat lots of berries such as blueberries, raspberries and strawberries because these have been scientifically proven to have the most antioxidants. Antioxidants help your skin look more radiant! Who said yummy food does not make your skin nicer right? As well as veggies, eat lots of them! If you don't like it, try making it into some nice recipes, try, mixing it with other stuff you like! So I think that's all! Hope I help out for some ideas and inspiration in this post! See you in my next post! <3

For more information on SK-II, visit:
Check out the SK-II Pitera Essence and sign up for the SK-II newsletter here.

Do you practice a disciplined skincare routine as well as watch your diet?


  1. definitely loving this post! your skin looks so pretty Sab, i'm jealous! thank you for the eat healthy tips ^_^

  2. i love veggies too. even the taste is bitter

  3. Ada perubahan la! Semakin glowing dan cantik!

    Air + lemon memang sedap tapi lemon di sini jarang ada. Huhu. Sekarang saya amalkan salad sayuran dengan thousand island mayo, sedap! Hehe. :D

    1. eemmm sedap! suka gak salad and dressing tu semua. :)

  4. This is a great post, I really want to get my hands on SK-II products, I have heard they are literally life-changing for your skin!

    Laila from Townhouse Palette (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥

    1. Thank you so much Laila! <3 Hope you will get on your hand on these soon!

  5. Hye, saya suka baca blog awak, baru2 ni saya baru blog harap awk boleh singgah dan follow blog saya. :)

  6. Hey, Sabrina! Wow! You're getting prettier!! Okay, now I want some of SK-II!!!
