Special Gift from MIVVA


As-salamu alaykum and hello everyone ♡. My first day of 2014 have been kicked with a full good of goodies! If you have been following me in Twitter you have seen my mention of how excited I am to receive 2 huge boxes right in the morning of the first day in 2014. One of the huge box is this pink box that is bigger than a magazine! I just can't stop hugging it. It is a box send by MIVVA for us bloggers. Aw.. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it! I just love nice package stuff! I love opening presents, wink wink! Love love everything inside it and wanna know what I got? 

So what does this box contains?

1. Kao LIESE Bubble Hair Dye in Milk Tea Brown
I have once tried this hair color product and it is absolutley amazing. It was back 2 years ago when I want to try and color my hair. It amazingly made my hair softer and the color is super nice. This stuff is amazing, yeay I got another one! *wink* *wink*

2. Biore Makeup Remover Wipes *New Packaging
I love this stuff! Only that is a lil high maintenance for this wipes but they are absolutely amazing. I really love this wipes and I even got the first edition packaging and a countless re purchase on it. I am happy to got this one after I saw Xiaxue video on the one she got prank about this wipes. Super hilarious. I am looking forward to try this all new and improve wipes and will review it soon!

3. Biore Mild Cleansing Liquid
THANK YOU! I have been wanting this for like the longest time but when i wanna buy it I put it back. i don't know why. Im afraid the oil cleanser wont suits me and ait will be a waste. Yes, now I got to try this and yeaaay! I will review it soon.

4. Kao LIESE Smooth Hair Cocktail
I also have tried this before when I used to be free hair and this is also an amazing product. It makes my hair feel smooth and "wangiiii" (smells good) haha.

From time to time i will review some of the items individually! Stay tune! Toodles!

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Did you subscribe to the MIVVA beauty box? What do you think about it?


  1. I received it too!! Super duper happy! ^^

  2. The contents are awesome! I wonder if this is the January's Box.

    1. im not sure if this is the jan box... it does not describe anything, like the card they use to have

  3. Hey babe! Gotta say you're so lucky to receive that box of goodies. Will wait to see your product reviews :) Esp the smooth hair cocktail! Hehe. I've followed your blog too. Mind following my blog as well? ;) www.yandrasap.blogspot.com

  4. love it..seronoknya kalau dpt juga..he3..

  5. wah~ me too be wanting to try the Biore Mild Cleansing products! Will definitely be waiting for the review! :D
    xx, Mira

  6. Bestnyeee....love the vids!! very funny..hihi...nnti do post your verdict on it tau....curious to know...


  7. awwh!! the box is so big lo! i like all the item inside especially the biore wipes ( :

  8. The Biore Mild Cleansing is a water based. I haven't try it yet coz afraid that it work less than the Biore oil cleanser..

    1. i bet you wanna try for it after i review it! hehe...

  9. got it too. i love the biore makeup remover wipes. i use it when i travel

  10. Bestnya! Nanti review Biore Mild Cleansing Liquid tau... :)
